General Discussion

General DiscussionTop 10 best pushers?

Top 10 best pushers? in General Discussion

    Title says it all. My vote is Death Prophet.

    i left her

      Furion or tinker .-. if you mean towers then its Shaman, Dp, Warlock, Enigma is meh with his minions


        Tiny with aghs can melt towers


          Tinker is more of a counterpusher.


            Death Prophet,Nature Prophet,Pugna,Rhasta. Also with some items really good pushers can be Anti mage,Drow Ranger,Sf.. etc.


              Agreed because March of The Machines cant do damage to towers so he only speeds up the creep wave/pushes creep wave


                They need to make a guy named Pusher Prohpet


                  Don't forget Veno.


                    Tiny is definelty the best pusher of them all. He 5shots t3 towers, and 4 shots melee baracks with aghs, which is unmatchable by any other hero.
                    Pugna is good too but, not close at all.
                    Stacked druid too.

                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                      #1 NP
                      #2 Lycan
                      #3 Brood

                      then tier-2
                      kotl veno ss dp pl pugna tinker or anyone with decent spamable AOE.

                      Q: why they tier-1
                      A: The art of pushing, stealth and unexpectedness. when 9 heroes team fight happen, lets steal some tower and rax.

                      i put troll in tier-1.5. we need u in teamfight

                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                        jugg can be a great pusher too

                        once saw a pro match 2 years ago. whole team pushers.
                        jugg and chen and some random heroes.
                        the core of their strategy is jugg max his 2nd skill first . healing ward.

                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                          Why the fuck no one mentions luna?

                          SMELLY APE

                            Invoker Forge Spirits, maxed out Quas outranges towers.

                            If you are talking about fastest pusher then it will Lone Druid Bear with AC/Deso or Tiny with Agh AC/Deso, not sure which one is faster

                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                              my bet on fastest pusher. troll.
                              should be faster than tiny. given the same amount of gold for items.

                              suppose a tiny with scept+ac+deso take down a melee rax with 5 attacks in 5 sec.
                              then a trol with only 1 divine rapier take down melee rax (with many attacks) in 3-4 sec.

                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                Tony with aghs
                                Luna the base destroyer
                                Nature's prophet
                                Bone Clinkz
                                Lone Druid
                                Phantom Lancer
                                Carry Naga Siren

                                Luna is the best for early game pushes, LD/Tony melt towers later, NP/Clinkz/Lycan/PL/Naga are great splitpushers


                                  Shoutout to lesh + a wave clearer


                                    troll hands down


                                      Luna is probably my favourite hero, and she is great when she can glaive the entire base + Manta in about 5 seconds, but she's slow at pushing early game IMO, and has been made worse since 6.79. She is great for hurting the enemy and pushing your wave don't get me wrong, but once she is there it takes her so long to damage that tower.

                                      Tranquils used to be a great buy for Luna and opened a lot more possibilities early game and as did extra gold/xp for jungle creep. If the lane was getting unsafe for squishy Luna you could jungle and tranqs between camps to get that bit of gold for morbid mask and then continue doing so to get Yasha. Tranquils also gave Luna everything she needed for so little, (armor / regen). You could just stand in XP range and regen and that was fine, because you are a nuker early game anyway.

                                      DP on the other hand takes out a tower with ease, rarely having to take much damage herself, and usually taking out anything around it too.

                                      Late game, any hard carry with BF can push almost as good as Luna on creep waves...but once that enemy T3 is gone there is no one who can even come near to the Luna base destruction!


                                        you are wierd. did anybody ask for a guide on how to play luna?


                                          Darkness couldn't believe no one had mentioned luna as a pusher and I am explaining Luna's weaknesses as a pusher with rationale. What was so weird about that? Ok I went a bit deep on detail, but you have to around here because someone is always waiting to pick holes in any generalisation around here!

                                          I can express my opinion in a more traditional dotabuff approach if you like, maybe you'll understand where I am coming from better then. I think it goes something like this...

                                          omg darkness u normal bracket piece of trash. You're such a noob, Luna is the worst pusher. <insert trash talk about win rate here>


                                            i vote for weaver

                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                              Leshrac and Chen combo! Take towers really really early; if you're just going for towers, you don't even have to micro that much :D



                                                d -

                                                  Shadow Fiend. Clearing creep waves in seconds and with Manta towers will melt fast


                                                    Lycan with necro 3 and vlads and deso can backdoor any tower within 10 seconds.
                                                    as well as meepo with aghanim's, ethereal and treads.


                                                      Tiny with Aghs, Cuirass, Manta clears rax in 4 hits.


                                                        Im going to mention Tinker he isnt thr best but he is a good pusher. God I love Tinker. He is my best hero

                                                        Fake Heat

                                                          1. Morphling
                                                          2. Morphling
                                                          3. Morphling
                                                          4. Morphling
                                                          5. Morphling
                                                          6. Morphling
                                                          7. Morphling
                                                          8. Morphling
                                                          9. Morphling
                                                          10. Morphling


                                                            Phantom Lancer: Cute thread.

                                                            Double Agent

                                                              i find it very funny that almost no one mentioned phantom lancer

                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                lesh can clear a wave in 2 secs and melts tower with edict pretty fast

                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                  In what context? Tons of heroes have great pushing ability with proper items, others have innate pushing abilities. I have a list of a few but I want to highlight Razor since no one mentioned. His ult with aghs can hit buildings and with refresher he can do massive damage to buildings fast. The only thing is it always hits the lowest hp target first so you need to clear out enemy heroes and creeps first. But that's a big reason I love Razor, he can mid carry, he can late carry, he can go tanky build, he can be a pusher. He can fill a lot of roles depending on what your team needs and what items you get.

                                                                  Good pushers regardless of items:
                                                                  Phantom Lancer
                                                                  Death Prophet
                                                                  Nature's Prophet

                                                                  Good pushers with a couple key items:
                                                                  Razor (aghs and refresher means double lightning storm that damages towers)
                                                                  Tiny (aghs)

                                                                  Good pushers when farmed:
                                                                  Luna (highest potential dps in game, can down a tower and rax in seconds)
                                                                  Troll (that ult! lots of dmg)
                                                                  Drow (her ult makes killing towers fast and easy when left alone, she might be one of the best tower killers mid game with just a couple dmg items)

                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                    Leshrac and Prophet are the best pushers imo


                                                                      Andy Murray






                                                                            there are different pushers excel at different stages of game.

                                                                            tiny is late game pusher. troll , lycan , luna are good mid-game tower pusher

                                                                            if you want to take down all six t1 t2 towers within 10 minutes. you need some one like brood ss lesh jugg.


                                                                              @ wasted penguinz
                                                                              no one mentioned him cuz he isn't that good of a pusher like the ones mentinied above. How the hell he matches with a tiny, troll, luna, lycan, ld or some stuff.
                                                                              IF you watched vs Alliance TI3 the baserace, the alch did 7x the damage than the pl did with full stacked illusions on the tower (he had rapier tho).


                                                                                y u no giff kotol credit.
                                                                                kotol BoT best push



                                                                                  Low Expectations

                                                                                    Leshrac and pugna


                                                                                      Retards... pugna is the fastest pusher


                                                                                        ^ can pugna solo take down a tower with back door protection ? not remotely possible

                                                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                                          So leshrac and pugna are attacking a tower. TP, bkb, kill them. Dead pusher.

                                                                                          Best pushers have escape options or are really powerful/hard to kill.


                                                                                            Broodmother's Spiders with Lycan's Howl :D


                                                                                              For a second I thought vandis was back :(


                                                                                                Enigma !


                                                                                                  The following heroes shine at pushing during these phases:

                                                                                                  Early Game:
                                                                                                  Chen, Enigma, Pugna, Rhasta, DP, Leshrac, NP, Brood

                                                                                                  Mid Game:
                                                                                                  Lycan, Invoker, NP, Troll, Luna, LD, Brood, Rhasta

                                                                                                  Late Game:
                                                                                                  TB, Lycan, NP, Tiny, Troll, LD, Rhasta


                                                                                                    6 slotted tiny with alacrity and bloodlust will outpush any combination of heroes


                                                                                                      12 slotted LD, not tiny ;p