General Discussion

General DiscussionFail Hero Thread! With what hero are you basically just bad?

Fail Hero Thread! With what hero are you basically just bad? in General Discussion


    I suck at Kunkka, I tried to copy Attacker's build and I went 1-9 on games this week, not that I think I personally failed really hard but I clearly lacked game impact.

    I'm bad at druid and a lot of supports coz it's just not my game style (although I can play a select few quite well)

    0% WR huskar ftw.


      I'm a terrible Broodmama. Tried to play with Bogi's build - i failed. Tried to play with Arka's build - i failed too :D I just fuckin suck at that hero, no matter what i cant win, even if play descent and i push like few towers and get fair amounts of kills. At some point i stop pushin and start fighting cause my team still dont have enough space somehow and keeps feeding, although oponents gank me all the time :D

      I am also really bad with Shadow Demon (no clue how to ever win with this hero) and Tiny. Also thumbs up for this thread, i like how you can relieve your soul cause of it :)

      Bu yorum düzenlendi
      Dire Wolf

        I'm dog shit with kunkka. Ever ult is a failboat. I never land torrents either.

        Also I have only played pudge once off a random. I will probably never play him again I was so bad.



          I enjoy team fighting too much and leave split pushing/solo farm too often to enter team fights unnecessary.


            tinker i guess i cant seem to stop farming to kill heroes and enemies get 6 sloted cuz of that


              Magnus 0% :D


                Slark (!), tiny (!), enigma.


                  this :smile:

                  the realm's delight

                    any support

                      Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı
                      Mega Killer, Master Baiter

                        morphling is my most played hero with only 45% winrate :(

                        Hafla Enjoyer

                          Alchemist, CM, morph, storm, tiny, lesrac, lion



                            Unreliable stun makes her a very bad support. She also kinda feels like in need for carry-like items and isn't even a good semi-carry herself.