General Discussion

General DiscussionBest spots to ward

Best spots to ward in General Discussion
King of Low Prio

    I like annoying Furion when he is picked in pubs. So which are the best camps to block in the new patch


      just pick BH. ez win sh[a]re exp doto


        and make battlefury on him, ez counter r[a]t doto


          pick a sb and charge at him lol

          King of Low Prio

            sb is such a shit tier hero now

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              BH is the real way to go. That hero entirely counters NP. I feel so bad when someone on the enemy team does that. Or heroes like Storm and Pudge are good against him in the early game when you can just rape his face.


                ^^ even bulldog said it in chat during sheevers stream, that bh is a hard counter to np.

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  He is in MANY MANY ways so if you really hate that hero better start picking BH.


                    The runeward on the hill to the left of the medium camp on the dire side is nice because you can kill him when he jungles that camp if you put it in the correct spot, and still get rune vision. If he's a cliff jungler he's super fucked.
                    Radiant Jungle doesn't have a ward spot that works as well, but there's the Magic Bush which will block some camps for you.


                      With some proper warding Furion can jungle in opponents jungle too! Of course, unless enemies have their own jungler.


                        In the trash tier MMR i am in I just go clock mid and occasionally scout radiant cliff with rockets. Once I hit 6 i just go there and kill him.


                          rly agresive mid or offlane hero qop/pudge/puck/bh/clock/batrider

                          King of Low Prio

                            how did this turn into a hero discussion. I just wanted peoples opinions on ward spots................

                            SMELLY APE

                              BH is the ward


                                can someone post a game with BH counter jungling np. wnat to learn. thx

                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                         not really a good example but is still something.

                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                    Also replays expired ages ago so it doesn't matter anyway.


                                      well. i am referring to the v6.79 BH .

                                      King of Low Prio

                                        the problem with blocking camps and soaking exp in pubs is that you need a team that is rdy to start fighting early or you fall far behind