General Discussion

General DiscussionStop trying to "out logic me" if I hate you for what you've done in t...

Stop trying to "out logic me" if I hate you for what you've done in the game. in General Discussion

    It's all pick. My team picks Sniper, QoP, Windrunner, Bounty Hunter, and Omniknight. The enemy team picks OD, Alchemist, Silencer, NP, and Nyx. The QoP pussies out of middle and goes offlane with Bounty Hunter, splittling EXP and Gold. This forces the Windrunner (who had bought support items) to go middle.

    We're fucked. We're super fucked... and guess what? We got fucked. Hand-over-hand. Super fucked.

    I tell the other team. I hate them for their draft. I hate them for picking OD and SIlencer and Alchemist - because, yes, those heroes are going to win against our draft. Hand's down. Problem is... they try to out logic me for hating them! They try to give me reasons why my hate is invalid.

    Yes, I could have tried to repick to remedy the damage. Yes, my team could have tried to counter pick like you. But, my question will always be, "Did you pick OD/Silencer/Alchemist/NP/Nyx?" If the answer remains, "Yes." THAN I HATE YOU. PERIOD.

    You will win the match probably 'cause you have better heroes. I hate you.... deal with it?


      I have the feeling you hate the heroes mate, not the players themselves?


        Yes! My hate for the "tier one easy mode hero" just translates over to hating the player for picking that hero. Then the player can't understand it, which leads to me hating them more, because they always try to defend themselves.

        If I was accused of picking an easy hero and the hero I picked was OD, I would say, "You're right. I just picked this so I could beat you super easy 'cause I want to win through superior hero composition, as well as all the other things available to me."

        But, it's AP, and it's lame.. especially if there's clown picks on the field that are very sketchy in the current meta. This is why I hate the DotA2 community. Their perception on the game is so skewed compared to how good manner DotA1 players were back in the day. :V


          well these games just happen. I also can't understand how someone can find those heroes fun in a pub but then again some people just do.

          like just how you get daltonic people picking something like sniper and literally being unable to tell a difference between full hp and red one.
          so they just right click and hope for the best. but they like it, so who am I to judge.

          Quick maffs

            Well i love OD.


            Woof Woof

              just wait for heroes of storm


                I feel your pain, mate, and I can see why you're annoyed. I get the same feeling very often, especially after the enemy team go "ez" in all chat.

                Truth is, you will keep on getting such people over and over again. You can only hope that your team has an idea of what's going on and just crush them.


                  ridiculous. last time we fucking stomp bobs so hard in first 20 mins, then one of our discs. they refuse to wait, and go 5 man doto from there and win the game eventually.
                  then some retard goes ez in all chat. sad sad shit..

                  guess you shouldnt expect manners in a video game.

                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                  bonjour, gentlemen

                    OD isn't OP anymore. You're just bad.

                    Papa Het

                      "My team picks Sniper"

                      lol sorry stopped reading there, was already clear that you're going to lose, i feel sorry for you ^^


                        > That just happends.
                        Dota community is full of bullshit players, morons, retards, tryhards, arogant people. Deal with it. Seriosly you just deal with it.
                        I hate when: -Enemy picks Np. -Enemy picks OD. - Enemy NYX. -Enemy picks any other awful non-fun hero just to fucking win the game. -Get 5 man stacks when solo queing and in the end of the game they all writte ez. -I hate a 1000000000 other things in this game.
                        There is so much hate in this game, but yet i still play it. It slowly takes one by one the nerves in my brain, but I still play it?
                        And than, in the end, after some year, i will find out how stupid i were when i was playing this game. There are so many better things you can spend your time on. But then again, I still play it. Thats how life goes.


                          Kord1g, thank you for saying what I wanted to say. But there are also other players like you and me and a big part of the community here that have fun together, even when losing against such tryhard moronic picks you can still laugh around.


                            why are u posting a thread? whats the point, so i will resume, u played a game, ppl picked shit and u lost.

                            i hope u'll burn alive

                            love singsing !

                              why is this faggot mad ^

                              waku waku

                                i'm clueless how can someone find listening to od saying "THAT SHARP PAIN YOU FELT WAS MY INTELLECT" unfun

                                Quick maffs

                                  Why do people hate OD so much ? He is all about fun and love ^^


                                    he is about cancer and aids

                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                      He is about the stories of lost mids.


                                        He is about lost virginities and broken dreams. Its simply out of this world.


                                          Let me tell you a story, about a hero named OD.
                                          Once, there was a hero that was really good at farming. The End.

                                          Sniper actually shits on him if you send him mid vs. the OD. Unless he maxes shrapnel first and buys Mana Boots because Valve told him to.


                                            question: if you pick od and 1v1 my slark/naix/sven/qop/whatever mid and i own you at mid, whats the point of you outpicking me? in most games there are hardly any lanes you cannot win. my point is in normal skill games winning or losing lane is down to skill, not hero picks.

                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                              yeah, except its not like that at all.
                                              please come win a lane vs me with clock for example, vs obsidian. and tell me how you gonna use your 'skills' to overcome bullshit that is about to happen if you lane clock vs obsi.

                                              Quick maffs

                                                Well in pubs huskar is pretty legit against OD.


                                                  Clock can trade farm relatively decently against OD. I have gotten some decent farm out of this matchup in a few competitions before. Definitely not the best hero to go against OD, but nowhere as bad as you make it seem.

                                                  Skill definitely matters, but once you reach a certain level the skill levels will be mostly even enough such that the difference boils down to hero advantage. And sometimes even that isn't enough.


                                                    Lone druid is tier 1 and he isn't easy


                                                      OP stop QQ'ing that you lost due to a draft, that's literally the #1 way to lose a game in dota. Not plays, not strategy, but draft wins games. If you lost from a draft, you have nobody to blame but yourself for not waiting to counterpick. If you could have changed one thing to change the outcome of a game, you blame nobody but yourself. Also if your allies pick Sniper, you are in trench tier.


                                                        @ zenoth, its actually that bad, he cant trade farm what so ever, what he can do is stay and hug tower/ff experience and shoot rockets hoping for last hit. you are better off just getting a jungle hero and not going to lane at all.
                                                        but the point is, there are some unfavorable matchups that you most definitely want to avoid. and that especially goes for "normal skill" games dude above me mentioned.


                                                          Lol l2pick
                                                          Your whole team picks then you expect to not get counter picked??
                                                          If the enemy picks od, pick razor ez mid
                                                          If enemy picks silencer pick bristle
                                                          If enemy picks furion pick potm
                                                          When enemy picks alch enjoy free kills
                                                          When enemies pick nyx buy sentries



                                                            @xan I suppose you haven't tried drafting against OD? If the opponents pick him early you can either counterpick him via Viper, Kunkka, Bear or Razor and risk ruining the synergy with your lineup or you can attempt to pick a utility mid that fits with your strategy while cutting losses. Of the heroes that don't directly counter/trade well against OD clock is among one of the best at getting something out of the lane. Getting a jungle hero and not going to the lane is a moot point because you're wasting all the exp at mid. A clock that starts with Stout + Wand can take a couple of creeps per wave against OD and get enough items to be useful in rotations once he hits 6.


                                                              lols, you couldnt be further away from the truth. been playing cd/cm games for past 4+ years with mostly me doing the picking.
                                                              yes you can get a pick to counter obsi. sometihng like bane even where you play with curse.. im not talking about that now am i? did anyone even read what comment i quoted. dude was talking about outskilling the opponent with a lesser hero, to which i replied with od/clock example. no, trading farm is abysmal in that case, obsi litteraly can last hit every single creep whereas you can hope to kill 1 out of 4, thats not the definition of trading cs.

                                                              so yes, in cm games you can counter obsi, he is still a nuisance to play against. in ap normal type of games, which we are talking this whole time (at least i am, you are going off the tangents) you dont have that luxury. unless you specifically repick a hero to counter smth, which in pubs, never happens.


                                                                >Solo queue
                                                                >Enemies instapick huskar and kotl PL
                                                                >Team picks sniper drow nad pudge
                                                                >1 minute of allied chat arguing who goes mid
                                                                >Everyone sits mid and feeds their huskar
                                                                >Lose game

                                                                Quick maffs

                                                                  Well you could send clock mid ... the same way you could send almost any hero against OD, od is probably not going to kill them, but the thing is dont expect them to have ANY farm at all.

                                                                  Some heroes doesnt requires too much items to be efective, so you could send them to only get exp against OD mid.

                                                                  Still if you pick huskar you can outlane OD easily.

                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                    I mean it happens. And saying you can overcome with skill just isn't true, because generally in pubs the overall skill level is pretty even. Heroes who start strong usually end up winning. Which is why I strongly dislike (hate is a bit too strong) pubs who pick nature's and phantom lancer. They simply come online far too late. Most nature matches end up behind 10 kills with np frantically trying to split push towers and it often doesn't work. Pl games are similar.

                                                                    But I digress. Other than just living with it and queing next, you can try to pick a strong mid and just 1v1 everyone.