It would work if anyone will be willing to come to sweden for tournies. Eitherway Sponsorship can be up to 250€ salary as well as items from sponsors and travel costs paid at the cost of 20% tournamentprize
dem esports money:D
on a srs note i think u wont be able to find 3 top notch players that can compete against pros on lans to actually win any money at all
+ you can earn 300euro by working at mcdonalds in poland/warsaw
Im currently living in Sweden but you guys seem to know better
You don't necessarily need to win money to get a sponsorship, it is about having attention.
And for me it is just about being able to attend to tournaments and about me having the drive to compete but it doesnt matter either way. Also why would I work in McD when i would be able to earn atleast a little money by something i do anyway.
And please guys, why would you bash on a fellow player who just tries to do his thing. If you would try your thing you guys dont want to be bashed upon either, right ? Let me do my thing, support me or do not do anything. Thank you!
You would make more money working part time in McDonalds.
<99% of Dota2 teams are complete trash and make less than minimal wage.
Only >1% of ALL DOTA2 teams actually make a living doing what they love.
The rest have jobs & go to university while playing Dota on the side.
What makes you different?
^^ this i would say only team that makes a living outside of china is navi
if most pros would have to count on profit from gaming they would starve on streets and dota 2 is 2nd biggest esport game ever
then we see pros on lans with their kyphosis and 10inch arms looking like they go through chemotherapy
Never said you can earn a living...
I slowly start to dislike the dota(buff) community cause its rather hostile than supportive
Arka, I would be interested in this if you are serious about getting sponsorship etc. I live about 50 Euros away and would be able to come to events. I have played with you before but still.....
Steam-ID: kromespawn
Age: 24
Country: United Kingdom
Languages: English, Spanish, French
Role: Offlane, Support.
Best heroes(Fitting your role): Clock, Elder, Venge, Tide.
Worst heroes(Fitting your role): Lesh, Skywrath, Lina
What Experience do you have: 5Y Dota1 1.5Y Dota2
Whats your motivation: ?
Notes: I think given that you have two offlane roles already I would think it wiser to stick to either a jungler or 4/5 support as stacking offlane players might not be the best, plus supporting is what I do best out of the roles.
Good luck man, it's most surprising you haven't noticed most of the Dotabuff community is full of angry virgin kids who like to wave their dicks around on the internet because they haven't had the chance to use them properly yet.
There are exceptions of course, like Mr. badger up there, but just ignore the little virgins and it's all good.
Hope you make a great team that wins the internet and the LAN.
Lütfen yorum yapmak için giriş yapınız
Hi everyone, I am creating (as the title suggests) a Swedish team which we try to get sponsored.
General Requirements:
Atleast 16 years old
Must be nice, be able to critisize and take criticism
Must(!) come to (swedish) LAN-EVENTS(else no sponsors)
Living in sweden(preferably) (see above)
Game Requirements:
Should have a TMM-rating of atleast 4500
Years of experience(in general)
Experienced in his role
Doesnt mind playing a hero over and over
What roles do we need ?
Well we have atm 3 versatile players
1. Support/Offlane
2. Offlane/Carry
3. Carry/Mid
So we need for sure 1 Supportplayer and 1 Offlane/Mid/Support(either one)-Player
Apply here!!!!
You can use this form
Best heroes(Fitting your role):
Worst heroes(Fitting your role):
What Experience do you have:
Whats your motivation: