General Discussion

General Discussion28% WR on Rubick

28% WR on Rubick in General Discussion

    Somebody, explain me what I'm doing wrong.


      drums, terrible item on rubick.

      force staff is arite, but always get dagger first.

      blink + lift = very good initation.

      Primordial Soup

        You're not playing safe enough, play them like how you play Invoker; staying back and just casting spells. you don't need to tank.

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          Let's consider this game.

          You have Axe Rubic Alch Pudge Lion vs AA Doom Storm LS Morph

          Clearly you will have to win early to have any chance....but winning early should be easy with those heroes. Their team requires a lot of farm and levels to effectively fight, yours does not.

          Right away you have a disadvantage because you were instantly dewarded on the block. This happened because you took a very obvious and visible path to do it and placed the ward in the most obvious and common block spot.

          Next you missed an easy FB kill on Morphling because you inexplicably decided to try to get him without casting telekinesis...and then walked into creeps instead of tangoing through the trees...very bad.

          Next you failed to chain pull at need to attack those creeps in the 2nd camp sooner because they are range and don't start walking right away.

          At 2:50 you walk into tower range and take extra dmg, no need to do that. It seems small, but every bit of extra dmg you take as a support is critical. It might be a reason you can't survive long enough to get an important spell off or don't quite have the money to buy wards later. Do not carelessly walk into tower range.

          You get the chain pull at 3:40 right, but now you are in a dangerous position because you allowed morphling to reach level 4 by failing lane control earlier. Alchmist was paying attention and it works out but...if you had not had to use that salve earlier you would have been fine...also you attracted neutral agro right as morphling appeared so you lost an extra 150 hp to creeps making you far easier to kill...and then you walked away from Alchemist and away from your creeps making it even more likely that morphling would kill you. If you had not made these errors would have killed morphling, salved up and easily continued pulling instead of being forced back to base.

          At 6 min you get magic stick. No one is spamming spells to fill it. This is not going to help you. You needed obs wards up. There are none on the map. How will pudge gank? He needs to see to hook. Do you want that enemy Storm to get runes or your Pudge?
          The enemy AA is kicking your butt on warding. Since your warding is bad you went to guard the rune instead. This takes a lot of time to walk and stand there. You miss chances to gank and stack and pull because of it.

          At 7:30 you rotate away from mid have now been holding 2 sentries the entire game. You could have used these to deward or at the very least put on right on the rune spot so pudge can see it. You are walking back into your jungle for no you then walk back to mid. Lion got some wards...if you went with him to place them you could kill anyone who tries to contest it easily and safely or continue moving in and gank LS in the jungle.

          7:45 you are standing mid in a dangerous position but you are not even contesting the cs. If you want to risk being there to level up or try to grab that Storm at least do something while you are there. You could push the lane out so you have room to gank and rune control, or pull it back to give Pudge and chance to hook someone...or at least lasthit so you can afford more support items.

          At 9:30 you stop Pudges hook saving the enmy LS from certain death...why would you even attempt to break it? You still could have killed LS anyway because Lion was in a great position but you walked away for no reason so LS escapes.

          Storm makes an embarrassing failed attempt to kill you at the pull and so you finally get level 6 at 11 min. This extremely late time for your ult is because you messed up the lane control and pulling, warding and rotating so you missed lots of opportunities to get xp and gold.

          Also at 11 min you have now missed 12 possible times to stack a camp for your Alchemist. You need to pay attention to the game clock, Alch would be far stronger far earlier if you got it right. Whenever it is getting near 40 sec, think. Is there a way you could move slightly and be ready to stack some camp at 52-54 seconds?

          more to follow...

          12-13 min you are hanging around mid in a dangerous position. Again you are not really doing anything, not pushing, not controlling the lane position to protect a tower or set up a gank or control are just there waiting to die. The other team notices and kills you. But since Storm and Morphling do a very bad job of it they have to dive to far and Pudge punishes them for it.

          14:20, you port to a lane to farm...not something a support should do. You could have got more wards, they are about to expire. Your team need to gank to win this game. You have the gold, you have an item slot...but you just don't buy them.

          At 15:31 the enemy is heavily pressuring mid about to dive the tower. Someone even uses fortification...but you buy another tp scroll and keep farming. At 15:38 you finally notice the fight and at 15:46 you finally click to tp in to help. What huge difference it would have made if you came 15 seconds sooner like you could have done. In that extra 15 sec you did not get even 1 more lasthit.

          16:25 you could have just walked up and grabed LS and your team would easily kill him...he has already used rage. But you got confused microing that replicate of pudge instead. There is no need to do fancy complicated things...simple one nearly always work better. If you don't know what to do with a replicate remember they at least tank well. Just send it to attack the tower or scout behind it or pull the creeps away. These are all easy to do and require minimal skill at micro.

          At 17 min you die to invisible doom...unavoidable, but you have now had 2 and half minutes that you could have placed wards and still have not even purchased them. This is why your team can't take the mid tower, gain map control, and gank effectively.

          At 17:45 you port top still holding the sentries from the start of the game and still not having the obs your team needs. The only reason to go top was to farm...but its not safe to do it so you hide at the tower until the creep wave finally gets there at 18:30. You could have walked out from base during that time saving the tp and being able to port anywhere needed. Meanwhile no camps were stacked, and no warding was done.

          You then stand in that lane failing at csing as if you were a bad carry while your team is fighting mid and wishing they had some 20 min you finish the drums you did not need and have pushed the lane out so your carry can't farm it. Now you rotate noticing for the first time that AA is kicking your butt on warding while he kills Lions ward. But you are way to late to stop him so you farm mid.

          The other team takes a free T1 tower since you are far out of position and have no vision so your team is too afraid to defend it.
          You, Axe, and Pudge rotate top over 30 sec to late and stand there as if they might come back when they have clearly retreated the moment the tower fell.

          At 22 min you port to defend the tower from Doom alone. He should have killed you, but he is bad so he just backs away. You stole devour. You should be spamming that spell, don't leave it on cd...or at least get another useful spell from a jungle creep and then steal a new spell. Also you are constantly thinking you need to cs...rubic is a support you don't need cs. You need to get map control, get vision up, and kill ppl.

          At 23 min you are still holding those sentries from the beginning of the game, still have not got any obs, and still have never used that magic stick.

          At 24 min you died to LS solo for no reason. You did not use your magic stick to regain hp. You did not use your drums to move faster and get away. You did not steal rage to remove the slow on you and escape. You could have easily lived because you got a telekinesis off..but you just panic and die instead then spam pings. You also died here because you failed to ward so you did not see him coming.

          25:20 your position is feeder only live because they did not realize they could kill you because they are also bad.

          At 25:45 you could have killed Doom. But you still fail to place those sentries you have been holding for the entire game so he gets away. Lion places one way to don't even think of it.

          26:40 correct quick use of tp scroll !!! yes, gj.

          27:45 you are too slow to steal Doom...that's too bad. But you can't really become faster so don't worry about it. You could however have tossed Doom onto the cliff. That would have saved Lion and killed doom. Just toss him up and drop that sentry that you held the entire game. Also you did not use drums to help Lion run away.

          There are still 11 min to go...but at this point winning is pretty much impossible. You have given far to many advantages to a powerful late game team. They can win the game accidentally from here by random movements and autoattacks.

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          Quick maffs

            Relentless what do you think is more important, stack and pulling or harassing the offlaner ? speaking about a dual safe lane against a offlane.

            And if the enemy have a dual lane ? should you stay in lane and try to protect the carry or should you go stack and pulling anyway ?


              It depends on the situation. If you have a melee carry and the enemy is good at harassing you will not be able to protect him well enough with 1 support hero to ensure his farm.

              What you need to do is stack and pull to gain a level advantage so you can reach the point where you can kill them. The threat of the power to kill them is the only way you will control the lane enough that the carry can farm. Killing them once will make sure they know you can do it and leave the carry alone. You will need a level advantage to kill them so you need to stack and pull. This give you more levels and also denies a huge amount of experience to them.

              The pub carry will miss most of the lasthits early anyway even if he is free farming...just level up.

              Now if you have a tri-lane vs solo offlaner and can zone him from ever getting to level 2 while the other support stacks and pulls that is even better....that is what should happen, but in pubs you often have merely a dual lane.

              If the enemy is bad at harassing you may be able to secure some farm for the carry by staying in the lane then the choice is 50/50 either way is ok.

              If the enemy dual lane is very strong and is a constant threat to kill the carry even if he stays back and just gets that case you have to stay with him and make sure he lives. Or if you can tell from play right away that the carry will feed because his positioning sucks...well then its better to stay and prevent him from feeding.

              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                Wow, Relentless, that was awesome. I bet he wished he never asked now :D

                Surely a lot of those things would have been picked up if he'd watched his own replay? I hate watching mine back as I can so easily see just how bad I am, it's never as obvious during the game.

                Watch your own replays guys and gals, you'll be surprised how much you'll see.

                Quick maffs

                  Relentless thx for all the advices .... i really like how you try to help everyone .

                  If posible ( sorry for bothering you ) take a look at my last match ... i tried to support with pugna and my lane didnt go so well ( alch,pugna vs bounty, axe ).

                  I got aghanims for the survavility but now i think forcestaff would be a lot better.


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                  I WANNA BE THE VERY BEST

                    Good stuff remember that even pros need to learn from their mistakes. Its just that they are able to learn from reassessment o ftheir game. Thank relentless man.

                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                      No problem. I may as well since I can't play dota now that this patch has combined with some kind of local internet problem to make my games unplayable. I played one again the other day and it was terrible. I won the game somehow...go carried mostly. I don't know how I managed to get assists or kills since I could see almost nothing until 2 seconds or more after it happened...just luck and my previous experience with tons of lag spikes...knowing when to take your hands off and just let your hero autoattack so he does something.

                      Mokeh is right. You will be shocked how much of the game you didn't know happened while you were playing it. Watch your replays if you want to understand the game. Pros in dota 2 and every sport regularly watch the game. Its not possible to fully understand it in real time.

                      So anyway lets take a look at your Pugna game... Choosing Pugna against Void, Lion, and SWM, smart choice. Pugna is excellent against all 3 of those.

                      Both teams well balanced...but this looks like a much lower level pub game than the last one. Neither team started with wards. Its important to recognize the level of play in any game. What decision is right can be totally different depending on the capabilities of the players.

                      Nice stack at 1 min. Axe tries to steal it but if you defend it pretty well it should be ok. Good use of salve. Timing your blast to take lasthits could have been done better....but I don't like to advise people to "be more skilled" its often something that can't really be improved. You want to focus actually taking different, smarter actions rather than clicking more accurately.

                      Unfortunately, in this case missing your netherblast positioning and timing slightly really did give levels to Axe instead of you and cause you to lose the lane. At 4 min you have 1 cs...Axe has 16. Now if you had got nether ward and placed it somewhere Axe could not get to it he would have no mana and could not spam bhunger on you. Decrepify is a bad choice for this lane. Alchemist dmg, even his stun is all physical. Axe is gaining 310 xpm, you have 164 xpm...despite you killing axe for FB, he still is way ahead because he stole those neutrals.

                      Gj getting wards at 6 min...alchemist feeds horribly, charging stun against BH with no true sight when he is only level 5...there is no way to anticipate play that bad and help him. That's just too terrible a mistake to fix. However you should have brought true sight to the lane since you knew it was a BH. Boots are doing nothing for you. In a higher level game you would have started with sentries even before you saw BH was coming to the lane.

                      At 7:50 if you had dust or sentry...killing BH would have been easy. But since no one does Nyx has to go for Axe. If you had cast your nether ward, Axe would have died when he cast spells. But since you used Decrepify at the absolute worst time possible you saved Axe from the dmg of Alchemist stun and made it impossible to attack him during the stun. These errors are the reason you lost the fight.

                      At 10:32 you die walking out to challenge Axe...should have know BH was there. You have now had over 10 min to bring truesight top and have not done it...BH and all invis hero seem very strong until you learn to properly use true sight and realize that they are actually either very weak...or very hard to use.

                      You are not paying attention to the delay on your nether blast casts. You consistently cast them late because of it. That can be improved, think of it as a movement prediction skill instead of a skill that hits targets where they are now.

                      !3:35 you cast nether ward way to far back. Your first cast was way to far forward and SWM killed it immediately but then you over compensated. Try to cast it when you see a fight really is about to start in a second or two.

                      16 min first true sight! Better late then never.

                      18:50 BH 1 shots you. You could have healed on creeps with your ult. You saw BH take that DD rune. You could have place your other sentry to protect yourself and killed him when he tried to walk in. It is very important when playing against heroes that rely on burst dmg to kill that you stay near full health as much as you can...also try to get your max hp up. You could have got a bracer at this point...the extra 114 hp could keep you above the instant kill threshold.

                      When you respawn you take forever to figure out what to buy. You could have thought about this while you were dead so you get back to the fight sooner.

                      20:50 good use of Decrepify to amplify Luna's beam.

                      22:19 you blocked Alchemist stun with Decrpify again, but it didn't matter this time. Good nether ward placement for that fight. You placed it when Alchemist was about to be attacked and they chickened out because of it setting up for a better fight 10 seconds later.

                      23:30 you start into Aghs with point booster, very good it will be harder to burst you down and Aghs is just awesome on Pugna. But you walked out of base with no true sight and 300+ gold, bad.

                      24:30 you remembered that you need sentries, very good.

                      24:50 good nether ward placement, should have decrep on Lion.

                      25 good use of sentry and magic stick, 25:30 could have decrep yourself without takeing any time to turn and then you...probably still die but force void into a bad ult to make it happen. He ends up losing anyway because he gets crap RNG luck.

                      26:40 left base with no true sight, can't deward, can't kill BH...bad

                      27:30 wow this Void gets no backtracks, extremely bad luck for him, good nether ward placement did a ton of work in that fight

                      5 dead you want to rosh, good choice since lanes are not in a position to push. If you got a medallion this would be a lot easier. Pugna does not synergize well with Medallion but everything else in the game does and +6 armor for you is a big deal since your base armor is terrible. It is also a huge increase in mana regen because your INT is so high.

                      30 min you leave the base wtih 200+gold and no true sight every time you avoid using the courier because you planned ahead makes it easier for your team and less likely that that speedy snail will die.

                      32:25 you are caught in chrono because you are low to click, nothing can be done about that. Good choice to decrep self rather than void so Alchemist stun hits him after chrono ends. You seem to be a player that learns from mistakes.

                      34 min left the base with sentrys!! yes! sure enough 34:31 BH dies. Now, don't go back to base as Pugna just to heal hp. Use your ult to heal you have tons of mana and its cd is only 22 seconds. Just heal on a creep at the big camp.

                      Don't hold useless components in your inventory. You do not need 10 more INT. You did need more true sight. You and your team died at 36 min because you did not have it Also its generally a bad idea to stand around in the lane far from towers with no clear objective. If you don't have a plan and don't make a move eventually the enemy will think of a way to attack you even if they are very bad.

                      38 min, good you walked out with dust this time. Obs ward to control rosh and rune vision, good. Walked past the illlusion rune, bad. Take it and scout. NA has a bottle and was at top rune. If you took it a new one spawns at 38 min and he gets it or you get a 2nd rune.

                      39-41 min good fights and pressure. You killed the base when you had the chance. That is what wins games. It is nearly impossible for them to win at this point.

                      Bu yorum düzenlendi
                      Quick maffs

                        Thanks man you pointed a lot of things that i would like to improve. I NEVER play pugna ... i mean never ... but like we needed a support and i saw lion and SM i thought it would be a good idea.

                        so just for the note i will try to show what i was thinking in some of those mistakes.

                        Usually when i play support i always get courrier and wards but sometimes i play greedy. I was very nervous against axe stealing the stacks and i didnt know how to react to it .... so i tried to use blast to get the last hits and the exp ... but at the same time i saw alch having heavy problems against bh so i really didnt know what to do. We probably could had killed axe a couple of times while he was fighting against the stack. The reason i didnt get sentries or true vision for top was because i already thought that lane was lost so i just panicked :/.

                        "But since you used Decrepify at the absolute worst time possible you saved Axe from the dmg of Alchemist stun and made it impossible to attack him during the stun."

                        I cant even say anything ... i just did a TERRIBLE mistake at that time ..... after that i apologize to alch and nyx :(

                        "At 10:32 you die walking out to challenge Axe...should have know BH was there."

                        The thing is i knew it ..... i was just frustrated at the fact that axe could do what he wants and that we were going to get dived at any point. ( Support is my worst role by far .... :/ )

                        "!3:35 you cast nether ward way to far back. Your first cast was way to far forward and SWM killed it immediately but then you over compensated. Try to cast it when you see a fight really is about to start in a second or two. "

                        Yeah i am still getting used to it ... the thing is sometimes i put it when i think a team fight is about to happen.... but sometimes the team fight doesnt happen ... and sometimes the enemy initiate so fast that i dont have time to put that shit fast enough.

                        "18:50 BH 1 shots you."

                        never thought that the guy would go that far for me :/ it was so close to the tower that i really felt safe .... big mistake i guess.

                        "When you respawn you take forever to figure out what to buy. You could have thought about this while you were dead so you get back to the fight sooner." I think i alt tab in that moment ... not sure.

                        "Use your ult to heal you have tons of mana and its cd is only 22 seconds. Just heal on a creep at the big camp."

                        Yep .... i always forget to use his ulti on creeps .... i dont think that i did that in the entire game.

                        Sometimes i forget about the cast animation of decripify ... so when void was chasing me i was about toe decrepify myself but i think he bashed me or i was too slow.

                        Well after luna dying twice with elder titan on mid with no reason at all to be there i typed to them to go together and try to play more safe .... they actually agreed and after that was way easier.

                        About void and chrono i always tried to dont get caught in and them decrepify void .... i think i did this twice.

                        Anyway relentless thanks again ! Not everyone has pacience to help others on internet ...

                        Sorry for my terrible english too.


                          You are welcome! Analysis is fun for me. I do it whenever I have a chance and nothing else going on.

                            Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                              You are awesome relentless

                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                meow is such a cunt. Really.


                                  Pulling and stacking is much trickier at higher level games. You gotta know when to pull and when not to pull. If your trilane consists of supports that has a high kill potential, you should try to be zoning them out and getting kills more. If lane is pushed or the guy is playing way too safe, that's when you go for the pull.

                                  On the other hand, if you have a dual safelane against a dual offlane, it's much better to just stay in lane and help your carry. Only time you should pull is if your carry can farm safely or the lane is pushed out too far. If you're up against one guy and you have a dual lane, you should pull if you feel like you can't kill them or if lane is pushed out too far.


                                    He just wants attention and he only knows how to get it by shredding your pant leg and digging his claws into your flesh...needs some tiny, helpless furry creatures to stalk...then he will feel better.


                                      @Relentless I have never had someone examine any of my games. Can you examine a game of mine so I can see from an outsider's perspective on what I can do better?


                                        Sure, do you have a game in mind?

                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                          Not really. I tend to forget what I did in the games. lol


                                            Heya Relentless! Can you analyze my Rubick game and tell me where can I improve? :)


                                              @Relentless Hey can you analyze this match for me? Even though we won, I died quite a bit early on.


                                                33104164 Tidehunter

                                                Slow to leave base...much hader to get good ward placement when you do this, good reaction to avoid dieing to FB. Good adjustment to place defensive wards and body block. Nevertheless, if you got out there first and got a ward block that was hard to find before they could see could easily and safely get some quick early levels while they searched for the ward block. It's very hard to cover a good % of the radient pull with sentries. I get it blocked for at least the first 3 minutes nearly ever time I offlane by placing before they can see me so they have to guess where it is.

                                                These guys spent 3 sentries just guessing that you ward blocked, when you actually body blocked. Maybe in the end the mind games of it were the best move anyway...300 gold in sentries and you leveled up as fast as Razor. Overall a very successful offlane start.

                                                3:30 questionable decision to challenge the pull against a disruptor. You did not know what he had skilled yet, it happen to be glimpse so you died.

                                                4:20 if you had 1 point in gush you could solo kill razor when he dives on you like that. It's important for Tide to have a point in gush so you are able to have that slow and armor reduction ready when support rotates to gank. Mid failed to do this...but they should have and gush would have really helped get a kill.

                                                5:30 you die to lack of respect for glimpse again. If you can't kill a competent distruptor before you need to leave...then you are not going to get away. Kraken shall also does nothing against him because 3 of his spells are not applied to the hero, but to a position (thunder strike tracks the heroes location and hits an aoe)...and glimpse is way to fast for Kraken shell to help.

                                                7 min, you are level 5. Time to gank, get a kill to pick up level 6. It is night, ganks are easy...offlaning is much harder. Don't back to the super hard situation, go kill someone.

                                                7:40 should have walked out and save tp. Porting back to a lane just to farm is nearly always wrong unless you are hard carry and will immediately pick up cs in the first 30 seconds of being there. If you had kept that tp and could have ported to the T2 top and got a double kill, maybe even saved BS.

                                                8 min, died to glimpse a 3rd time. It seems like you are not used to facing good distruptor players. They are rare, it not surprising. But you need to adjust when someone is able to use a hero in a way you did not expect.

                                                10 min, Storm can either juke out or he can't. Let him do it. Medusa and BS are on the opposite side of the map farming...BS with no tp. You will not get help for this dive. Also Storm had zero chance to live by the time you started moving to help.

                                                11 min, nice ks. 12 min could have responded to teamfight a bit faster...didn't matter much. Well played teamfight.

                                                13 min if you had used ravage at 13:13 Medusa could live and you both get away. Put some priority on keeping your main carry alive.
                                                You end up having to use it anyway just to save yourself. Good tp out at that point.

                                                14 min Distruptor kicks everyone's butt again. 14:50 died to greed, could have tp out instead.

                                                16 min good teamfight, used sentry and dust well. Good ult placement and timing. Storm fails pretty hard making about 5 mistakes in a row, loses the fight.

                                                19:17 3 sec late on your ult while hitting creeps for some reason. Storm dies and BS almost dies because of it. You could have canceled that dismember the 1st sec it was cast but waited until after storm was completely dead and cast two other spells first also...very odd since you saw wisp was porting in right in front of you before your tp even ended...tons of time to react. Or did you just not like that Storm? He does plenty of feeding but that one was definitely your fault.

                                                20:40...Storm feeds, better to just let him die. Saving that bad a jump was not possible. End up losing Kotl, Medusa ult, and forced back from dmg trying to save Storm...lose a T2 mid because of the bad save attempt, not because of the feed itself.

                                                22:30 Pudge is clearly baiting. You should have just gone to finish blink in the jungle. Staying mid gives your team a false sense of confidence. You don't want to fight now. You want Medusa to farm more. you want to fight after you have blink. So don't fight. Gj buying blink before death.

                                                26:42 excellent initiation from fog and combo

                                                28 min, could certainly be picking up something to replace that stout shield post roshan. It had far out lived its purpose....oh you did, good.

                                                Solid execution, timing and positioning makes for an easy win

                                                31 min switched to sentries because dust sucks against weaver. Clearly you figured it out or remembered. For everyone else though...dust is bad against weaver because
                                                [1] time laspe removes it
                                                [2] weaver is not slowed by it
                                                [3] You want to see weaver moving in, not moving out. It's the same for all invis heroes. You want to catch them before they know you can see them. Not after they have decided to attack. If they make the first move (in theory) it is a good time for them to fight. You want to fight when they are not ready...often the enemy team is not in position to back them up the first time they come at you invis to scout.


                                                  326721791 Rubic

                                                  Usually it is not best to have mid solo Rubic...but this game it was the best choice of lanes.

                                                  Nub team fails to crow and gives you no obs vision of just do it yourself. Otherwise that Doom is going to keep walking things out to himself and feeding while he slow farms the jungle forever. You did not get to the fight at 5 min in time, mostly because you were waiting for that donkey to slow walk out your boots. You had the gold, just fly it and get the boots and get there in time for the fight.

                                                  It ends up working out anyway, but that is because the other team took the absolute worst path to back out of the jungle.

                                                  6:54 you have fireblast level 3 and don't use it. If you had you easily kill Kunka and live. 7:17 after masterfully juking you die anyway because you cast the nuke first instead of attacking first. After the nuke you clicked to move so the attack never happened and kunka wins.

                                                  9:15 gj pointing out the threat. Use that Illusion rune. Bait out a pudge hook.

                                                  10:20 Kotl gave you the mana to nuke but you just run away and your PA dies because of it, while kunka escapes. You using fade bolt instead of chickening out when you were not in real danger would have put kunka low enough that PA's attack finishes him off and everyone can back up safely...fade bolt does 210 after magic resistance, Kunka lived on 77 hp.

                                                  Most of this game really plays like a smurf stack or a matching failure. Every choice succeeds because the enemy makes 2 or 3 times as many mistakes, its far to easy and boring to watch. It was probably fun to play though.

                                                  Nice hooks, but pudge should never be giving them to you. At least you showed him how to use the spell since he clearly didn't know.


                                                    Nice analysis. Imo I played quite well and after I watched the replay with the things you said in mind, it really put some decisions to new light. Appreciated. Btw, it was no stack, and Pudge indeed gave some easy hooks.


                                                      Thank bud! It really puts things into perspective and for sure I'll try to fix on those mistakes you mentioned ;)


                                                        hello there.. can you comment my rubick game.. im new to dota 2


                                                          Did you play dota 1 or another moba game?


                                                            i play dota 1 then move to dota 2..


                                                              Ok, so you already know basically how dota is supposed to be played. At the start dota 2 is going to put you in very low level games, but after you have established a record your rating is moving up and you will play against better players. You are winning a lot more than losing so you will move up quickly. Valve has set up this system so every game it attempts to make teams balanced closely enough that either team has a decent chance of winning the game...but this really only works after people have established their rating. Expect to win about 50% of games in the long term. Only the best players in the world win much over 50% in the long term because sometimes when they go into the que there is no one who can beat them in they will win all possible matches.

                                                              So it looks like this is your first regular matching game. In theory it should have had noticeably better players than the Limited Hero Pool games.

                                                              Last-hitting rates for all players are extremely low, ranging from 13 to 27 out of the first 80 creeps so we are still dealing with very new, or very low skill players. That is important to realize, because nub tactics will work in games like this. Doing the same things against better players will not work.

                                                              You are fortunate that someone got a courier for you. If no one does, just get it yourself. The other team did not get a courier for 18 min. Your team got 2. Try not to buy a 2nd courier. One is enough. If one is already purchased you could get obs wards so you can see the rune spawns. When you are playing solo mid, it is much easier to get the runes if you can see them right when they spawn so you immediately know which way to go. When it is getting close to the time for the rune to spawn, kill that creep wave quickly with attacks to get each creep low, then "flash farm it" for Rubic that means using fade bolt to get all the creep kills. Then you can walk to the correct side right away while the enemy mid-solo has to deal with creeps hitting him and the tower.

                                                              The most efficient way to play mid-solo is to rush a bottle instead of getting the regular regen items. You do this by starting with 3 branches 1 tangoes and leaving any extra gold for bottle. This is much easier if someone gets the courier and wards for you...but if they don't you can get them yourself. If you do it right your can have your bottle delivered to you in time to grab the 2 min rune. It takes some practice to get the timing right to do all of this, but once you master it you will easily crush almost any enemy mid-solo who does not do a bottle rush.

                                                              Once you have reached level 6 or 7 on a mid-solo hero you should gank the side lanes. If you did ok mid you will be higher level than the sidelane heroes and have a big advantage. Watch the position of the lanes. Go to attack a side lane when it is close to your tower. That is when it is easiest to attack the enemy heroes by going behind them. When you are about to attack tell your team to attack now/go/ kill them etc... often nub players will not notice that you are there and attacking if you do not say so.

                                                              14:30 really smart tp to help kill meepo, if you can do that you will consistently beat lower level players and move up to more difficult games.

                                                              Whenever you gank with Rubic, the order should usually be...telekinesis, cast your previously stolen spell, steal a new spell, fade bolt, cast new spell if appropriate. This will often give you the power to cast 3 nukes and kill many heroes from full health. But you have to click fast to do it. It takes practice. When you teamfight, you may not want to cast in that order. But for ganks that is nearly always the best choice.

                                                              Euls is not a very good item for Rubic. It is particularly ineffective against Meepo and PL. You will not be spamming a lot of spells to use the super high mana regen. Get an urn for mp and hp regen. Get Fstaff (you did) This will let you get in and out of fights quickly and give you the regen to heal up after a gank or a teamfight so you can keep going to take a tower or gank again instead of having to retreat. Get Arcane boots for ms and mp regen. This helps your team a lot more than Euls.

                                                              When you are facing invis heroes...and in nearly every dota 2 game someone will have an invis ability or need to learn to use dust, sentry wards, and gem to see them. Use dust to gank a farming invis hero or in a teamfight when several heroes may use invisibility. Dust not only reveals them but also slows. Place sentries defensively where an invis hero is likely to walk so you can see them and attack first. Or place one when a teamfight starts to reveal all invis in the area. Gems are best for dewarding later in the game and chasing down fast invis heroes. Get gem when you reach a point that you are not very likely to die...or get it an give it to a hero that is not likely to die. Gems drop when you die.

                                                              30:30 casting euls saves Luna, it does not stop her ult, it only protects her from any dmg.

                                                              At 31 min SB finally gets a gem. This is the first true sight your team has purchased all game. Because you waited so long to get it PL. Kunka and Luna have already gained a large advantage by being invisible. Because the other team is far ahead your team loses the gem the very first time you try to use it. True sight needed to be used early in the game to gank these heroes to keep them down.

                                                              Rubic can be very fun to play, but he is also one of the most difficult heroes to master in the game. Do not expect to become good at Rubic until you have solid grasp of what nearly all of the heroes spells do.

                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                ty there.. i see some of your point and i admit im really noob considering the 1st time i play all pick other than limited hero pool mode.. the game should be tiny mid and im rotating around top and bottom but tiny refuse to play mid versus kunkka so i take the mid and considering i buying item for support rubick as start as you mention need 3 branch and tango to rush bottle its slow me down a bit considering that the 2nd courier was bought by naix as he was farming jungle.. (i didnt expect he bought a courier). other than that i will try to improve my game considering my hand is not fast enough. i think i need to practice more considering i like rubick since watching the last international... i agree euls is bad after i bought it.. and can you tell what item should be bought if i play more rubick in the future ?


                                                                  Rubic can be played mid, but usually its better to support.

                                                                  You will be playing low level games for so you won't face ward blocking...its best to make sure there is a courier and obs wards first. Don't buy the courier right away, wait a bit to see if someone else will get it and save you some gold. But if they don't you need to get one.

                                                                  Then get obs wards, then get tangoes, a clarity, a salve and up to 3 branches after that.

                                                                  Place 1 obs ward so your mid-solo hero can see the run spawn. The other you can use to give you better vision to gank your lane, or hold it and wait to re-place the rune ward when it expires. These are good choices for a low level game. If you want to play support heroes you should learn about warding. There are hundreds of ward spots...whenever you are using a ward spot, pay attention to if it is helping or not. If the ones you are using are not doing much or getting dewarded, then try new ones the next time you place wards.
                                                                  There are many video guides to warding on youtube. Warding and counter warding can be very complex, just learn a few spots and if they don't work out try new ones.

                                                                  Learn to stack and pull so you gain xp faster than the enemy. At low levels you have to be careful that this does not kill your lane partner or the tower. It should not, but because they are bad they may not know what to do if you pull jungle creeps. If they are having trouble just stop doing it and wait for the lane to be pushed before pulling again. Many nub believe that you should push then lane, then pull the creeps. This is wrong, but if that is the only way they know how to do it...just pull when the lane is pushed to avoid problems.

                                                                  Use the branches to make magic wand. If you are facing a lot of spell spamming do it first. If not many spells are being cast, get boots first.

                                                                  Rubic will do best if you get urn and then arcane boots. Then get forcestaff. Those are the core items you need to play Rubic. Make sure to use all your urn charges but one between kills. Use the last urn charge offensively. Urn is very powerful if you remember to use it...if you have a huge stack of urn charges then you have wasted it and the item is not very good. When the urn is empty it gains 2 charges. When it is not empty it only gains 1. Use them up.

                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                  Woof Woof

                                                                    rubick is best with shadow blade and mask of madness like most mid heroes


                                                                      Hey man,

                                                                      I don't know if you're still looking for tips on playing Rubick, but the other day I had a rather nice game with him. Here's the match:

                                                                      I believe my positioning is kind of good during the team fights and I have a bit of an idea how to play him. Not trying to say that I'm the best Rubick player out there but you might be able to learn a thing or two.

                                                                      bum farto

                                                                        Glad to see you're improving. Keep it up :)


                                                                          I thought it was well established that Mid Rubick is a bit pointless since he doesn't need items to be good.


                                                                            Rubic can do well mid. Dendi played a lot of solo mid Rubic. This was typically done against wombo combo teams where Rubic getting a blink quickly to be able to steal the main ult and return it was central to their teamfight stategy. Fade bolt gives Rubic a distinctive lasthitting advantage.

                                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                              Don't upgrade magic wand, it's a luxury item... drum too for a support.....