General Discussion

General Discussionshare match history

share match history in General Discussion
mne hvatilo

    guys, idk whats happening, but after patch i cant sharing my matches, because toggle key just doesnt work! when i press it, it always comes back to "no". what should i do? someone else has this problem?

    Woof Woof

      wouldnt surprise me if its valves way to shutdown dotabuff in long run

      mne hvatilo

        damn guys, need help, up


          Have you tried relogging?

          Bu yorum düzenlendi
          King of Low Prio

            RIOT!!!! GO INSANE!!!

            mne hvatilo

              yes, did not help. now, when i trying toggled key, console writes "CGCClientJobSetAllow3rdPartyMatchHistory failed. Error = 2"

              Woof Woof

                i assume they did it to stop smurfs did u try it on your main account?

                mne hvatilo

                  i dont think so, but its my main acc

                  Woof Woof

                    also 5s queue times in mm now epic as expected 2 days ago they hid more stats to rever that trash 5s mm queues
                    it took 5s for mm to match me with 50%wr players that have 20 / 100 and 180wins haha fuck unreal sit

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