General Discussion

General Discussion(important) Looking for a fifth player

(important) Looking for a fifth player in General Discussion

    Hi everybody,

    Here's the first part of the topic:

    You'd better read it before you read this one.

    I believe we finished the first step of our big-plan, so now here's the second:

    We are looking for a fifth player. His role is very difficult in terms of understanding where he needs to go and how to play, his role is the most complicated role in the game. He must read what are the others going to do (and what are they doing). Players often solve this problem taking the place of second support which purpose is to provide better common farm to all of the lanes or heroes chen\driada\enigma in the woods.

    The MAIN thing you must have is strong motivation. Second, you must have the same skill as we have otherwise we won't be able to improve as fast as we need to.

    You still NEED to answer those 2 questions you can find in that topic.

    Actually there'r a lot of things I need to talk even with you and I would like to do it in private.

    So feel free to add me if u think u can handle it, it's not gonna be like u do every-time.

    godness.987 is skype

    Think carefully before you add me becouse purpose of this thread is to find ONLY one guy.