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General DiscussionMMR RATING,something strange happend I have question?

MMR RATING,something strange happend I have question? in General Discussion

    PaintingAPictureOfMyself I think that`s pretty poor idea to play bad on purpose when you see you winning game for sure.You won`t improve like that.It`s just make sense for win rate a bit`s poor and sad. My goal is to play best mm games i can always..nvm they harder or not...when games are hard and you win cos you play good you improve,and however games is hard so what? You can win it too,it`s not improsiblle as i said..everyone who play perfect dota can`t be less than 55%.


      playing support even on medium level of very high is so painfull. One in 3 games will happen that your carry is actually worth supporting.
      I end up buying obs sentries curier and fly by minute 10. If carry fails that means that u are food in good chunk of your games ---> lower kda ----> stuck

      For supports stack is only solution. But agian thats not big problem for valve cause 96% of overall players dont play real support anway

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        You can do a lot as a support even if your carry is not playing particularly well. Get a TP scroll to set up ganks/counter-ganks and buy smokes if you are a hero that can use them efficiently. Try to coordinate ganks with your mid hero on the other lanes and their jungle. Ward up and counter-ward. There are a lot of things you can do as a support and your time to shine is in the early game.


          I know well what suport should do. ofc tps in pubs are just wasted 70% of time. You just loose 135 gold ---> delay boots ----> walk back ----> ur carry that u left alone dies in 30sec cause he have no brain -----> ur underlvled ---->low kda ----> cannt achieve more than 55% winrate solo as support, no way. You must go mid/ carry role

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          Sōu ka

            do you think higher rated games are easier as a support when you carry sucks? lmao
            so you are playing in normal and in high games so let me explain you how MMR can work

            each game you can be the highest rated or even the lowest rated player
            higher MMR doesn't necessarily mean that you play with higher rated players
            potentially you could end up in the very same game but in the the extreme case you could be the highest rated player instead of the lowest rated player
            there's nothing wrong with MM assuming that you as a highly ranked player can impact the game a lot more so what would end up happening is that you get a significantly worse team than you had before and that in the game where you could previously just try not to feed and be marginally useful you now have to crush people really badly
            ( higher MMR of a player means that your teammates are on average worse than the teammates of a lower rated player on the other team)

            and that's a fair assumption but if your games are being hard enough as they are chances are you're being matched really accurately
            it's a little bit different in very high because the skill range is a lot bigger than anywhere ( except for smurf accounts in lower brackets obviously ) else while there are lot less players

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              "playing support even on medium level of VERY HIGH is so painfull" im around same wr as you.
              Guys still just insta pick am and hets 0 8. You cannt leave his lane, you must babysit him.
              You have to spend all energy just that incompetent carry picker can get his core item by minute 25. That is so unfair, but agian happens to small amount of ppl who are dedicated to playing support.
              Beacuse of it: stack stack stack

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                a727570 you are not right. If you play well supp you can get too 55% but you must care of picks..and to pick usefull support to counter enemy team and if you play perfect again i say you can`t be less than 55%.

                PaintingAPictureMyself dunno to who you was talking about,if you mean I play normal/high you are wrong. I m 92% very high 5% high was.. and 2-3% normal games where i played league.

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                Sōu ka

                  if you feel like I'm not talking to you then I'm probably not


                    See what is hapening here, you cannt understand even if its clear written. Same happens in game, butyou are at striving to improve. Imagine that russian natures prophet? He will just say hoho cyka and continue cliff farming. What part of i am same wr as paintingpicture you dont understand? Im even higher but thats not the point. Point is that games are not fair and not enjoyable.
                    and kda definetly plays role in mm which is sucky if you are only support on your team

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                      I still think if you are playing pro support at very high games you will have 55%.. And ye 99% russians bad at mm,but 1% can play at very high so get very very high and your russian prophet wont write syka and won`t be afk farming woods = ) Gl and cheers.