General Discussion

General DiscussionDignitas picks Troll, SB and BB in MLG

Dignitas picks Troll, SB and BB in MLG in General Discussion

    Dignitas 5-0 going into this game winning their new NA dota league easily so far with new lineup. Last game PBS attempted a level 1 roshan and Diginitas easily stopped it and got the courier too...Ursa wisp dominated the game. Also a new record timing for batrider blink in a pro game 6:30.


      Dignitas gives up an excellent draft to PBS in game 2 and fed 2 kills before creep spawn. PBS does not break when Dignitas storms back and nearly team wipes them. They regroup and will not get picked apart again for the duration. Sleisel plays a near perfect balanced game of Alchemist and carries PBS to the first win over the Dignitas in the tournament. Bristleback proves to be a fatal weakness, he takes of the spot of what should have been a teamfight hero and brings a couple weak quill sprays instead.

      Bu yorum düzenlendi
      Sōu ka

        every other hero would have just died when they are so far behind except maybe for naix and almost no hero can deal as much damage in a team fight when all your damage is drained
        they just went for a very greedy line up and played it poorly

        i really like when people don't understand the game and praise/flame picks based on the result when it's just poor execution
        if they won the game you would say shit like bristleback new meta?

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          Of course not....note my numerous posts about how bad BB is. This is far from the first time I have pointed out him crippling a pro team that picked him. Dignitas has a lot more talented players than PBS. They lost because the draft was very bad. They did not lose because of poor execution...they lost because only lots of mistakes by PBS could have given them a chance. PBS played well and did not crack.

          Avanti's Angels vs No Love is up next.

          NL 4 of the same as Cloud 9

          Bu yorum düzenlendi
          Sōu ka

            howd you know whos talented lmao
            you measured their reaction time or what?

            yeah they played perfectly and lost because their heroes are bad


              ...I doubt you watched the game. You are a good enough player you must know it was a drafting win, whether you watched it or not. Are you jealous that I praised Sleisel instead of you? Do something impressive and I will notice Pancakes.

              Bu yorum düzenlendi
              Sōu ka

                im really not a sleisel fan lol
                he got upset for me not praising him for carrying with shadow blade dagon 5 doom but whatever

                clearly dignitas has better players overall and obviously they can potentially win the game with different heroes

                but that doesnt mean that they cant win the fucking game
                you say that they've lost because of the draft?
                so the game was impossible to win for them or what?

                if you give away kills that early while having rather passive aggressive snowballing heroes and try desperation ganks when you are really far behind then you cant expect to win the game

                there's no best draft
                you can make anything work and you can fuck up anything as well
                was that a safe draft? no it wasn't but clearly not unwinnable

                they had an ursa the game before that
                every time a hero like that is picked and it doesn't work people complain about being stupid to pick that hero
                whenever you lose a game you can think about how things could have went differently, doesn't mean that you'd actually do better with other heroes
                you're like these dumbass casters whose first instinct is to criticize people who actually know what they're doing, for the most part (mlg is a bad example for that though)


                  I think BB is the weakest tank hero in the game for pro level play. His threat is an 80 dmg spell and a 12% slow...maybe he would right click you with -2 armor? That is well, ignorable. He is a tank hero who even if he does very well can't do anything to you...even if he initiates. To put it what situation would BB ever be preferred to Slardar.

                  He needs a buff. The only thing he can do now is win a game that was certain to be won more easily with a different pick.

                  Dignitas is trying out a new lineup and some new heroes. This was not their best game...but they didn't play badly. They just had such a fragile, farm dependant draft that any problems at all would sink them. Meanwhile PBS draft was not just OK, it was excellent. They had a well defined game plan and heroes and lanes that complemented each other very well. And Sleisel did play a very solid game of Alchemist. He played it aggressively and yet not overly no opportunities for Dignitas chasing power and snowball fighting style to come into play. It's a very good week for Sleisel, he is also currently #1 in NEL. I'm sorry you had a bad experience with him. I have never seen him play before this week except a few pub games.

                  In other news PL haters everywhere will be happy to see him losing in this current MLG match...which will probably happen with 2 lanes down.

                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                  Sōu ka

                    dignitas players know what they are doing
                    and they didnt draft into a trilane that loses before the creeps spawn or something
                    that just happened
                    then the ganks didnt work either and bb is a hero who's very strong when you fight early on
                    if you get behind and cant fight anymore then that's really bad for both bh and bb


                      BH often comes from behind in pro games. In fact Dignitas has a long history of picking him for the purpose of coming from behind after losing weak lanes. They are quite famous for greedy picks.

                      BB sucks at coming from behind. I think he is very weak even when ahead because he has no silence or stun. But yes BB certainly is bad at coming from behind...and so drafting him into weak lanes is going to be a problem. The pre-games deaths were not what lost the game. Dignitas nearly teamwiped BPS mid game and was up 8-7 on kills. It was the weak team composition of Dignitas that did not enable them to comeback despite being superior individual players. They are very experienced returning from deficit..but with no initiating stun but a SB charge that is very hard to hide...well. That is why they lost. They needed BB to be an initiator with a stun, preferably an aoe stun...instead of a tiny stacking slow. If you want to start with a slow and a right click just get orb of venom.

                      Meanwhile AA is playing Pudge....I can't imagine mid against OD. lol What are they going to do?

                      So it's dual mid Pudge+wisp vs Timbersaw mid and Nage+WR safelane Mirrana+ Timber mid. Very unique lanes. OD they keep changing.

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                        Bad news for Dignitas, Fogged failed to understand why he surprise from Bruno. Bruno should check out BB 40% pro win rate...5th lowest of all heroes.

                        Meanwhile...This NL vs AA game 2 has been probably the most fun to watch of MLG yet.

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                          Not particularly enjoying this "Best of Two" format. If it was at least a "Best of Three" format, you would be able to get a better feel of which teams are better than others. It all comes down to the points anyway... but I find it less interesting.