General Discussion

General DiscussionComputer shuts down while in a game, I get back on Dota 2 to reconnec...

Computer shuts down while in a game, I get back on Dota 2 to reconnect but it only says Find Match? Bug? in General Discussion

    ^ As title says


      I also then get an abandon


        You probably took more than 5 minutes to reconnect and since the average dota player isn't patient at all, they just waited until you were gone to disconnect...either that or everyone just quit inmediately after you disconnected because ragequit.

        Now, if you were with friends, told them to pause and when you entered dota2 again to reconnect, you only found the find match button, then yes, probably a bug. I think it has happened to one of my friends before. I don't think it's common.

        Bu yorum düzenlendi

          Owh, hmm its a bug then...hahah that's sad...happened to me twice today...i was 10/0 as Pudge like 20minutes into the game and then Dota 2 shut down and same bug again...gosh! its getting annoying now