General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat to do with constant retards on your team?

What to do with constant retards on your team? in General Discussion

    Hi, my last 9 out of 10 games I have lost due to disconnects or downies on my team that I have to literally babysit for them not to feed but usually end up feeding anyways. I am not claiming to be the best player in Dota but I feel as I am a good player even though I play solo 90% of the time.

    I am wanting to take my main account from Normal Bracket to High/Very High but playing solo it seems like an impossible feat on the account you learned dota on/played solo on for 90% of the games played, but because all of my long time steam friends are on this account it would be too much of a hassle to switch over so I want to stick it out.

    I am having trouble with my recent loss rate wanting to continue playing due to all the downies that play and are toxic to the game, if you have any advice other than "Make Friends" please share. Also I would not mind adding some people if you're up to playing with me on US-E or US-W.

    My alt account is, it is in High Bracket and not because I played with a few friends because all of those players are new to Dota/mobas in general.

    Edit: Also most of my top played heroes are only top played because when I was very new to Dota I would pick them a lot without learning Dota, then I started looking into it heavily and I mean heavily and changed my playstyle to try and play different heroes most of the time to learn the game as fast as possible.


      Play mid, snowball and carry games if you feel you're better than your teammates.


        That only works sometimes, even when I play mid I will get retarded enough people that feed enough to even if I snowball I lose.



          Master them, ez wins


            Get friends/team or play in leagues or play for fun.


              i know how u feel about the dcs and stuff :( i can add u if u want i am always looking for good players so that i always have a few people to play with :)