General Discussion

General DiscussionFrom high to v.high

From high to v.high in General Discussion

    Does any 1 know how it works in what bracket you are , and what do to go again to v.high ?


      Playing with people in the Very High bracket. That's how I did it.
      Now I queue in High / Very High depending on the friends I'm playing with. And I solo queue in Very High.

      The line between High and Very High seems to be obscure. There is a clear difference between Normal and High though.

      Cykapath 传说中的猫龙

        So basicly you are saying that you cant "choose" playing on a high level, you need to achive it by yourself.




            You have to abuse the weaknesses of your game, though your team has those weaknesses too, meaning you will often lose from it. The biggest weakness seems to be a lack of "shutting down" heroes that snowball. So optimally, play a snowballing hero middle that is at least decent against the middle they chose. Middle is optimal, because you don't have to rely on a teammate, and you won't be ganked that much.

            Try developing snowball destructions on heroes like:
            storm spirit

            These kinds of heroes, if played well in middle correctly, can carry even a losing game EVEN AGAINST A DECENTLY FARMED CARRY ON THE OTHER TEAM.

            So the advice sums to this:
            1.) Pick 1 or 2 middle heroes in which to become expertly
            2.) Study these heroes - figure out how to do well against certain match ups, watch higher skill players play them middle and replicate them/try to think why they are doing what they do, think about how to counter the biggest "problem" you have on the other team.
            3.) Buy wards yourself if no one else does instead of sitting there complaining about it and blaming your huge loss on it. Think about it this way: if a professional player were in your seat and bought the wards, he'd still win middle hugely in your bracket. Focus on mechanical skill rather than on blame of slight divergence from absolutely optimal conditions.
            4.) rape middle. By this, I mean don't gank too soon. Generally, you will win the game if you kill middle a lot and/or get most last hits and denies (shut down their middle so that he can't gank). Try to only gank if you KNOW you will get at least one kill. You can also carry a tp around, predict where that missing pudge is obviously ganking, and turn his gank into a failure and a +1 kill for your team.

            I'll say it again, though: focus on MECHANICAL skill like last hitting, denying, and shutting down the other mid/abusing his misplacement or lack of skill by fragging him. Then you win.

            ╰_╯ GeneraL ♕★♥

              Play better, u will get into very high MM
              Easier than inventing a nuclear bomb


                yeah but problem is , I was in v.high about 5-8 months ago and did have few games 4 weeks ago , and I know that im playing now much much better than before but still in high bracket. Usually when I get 5-6 win in row I start getting some morons in team and lose 4-5 game in row.