General Discussion

General DiscussionDear page 1 SEA players/stack

Dear page 1 SEA players/stack in General Discussion
The BomB

    Hi, I'm a meepo player currently in SEA, but am going back to USA in the next few days after being here for 3 months. The MMR of this account is around medium of VH. If you check my games, you may see quite a few normal/high games as I have been queueing with real life friends who are in normal bracket.

    I would really like to see how my meepo does against the very best SEA people, so please, if you have a page 1 stack or know of one, or know pro players like iceiceice, could I play a game with you? I'll even reward the inviter with a key if we end up in page1 game1. And I'll also be playing on another account with much higher MMR than this account's.

    Thanks :)


      Tryhards we have enough of them. Pls go back to the States asap


        Sure we'll tag along,add me