General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to win one game?

How to win one game? in General Discussion

    I just lost 14 games in a row.
    few games I ruined but other was juts impossible.


      How can i say it.. Hmm
      You need smth like ''Skill''.
      Watch my replays, specially my perfect sf plays, my positions with him and my amazing razes. But gl


        Stop queueing up solo. But if you do you'll have to do everything yourself, warding, courier, calling out misses from lanes you're not even on and establish a good sense of direction with the game for your team.

        It's not going to get better unless you try.. Sitting silently, doing your own thing while watching your own team die repeatedly, only to whine at the end screen isn't the way to play a -team game-.


          Seeing as he is playing in very high brackets, i dont suppose its skill.


            Brackets mean absolutely nothing as the matchmaking is right now though


              5+ games was with 40+ spectators
              my teammates failed mid or just leave match.
              I am always say miss, do tp saves, buying wards 24\7 if playing supp


                pick carry and ask for a supp bitch


                  I have no help to offer man, since i am for sure a faaaaaar worse dota player than you, but I wish you good luck with the next game, seeing as your kda stands high and you have an interesting and not easy set of heroes you play with. It might be just plain deficite of luck.

                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                  Woof Woof

                    what did u expect while getting your rating higher and higher in this piece of shit mm? better games? better teammates? hahahaah |D


                      One thing I can recommend is, don't play if you're tired and fatigued, or on a 3-4 losing streak, just take a rest.

                      Kanye Best

                        pick treant


                          the 1 thing that helps win on losing streak is - to forget your are on losing streak. its that simple.
                          or do a brake and repeat step 1

                          other thing is to get fun when playing. not getting any fun - play other game. emotion effect how you play


                            no luck. get a slp and tmr is another day :)

                            Solo Leveling

                              play least played, then u will win...haha


                                Start communicating early in the game, try to setup a good lane combo, and go from there.

                                One of the more "secure" way to try to win is to do everything that's in your power to secure your hard carry some farm and protect him. Stack, pull, stack more, TP to him, don't let him die, stay near. You're pretty much betting on your carry to win. Doesn't mean a sure win, but it can't hurt to have a farmed up carry in your team.

                                > How can i say it.. Hmm
                                > You need smth like ''Skill''.
                                > Watch my replays, specially my perfect sf plays, my positions with him and my amazing razes. But gl

                                Hmm no more SF games since getting stomped by meepo. u mad?

                                edit: holy shit that guy has cancer:

                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                  maching system is epic fail!
                                  valve need to re-edit it
                                  i win 1 game and then lose 3
                                  i win easy and i lose easy no good games
                                  maybe they make this game only for the money
                                  ice frog w3 dota was pure gaming exp but when money get involve the real good exp go away
                                  i got like 10 loss in row for jut 4 hours ...
                                  and my win streak is like 5-6
                                  so maybe some of us must be the looser in this system .... 10x VAVLE!
                                  i play dota from dec 2005 .... i got the knowledge ...

                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                  Woof Woof

                                    ^ knowledge is nothing without ability to act on it or smth wish i could type in proper english XO

                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                      10x you really understand me ..... the system is the problem i know people with the same opinion like mine but there is nobody to hear ....
                                      maybe the only one who will hear us аrе spleenful people like you


                                        Pick semi-early game carrys that have good teamfight and scale into lategame, example=kunkka, alchemist.

                                        Hardcarrys and hardsupporting in solo que will give you cancer.

                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                          It's not about picks. It's about non-retarded teammates. Clever people can make even a 5 carry line-up work.

                                          Josh  :D

                                            Something is weird with the MM system. The whole style of gameplay for like 10 matches in a row has been way off. I'm not exactly top tier, but I had 8 losses in a row where folks were playing at a much lower level than I've become used to. That'll happen with some matches, but for the last while it's been really bad, both solo queuing and in small groups.


                                              pick huskar!

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                Guys the skill bracket on replays doesn't mean jack. Or at very least we have no idea what it means. It certainly has nothing to do with matchmaking, valve has said so. The matchmaking just isn't good right now, 14 in a row is a lot, but I'm not surprised when I go on 5-8 game win or lose streaks any more. I hate to say it but the majority of the problem seems to be queuing solo and landing with non English speakers, usually Russian or south american either Spanish or Portuguese speaking. Lack of communication kills in a team game like dota. Also most solo queue players don't seem to grasp good team builds often just playing all the pub bait carries like riki and sniper. Or you'll end up on a team of all carries and the organized team with jakiro/dark seer/warlock will stomp you. The best you can do is don't queue solo or try to pick a hard carry and farm a lot or try to pick pure support so you have some team fight.


                                                  You have misunderstood what the brackets mean Mark. Valve has gone out with very clear information on what they mean. The "average" MMR of the players in a game in Very High is higher than all High/Normal games.

                                                  I wish dotabuff had a sticky post containing all the known information Valve has gone out with since people on this forum are incapable of using Google. Everytime I read a post about something that has to do with brackets or MM someone like this Mark guy comes who has zero knowledge about the system.


                                                    just pick furion and splitpush them to death