General Discussion

General DiscussionMy skills have regressed during my last few games

My skills have regressed during my last few games in General Discussion

    Hello, So this is funny, I feel like my skills are regressing over the past 20 or 30 games, Even my winrate dropped significantly since 50 games ago.
    I always find myself feeding, missing skillshots that i have never had any problems with before, Like torrent, ghostship (In my last kunkka game the only boat i didn't miss was the one in rosh pit :( ) then continue to feed some more, No matter if my team is winning or loosing.

    It is making me worried, I personally think this is all because my positioning is bad. But i don't know how to improve positioning, I usually find myself out of position to use my skills, I am usually the first to die in the teamfights, perhaps I'm too much in the way (!)

    So how do i improve myself?


      It appears that you have higher than the average number of deaths on nearly every hero.

      Very broadly speaking correct positioning should be such that you are able to cast before the enemy. Every skill has a range, some are much larger than others. Know what the range of your skills is and stay a bit outside that range until just before you cast. If your cast range is small you may need to hide in fog, or get a blink dagger or fstaff so you can jump in just before you cast. If you do it quickly the enemy heroes will not have time to react.

      Keep in mind that anytime you are uncertain of the range of your abilities or those of any hero you can hover the mouse over the ability and the range will be displayed with a green circle.

      Another way to make your positioning easier is to get a shadow blade or a bkb. These items can allow you get close either because they do not see you or because they cannot cast on you. Bkb is of course more reliable, but in lower level games shadow blade is almost a sure thing until lategame since truesight is rarely used effectively

      The 2nd most basic level of understanding correct positioning is in relation to your allies. Do not attack until they are close enough and ready to attack. If your allies ults are on cd for 10 more seconds...Wait 10 seconds!!!. Try not to get to close or better still, don't even be visible until your team is ready. You can see if your allies ults are ready easily by glancing up at the top. Each allied hero shows a green diamond if they are ready to ult. If you want to know how long until they are ready...just click on their hero and look at the time remaining on the cd.

      Bu yorum düzenlendi

        Oh i know those basic stuff, For instance i know almost all abilities' range, myself, allies or enemies. I build forcestaff alot on supports, Great item. But still, I find myself dying too much

        Getting close to enemy to land my skills: No problem. I land my skills, but then i die. I find myself dying in almost every team fight. Most of the time i die useful, sometimes i die before doing anything. That's why i think im a bad carrry. Because carrying needs attacking and i die too fast to do any real damage.


          The only way that can happen is when you are not following the 2nd part of what I said. Maybe you know it, but if you were actually doing it you would not die so much and certainly not quickly. Do not attack until your team is ready.

          There are very few situations where it is possible for you to die without doing anything...unless you are feeding by being to far from your team. Occasionally something strange will happen like batrider blink-ults you and they focus you down. But if you are positioning correctly it is nearly impossible to die without casting something.

          I recommend that you pick a game where you had lots of deaths and watch the replay from your perspective to see what you really did. Often people do not perceive and/or remember the game accurately.

 ....Puck is the hardest hero to kill on your team, but you died the most.
          Watch the replay. Watch your deaths and think about what could have been done differently.

 you are support Silencer against a SB. You should be hiding, but you died the most.
          Watch the replay. Watch your deaths and think about what could have been done differently.

 it appears you did nothing but feed. Watch this replay and pay particular attention to where heroes are on the minimap. Does your positioning make sense? Did you react to enemy movement? How long did it take you to notice them?

          It's easy to say "yeah I check the miini map" or "I know the range of skills" but if you were actually responding correctly you would not die like this. So watch your games and see what you really did. Every pro player watches replays to learn. You can't be sure what you really did just from memory.

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          ❤ Ashley ❤

            Normal bracket aka retard bracket


              Thanks relentless
              I'll watch my replays
              And i know better to read rape's comments

              Ragnar Volarus

                Dota isn't about aiming skillshots, it's about understanding whats happening and responding to it in a correct way. It's not reflex, it's thinking that matters. Once you understand this, you will start to improve.

                ❤ Ashley ❤

                  you just read it retard, no wonder why ur in normal skill level lel

                  Woof Woof

                    if your skills are regressing and this isnt caused by playing day in day for months/ or some rl depression maybe you should retire and play something else :O or stick around like i do and play worse and worse + think i am going to be become regular high bracket player rly soon

                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                      These are sort of my golden rules:

                      *you should always think about what happened, why it happened and what you could have done instead.

                      *you should try to stay in a good state emotionally, physically and mentally.

                      *you should always watch the flow of the game itself, this will help you guess where the enemy team is fairly well.

                      To be honest its very important to stay well emotionally and physically. the better your body is the better your brain performs. also when you are overly emotional you'll get greedy/cocky or you will stop looking for ways to come back and just give up.

                      Many games are won and lost on morale alone. It's bad enough when pub players blame each other until they wont work together. That may be your problem, if so and you get control of that i think you'll find your positioning will change for the better.


                        try to rest and refrain from playing dota just for a day.. it helps..

                        I WANNA BE THE VERY BEST

                          Normal brackets nuff said.