General Discussion

General DiscussionFor a request @Natan

For a request @Natan in General Discussion

    Sorry I didn't do this earlier I was on holiday and didn't have a lot of access to interwebs. Lets look at your last page of games and work our way through with pro's and cons. This is done as a overview as I don't have the time to watch all your front page games but will look inot one if you need me to. Average SEA game with farming going on. Nothing too outstanding but surprised to see you didn't die more, so just a big +1 all round. Again another "farm all the things" game but on this one I would warn your buddies esp. the Alchemist who in both games could have jeopardized the game being so heavily farmed focused. Looking through (Pitung) his games as well it seems he can sometimes forget that it is a team game and he seems to just get lost in the farm game and doesn't seem to see past his "farm only" objective. Alright, perhaps your first mistake depending on what you went first or even after. An orchid against what is effectively a massive right click team may have not been the best choice and I seriously hope you didn't get it first over your sheep stick as getting that bad boy up earlier may have conceded more kills for you team. Either way an orchid against what you had wouldn't have been that effective anyways and I might have opted for a BKB, Manta or Necro as a preference over orchid.

    Given their picks as well I probably would have never gone with Natures Prophet and as a jungle pick would probably have gone Bat Rider. OH MAN DAT ALCH!! I think you were more fortunate with the Natures pick here as it goes well with the tinker/natures push and also early game ganks (given your assists I a guessing you did). Maelstrom and or upgrade is a good pushing items but I would hardly recommend getting in as an item on Natures. If you like it just keep the Maelstrom (don't upgrade it) then go for a Necronomicon to add to the push. I don't think the enemy even had a chance in this one given your picks. The early sheepstick pick up was a great choice and it looks like it served you well. Nothing much to say about this but as a side not, try to always up some kinds of boots. Even tranquil boots would have been good or even phase. I only say that because if you were around OD + Arcane Aura would kind of negate the need for mana boots but, Jakiro is really slow as a hero so getting him mobile is important if you want to live. You guys were horribly laned up. I don't know if you were even outpicked but just the lane setup feels bad to me. I don't know how you laned it but I would have....

    Pudge - Mid
    QoP - Offlane
    Sven/Omni - Safe Lane
    Lifestealer - Jungle

    I am guessing Sven and Omni got a tough lane but still Sven's item build is pretty bad as is Omni's. You just got out-played here and on your part I would have postponed the abyssal and gone for an Assault Cuirass as you wouldn't have even been hitting out that fast anyways and with their team you could have really done with some tankiness or escape.


    As an overall view I think your Natures prophet needs some work as you know how to play him but you are far from mastering technique with him and experience on how/where to gank/push. If I were you I would perhaps stick to Supports & Semi-carries till you have "perfected" your games as the KDA seems to be lacking as well as your deny/lasthitting at 10-20 mins.

    Anyone can auto attack creeps in the jungle and stand idle in a lane leeching exp as a support. It is the involvement and decision making that defines you as a player, something that no amount of AFK farm can do for you.


    On the positive you have found a stack, have a good Win rate on some of your top heroes, and a pretty good overall winrate. The only advice I can give at this point is just to keep at it, get technical, really refine your gameplay by not just being a 5th player but a 5th player with huge game impact no matter what hero you are playing.

    Disclaimer: This is just my opinion on your games as requested by you over steam and how you could improve.


      Most of the prophets think that they can farm jungle whole game while their team is playing 4vs5 , get 15 minute midas and than come out at minute 40 with daedalus and 2 rapiers with shadow blade and have feeling that they carried the game.
      I had to go Io mid last game because our np refused to solo hard lane against a solo abaddon.
      Io mid,.....


        I am guessing it failed :P


          Io actually does really well against most conventional mids, in all fairness. Against OD, though....


            No he doesn't, he needs an aggressive partner to be efficient.