General Discussion

General DiscussionSo Sick Game

So Sick Game in General Discussion

    Watch and be entertained :P

    Warning: low tier game. For those elitist pros.. Kindly refrain from your sarcasm and unnecessary flaming. Positive criticism is always welcome. It wasn't my intention to brag about skills or talent.. Its just a game.. Where luck played a big role.


      Came, saw it was in Normal bracket, left.


        damn those 500 cs in 70 min game, daym dat skill

        Woof Woof

          hows it going champ?^

          Kanye Best

            looks like rats


              I have to sadly agree with some of the above comments. Watching an SEA farm game with very few kills on the board either way with the heroes picked is not exactly going to be the best expenditure of my day and I am sure quite a number of people would agree.

              Item progression was bad.
              Game was prolonged unnecessarily.
              Skill build were poor but in a 70 minute game who cares.
              Barathrum switching from Ganker to Tank to Pusher basically screws him over.
              Razor has Ghost Scepter and Talisman of Evasion without moving those items to anything useful e.g. Halberd/Ghost or Ethereal so basically two fairly useless items on Razor.
              Refresher over Deso, Halberd, Manta or Heart is just....poor.
              Drow had so much DPS but did so bad.
              Phantom Lancer farms all game for nothing.
              Treant grasping at all survival item straws without any actual thought.
              Ogre spends whole game trying to go 71 minutes he still doesn't have it.
              Tidehunter has no blink.
              Gyrocopter has no lifesteal.

              .....need I go on?


                normal bracket ok


                  Yes game was on normal bracket. I am not super pro like some of u guys and I'm Nt ashamed to say it. Jss posted fr the fun of it.. At 70 mins against 5 carries where even fully farmed pl just melted.. After we Lost Atleast 7-8 team clashes and still managed to somehow win it. Tht was why I posted it.

                  Intention was never to brag. Its just a fun game.. Base race.

                  Our item progression was bad. It wasn't as if we were Nt trying to get items. I spent at least 15 mins on talisman of evasion without being able to upgrade simply Bcoz we were losing team clashes. Same with ogre. Its not possible to get higher tier items wen u lose every team fight. Razor is a mid game hero and I did dominate early-mid game. But I lost out once gyro got his mkb. His hits went thru my ghost scepter.

                  And I definitely do not understand why gyro needed lifesteal.. Its not like he was dying during fights or something.

                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                    All aside, kudos for the win.