General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking forward to incoming barrage of Brazilians, rage quitters, 54k...

Looking forward to incoming barrage of Brazilians, rage quitters, 54k modem users, and lol converts in General Discussion

    As you can see from my match history, I've been winning a lot of my games recently. I went from like 16 under %50 to 5 over. So, naturally, I've been waiting for the other foot to drop, and I believe it has started with my most recent game:

    a few things to note here. If you look at the 2 guys who are on dotabuff on the opposing team, they are slightly below %50, and everyone on my team is slightly over. The wild card here is the Void player on our team. This guy refused to take safe lane, didn't last hit, got a 30 minute midas, fed the courier several times, had 217 gpm, and didn't communicate at all the entire game until the end when he said "comment me"

    This is what is so absolutely rage inducing about this game. Valve thinks a "balanced" matchmaking system is one where everyone wins %50 of the time. And to enforce this, it will put players on your team that have behavior patterns that will make it impossible for you to win. If you do well, you should be matched with better team mates and better opponents, not the other way around.

    nb4 trench, yes that is obviously the thing here. But there are trenches, and then there is the Mariana Trench where this void player belongs. Tryhards should be matched with tryhards, mediocre trenchers such as myself should be matched with other mediocre trenchers, people who are clearly disruptive and extremely low skilled to the point of dragging their team down should be matched with each other, and finally people who are clearly new should be matched with other noobs. At my level I should not have to suffer a player that bad, on my team or on the enemy team. That is another thing, winning doesn't feel satisfying if you play against players like this, so really everyone loses with this system.


      complain to the United Nations Human Rights Committee
      .. and I hate CM pickers :3


        How can one hate cm pickers o0

        Kanye Best

          cause they're fags


            You're still in the same bracket and you're still playing joke modes


              kayne fag plastikowa fag

              Kanye Best

                slark picker


                  this guy again -_-
                  please add age restriction to dotabuff


                    And here we have Tractacus talking about brackets yet again. Even though most people at this game are bad and nerdy(just like you guys whose comments I see on every topic I open, kanye best, vaikiss. etc.), you cannot sort them in ONLY 3 brackets. It makes no sense. MM is corrupted by shitty Valve.

                    It's very simple why it doesn't make sense. Because we have varieties of bad players, just as we have varieties of good players. Is it so hard to come up with a PUBLIC ELO RATING that will sort you for instance with people who are 1400-1600 if you are 1500 on the scale. Guess for Valve it is. Now it seems to sort people from 1700 down to 700 in the same bracket. That's like totally ridiculous. Perhaps you can call a 1600 player shit, but a 1000 player is like years away. Even funny looking HoN had a better MM system than this.

                    To stay on topic. You're screwed just like the rest of us. As someone who got flamed in my own topic about that (got told I play in normal bracket cause I belong there even though I totally dominate my games.) and then afterwards I somehow got to play the so called special HIGH bracket - I can tell you already that I had 15/5 stats with a 1/11 maiden feeder in the team who was playing with a Bloodseeker who had blademail threads and orb of venom after 30minutes (yes he was actually that bad)- In reality players 'good' players were a bit better but there was absolutely nothing HIGH about it. Saw the same noobs like this seeker in normal bracket as well.

                    And these jackasses and jerkoffs here like Kanye Best or Tractacus don't want to accept that because they want to feel good in their own little private world where there play high and very high bracket cause they're pro's. Yeah, right :XD

                    Truth is, the system is flawed at its very core. Mathematically its impossible to create only 3 brackets for the entire community and make them fair. Anyone who disagrees is a complete idiot. Also they should make a special bracket for leavers as well.

                    Can't believe that people waited 3 years for this game to go out of beta just to see a completely flawed MM system. Seriously, HoN had all of these issues fixed up in less than a year - even LoL has a better MM.

                    Sōu ka

                      what you fail to see is that while being in very high doesn't mean that you are a very good player, being in normal does actually mean something
                      anyone queuing reliably into very high without stacking and after 100 games there would easily dominate your games
                      and as long as you can't even win significantly more than 50% of your games in normal you are indeed a worse player than anyone posting here who actually queues into very high with at least 99.9% accuracy

                      and no you don't play support in normal games if you actually think you're a good player
                      you don't actually expect any of your teammates to do anything constructive in those games and you could actually play with a disabled minimap and center the camera on your hero and even zoom in to the max and win those games if you were any good

                      and matchmaking doesn't match players based on brackets and even if it did that wouldn't mean that good players would end up being trapped in normal games

                      stop being so goddamn proud when you are actually winning these low level games by yourself

                      SPACEMAN SPIFF

                        I hate that people think that Valve somehow has "forced 50% matchmaking."

                        It doesn't.

                        Sōu ka

                          well it sort of does
                          matchmaking tries to subsequently give you games with a 50% chance for each team to win

                          some people think a forced 50% win rate means that you get rather free wins (chance to win>50%) when you are below 50% and really hard games (chance to win<50%) when you are above 50% which is wrong

                          however if MM worked you'd eventually end up at 50%, so no it is supposed to to force 50%


                            Can't complain about much when you can only play 1 hero