General Discussion

General DiscussionHow can I get better at DOTA?

How can I get better at DOTA? in General Discussion

    Hi guys, I have been getting much better at DOTA, but know that I still have a long ways to go. What would you need from me to make suggestions? Grateful for any help or advice. :) Thanks a lot!

    Woof Woof

      do you see what is happening in team fights? [ perceive whole fight going on or just tunnel vision one thing or smth else like black outs ]
      can you control multiple units in fights against more than one enemy without doing some retarded things?


        What's up with this,
        looks like too many ppl wants to be better these days


          Be more specific. What would you like to learn? So far it looks like you have figured out how to play Riki and Bounty Hunter.
          Did you want to improve one of your other heroes? or get into higher level games? or learn a different role?

          ╰_╯ GeneraL ♕★♥

            Watch streams (not Purge's stream ofc) for pro players who play for the top teams
            And try to figure wut they do and why, and try their lvl and item builds and check which one fits u the most

            H A S O O O N

              the best way to be better is to play safe, dont die and u will be fine

              HURF DURF

                I tunnel vision a lot.. or my eyes just glaze over.. how do I fix that?

                Woof Woof

                  read less/sit in front of pc less

                  dont shake your camera 2much in game
                  increase your apm by a lot to deeper focus on screen
                  but if you reach level where you have to literally fight your eyes to keep them open in team fights because they are soo fuckin tired just take a break
                  when it comes to tunnel focus u just need to practice rotating it
                  if u dont know what i meant by not shaking camera watch one of mason demos and see how slow and calm his camera work is

                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                  9k Attitude

                    if u wanna be better player best way is to read !
                    ya read the skills for everyhero in the game even if u wont play it , it may be against you
                    so read all the skills and what they actually do .
                    learn about the damage types
                    learn how to play safe lane support (pulling and stacking pull and pull timing , some pulling times could be horrible)
                    learn how to support hard lane (the most important thing is to keep your eyes open and your timing perfect thats all , so dont be overagressive and harrase safe some time u get killed harrasing too much)
                    then start learning how to carry because its not all about farming all game u need to know when to farm how to farm and where to farm , and when to join teamfights and when to ignore it
                    hope that was helpful


                      never congratulate yourself until the game is won. always look at what you could have done better or what worked against your team. always remember to look at things like items and skill builds in context and not as universals. try not to flame your team, more games are lost on morale than anything else.

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                        Hi guys, thanks for all the tips! I am skilled to the point where I have a pretty good grip on heroes and when to team fight. (i.e. I generally know going into a fight whether it's one we're likely to win or not)

                        Here's where I struggle:
                        1. how to not get bored playing support. I am good at it, I just get way bored if I am doing a good job of it. :)
                        2. good farming techniques -- I played against an alch who was lvl 16 when my team was 11 without team fights and I am baffled by how he did it. he rushed midas, which obviously helped, but still! Don't quite consider myself to be an awesome farmer.

                        Thanks again guys!


                          ^ heh, i dont know about u, but i really enjoy playing support, ofc when my team mates are not idiots like in most of my games as support but w/e
                          -playing support(good support) its pretty hard cuz u need to take care of ur positioning cuz support are squishy. allways decide what kind of wards u need(aggresive or devensive,highgound vision or neutral block) and allways get sentry if they have invis heroes, u have to teke em before they strike, to be prepared for em
                          and ofc as support u have to know how make space for cary to lvl up faster,wich takes me to ur alche question>

                          -y midas rush help lvl-ing up faster if u use it in woods on the stronger neutral(ursa,centaur etc)
                          and ofc,allways have tp cuz there will allways be a lane with many creeps and many xp to get :D

                          Bu yorum düzenlendi
                          Woof Woof

                            1 have goals for your support(stack this, gank someone, try to get gold etc) if u are just walking mindlessly between lanes boredom is bound to happen
                            2 watch replay from alch pov

                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                              Thanks guys. Both of you have helped! Lulz, can I find my replays in the "watch" tab?