General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat if shadow fiend's razes slowed 25% with different buffs?

What if shadow fiend's razes slowed 25% with different buffs? in General Discussion
❤ Ashley ❤

    like it slows 25% for 2 seconds and stacks upon itself with razes for a 75% slow?


      it takes skills to land the 3 razes, this basically makes it auto land 3 razes and remove the skills involved. not good

      la the yeezy

        yea. and also increase sf's necromastery to 200 souls

        ❤ Ashley ❤

          ^ sounds a little op, what about just 75 souls?


            sf also receives free bkb and shadowblade @ lvl 6 next patch


              no, he gets 5 seconds of magic immunity after casting requiem

              waku waku

                just give him drow's ult

                la the yeezy

                  WTF guys? If your suggestions are stupid, then don't post in here
                  this is serious valve matter and we don't want trolls here. get out!


                    by saying "yea. and also increase sf's necromastery to 200 souls" isnt a troll??
                    but i m being honest here,maybe add one more range for his raze,button V for range 2500 XDD


                      sf is already incredible hero


                        but i would still like another raze or mby a tiny faster animation (execution of it)


                          Why not just have raze stun instead?

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            RAPE ALERT. EVERYBODY CLEAR OUT THE AREA.