General Discussion

General DiscussionWelp im going back to LoL

Welp im going back to LoL in General Discussion
❤ Ashley ❤

    The graphics are too cartoony here, LoL is more serious graphics, gg im out


      1 drow ranger insta picker, everything went better than expected


        pls dont ;_; we need you.

        mini kong

          but stilll play dota2 ??? hahaha


            NOONE CARES

            la the yeezy

              played an hour ago. k


                FRIENDSTHIS MONTH
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                No Friends

                NO FRIENDS!

                i think he is just sad and wants a hug :'(


                  please dont leave we need high skilled players like u to stay in dota 2 community

                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    RAPE ALERT.

                    Feeder Chan

                      Hmmm posted he was going back to lol 12 hours, last game was 5 hours ago.


                        no pls Rape srsly, we need you, too many heroes still needs to be balanced


                          Rape don't leave please! We all know that the heroes you play most are really underpowered, but with ur help we will brind dota 2 back balanced! DON'T LEAVE! We all know lol has the better grapichs but wtf stayyyyyyyy :( :$$$$$$$$.


                            "The graphics are too cartoony here, LoL is more serious graphics, gg im out" xaxaxaxaxaxaxa........ You must be 10 years old....maximum 15.! that you say..... old school cant play lol.......And lol build up in dota.! so.....kid! go in lol....and dont play dota.! its for serious ppl....

                            Penis Monkey

                              I love how many people still fall for his trolling. Rape, you cannot leave.

                              ❤ Ashley ❤

                                dota 2 needs 2 be more serious

                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                  TSVA IS NEW HERE. SOMEBODY GIVE HIM A WELCOME HUG.


                                    I agree with you.... I cant hear kids tell LoL is better can be? LoL its building up in dota2.....dota2 is more skill is just a simple game.

                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                      You still don't understand. That TROLL WARLORD guy (aka Rape) is a guy that doesn't have a real life so he comes here whining about stupid things. And you just fell for his trolling pretty hard.


                                        i bet you tsva is from malaysia or at least south east asia. lool


                                          Dont feed the trolls.