What have the i49 games been like? Can't find any info about match times or streams anywhere.
http://www.ukdota.net/stream.php?id=11 Here is the stream for Insomnia 49...aghs refresher Zues right now tearing it up..also nearly 3 Divine Rapiers on sniper this game.
Several French teams have crossed the channel to take them on. We will see who comes out on top.
Abaddon pick by GamersLeague.EU in game 3 vs 4FC...it was banned in earlier games so they knew it was being practiced somehow.
anyway im not really playing dota for quite a while but i heard abadon is in cm
i saw couple games is he now firstpick material hero ? i remmember him back from w3 dota but short range and kinda high manacost spells wasn't effective back at those metas
now when splitpushing and farming is popular he could work out since hes basicly unkillable support in teamfites
I am interested to see what he can do. There has been a lot of failure of omnikinght in pro games. Abaddon has a lot of similarities...but he does match up with the lower cd game better. Omni ult is so good but also such a long cd. Both really need mana.
This lineup is extremely hard to kill...abaddon, LS, wr, weaver, dazzle. It think they will use it tower dive.
well imo the best part about abadon in that game is to remove fiend grip and root with shields but he was picked as first hero so dafuq
So far abaddon being very easily ignored while 4FC outfarms...GL needs to force fights.
Yeah, they waited to long. Aphotic blocks a fixed amount of dmg, does a fixed amount on burst...coil is a small dmg nuke and a small heal. If you don't make things happen early he is not going to save anything late game. Omni scales into late game so much better with magic immunity and +1000 armor always being strong...but even he loses in pro games.
So far no one seems to have figured out how to make the hard core healers win.
well dota is about killing buildings
u can completely ignore teamfights get 6 sloted win 1 engagement and then take win this is what 4fc did
The next matchup is 4++Ketchup vs Pain and its a first ban Troll...maybe pain has been practicing and troll. Meanwhile Pyrion Flax is doing an excellent cast of an exciting Dench vs DDogs game.
ooh this is c7a551c's team I just played against them last week.
I think Zues was 2-1 in the games I saw. I watched 10 so far today but that was not all of them! And there are still a lot more to come.
Does anyone know what ping for Brazilian players is to EUwest? I usually get 100-120 to EUwest and I live closest to the USeast server.
despite obvious autism i am sure you could earn some money as coach or team manager or smth
I love watching, playing, and talking about dota 2. What could be better? What do you spend your time doing? Do you enjoy it?
Meahwhile Pain vs 4++ are back at it and TROLL IS IN THE GAME!!!! first picked by the Americans. Also ES picked up! Will this be the 2nd loss for a tryhard Kotl PL team today?
I hate watching, playing, and talking about dota 2. What could be worse? - death or being paralyzed from neck down What do you spend your time doing?- playing game i hate and talking to people i dont like - Do you hate it? yes
+ i realized many other things thanks to your posts
have a good day bro
Troll wins his first pro dota game! Beats PL+Kotl+NP and wins in a 4-1 betting odds upset.
Relentless28 minutes ago
Troll wins his first pro dota game! Beats PL+Kotl+NP and wins in a 4-1 betting odds upset.
match id????
where are the VODs?
Still I would like to see some high tier pro teams play them, but UK pub dota would be interesting as well.
I'm sorry, but no VODs have been posted for these games yet.
There is a lot more pro Dota today. Joindota will have Gosu Cup Asia, Rapture Gaming Network League, and Neotolic Pro League.
You can see the results from Insomnia and the schedule here http://www.ukdota.net/article.php?id=20 There was a big public qualifier to get into Insomnia before this so the weakest teams have already been knocked out. This was a really fun tournament to watch yesterday since there were so many unorthodox picks and Pyrion Flax did a great job.
In the first game today the Australian team Balls is going hard core aggresive with Pudge and CK-wisp against Vici Gaming. Can they pull off some Dendi style magic?
http://www.joindota.com/en/livestreams/657-sheever ....in other news apparently Sheever thinks werewolves are hot.
actually that pl was terrible he was constantly doing fights even tho they had turtle lineup rubick + kotl they could turtle for a while and then try to win with splitpushing of pl and Np alliance did it many times
obviouslee those guys not even close to alliance level
^true...still Troll+Visage+1 looks like it is a really strong offensive trilane. This is the first and only professional defeat I have watched of a defensive KotL tri-lane. The won it on cs by a lot and kills and got the tower early.
Poor pudge is playing on 465 ping..still he is able to hook with banes help setting it up. Is AUS internet always this bad?
...well that looked very easy for VG idk how anyone can play on 400+ pings.
Mineski vs TellMeWhy up next.
Troll is like a hero strong at early mid and late game. Can manfight even Ursa. Can push everything in seconds. Can take rosh in seconds. 275 damage and 8 seconds blind for only 50 mana. (Do I smell balance?) Can be in fights with just a BKB and still pretty strong late game.
Troll > any attack speed carry : huskar, ursa (naix???) and so on...
like PL> any illusion carry : naga, spectre, CK
But troll also makes whole team attack speed carries for 7 seconds.
1 question: why are not the patch changes noted on the official updates' page? http://www.dota2.com/news/updates/
no hes not strong in early
he has very poor hp even in melee form make it 3x nuker trilane vs him and hes gone
ofc that blind thingie is good especialy vs heroes like clock but hes way too squishy i can understand him being used as a support hero since he can jungle since level 1 and his ulti boosts ur carry and mid hero attack speed alot
Early doesn't mean level 1-2 only. At level 7 he can solo kill pretty much any hero without an escape or disable. For a carry being able to kill people that early is a big deal. All he lacks is a farming tool. And he is still tankier than most carries that are picked. He gets 320? base speed with rage and +3 armor and 100 HP as well. 100 HP means a bracer early game.
Divine Rapier Gyrocopter vs Aghs Refresher Razer...who will win?....close fights, but gyros bkb already on 4 sec ftl.
too bad carries are picked to carry from mid to late game and troll can't carry shit cuz hes single target rightclicker hero who can't do shit against multiple heroes (mass teamfights)
not to solo kill in early game and alchemist can solo kill anything easy so can gyro if the target is out of position
troll can't kill shit even in pubs played multiple games everyone just runs the fuck away after using slow stun or w/e they got on "him"
I am at the i49 its pretty cray...
Event listing is there http://insomniagamingfestival.com/tournaments/tournament-schedule/
Well new meta incoming.. Troll and abba just got added to the cm mode. Expect to see a lot of these picks in competitive games.
Yes, Pudge is getting hooks, but he is struggling to time dismembers with the high ping. It really looked like the Australians could have won this game on LAN, but sadly NO FUN wins again. 6 Slot AM at 45 min despite a 16 min bfury and so many ganks on him...naga song traps them at roshan while NP and AM take raxes....then we wait while they all farm buy backs and wait for the next ageis for some seriously tryhard, no risk dota.
Next up is Minekski vs Vici Gaming.
Australian does not enjoy the luxuries on any other server besides the local ones.
Even with my 15mbps connection I'm getting 79ms regularly on local ozzie server with the ping spiking to 200 in the nearest SEA server.
mate played against balls in steel series finals, they are very decent team. tough luck with them servers
VG wins easily...and now Mineski vs TMY and we see an aggressive tri-lane Abaddon from the Thai team...not very successful. It looks like they did not actually practice for this. People are not positioning in range of Abaddon when they need to be healed/shielded.
This game is quickly descending into chaos which should be good for abaddon +timbersaw + weaver. This looks a lot more like how abaddon should be played but its still pretty raw...could be improved a lot with practice.
they should stick to kangaroos and snakes instead of playing dota those fagots from former absolute legends ruined our games in 4pl semifinals or so quite a while ago cuz we had to play with bonus 200 pings against them
Aphotic Shield and coil heals on the spirit bear seem to be fairly effective to siege if you do it soon enough. But late game it doesn't do that much. The shield is still a nice way to remove any disables used on the bear in lategame.
CM aura solved his mana problem. This strat worked fairly well.
Now its VG vs TMY in the grand finals.
TMY was not able to make their Abaddon strat work very well against VG, but I think this was largely because VG is simply a lot better team.
Now Impervious has a defensive tri-lane Abaddon-CM-Razor against a very strong aggressive tri-lane for MithTrust jugg-naga-visage. Its the first Neotolic Pro League game of the day.
Impervious gets FB with a NP tp in making it 4 v 3, but they trade kills. At 7 min the tri-lane trades are 2-5 for MithTrust but by 9 minutes its 7-7. Heroes are dropping nearly twice a minute. 8-9 at 10 min.
lol wow so many buy backs...what a game. MithTrust comes out on top 11-17 at 12 min. Jugg healing ward proves much stronger than Abaddon heals.
17-23 at 15 minutes...this is the best pro dota 2 Abaddon game I've seen yet.
again, I would like to see some high tier pro teams playing those heroes. who knows when they finish celebrating and mourning?
I'm sure some of them will try the new heroes eventually. But these tournaments are smaller, low prize pool events that don't attract the best teams. So far Abaddon has performed best in aggressive tri-lanes...in fact he lost every game he was not in an aggressive tri-lane. I think not using him that way reflects the team captain not understanding how to put him into a game plan.
Pain vs GamersLeague is up next.
...and GL is running a BloodSeeker mid, LoneDruid offlane, and defensive tri-lane of Abaddon-CM-Tiny.
Pain has Chen jungle, Gryo+SD safelane, DK mid and NP offlane.
Carry Tiny is dramatically accelerated to be able to take towers with far less networth by Bloodseeker dmg amp.+120% dmg jumps Tiny to late game dps as soon as he gets aghs.
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Rapture gaming was going on in the east and Pyrion Flax is casting the Insomnia 49 in the UK.
Now the Neotolic League is underway with Karkki standing in on 4FC vs GamersLeague.EU. Meanwhile Versuta is casting ....Mouz goes with 4 carries against Empire!
I've also seen several Zues picks today.