General Discussion

General DiscussionLF buds to play with

LF buds to play with in General Discussion

    Sup lads? As the tittle says, I am looking for some buds to play with. I simply cba playing solo most of the time, which leads to many Russians (no offense to anyone, but Russians, you're the worst, not including Turks), so many braindead people, and a ppl with a big ego. I am mostly playing carries, but I am a beast support as well. I don't mind supporting someone, as long as they're doing his/her job(s). I am playing on EUE/EUW servers. 20 years old, from Serbia addicted to UK ^^. I don't mind playing with anyone, basically, as long as they know the basics and stuff. Feel free to add me, but please, post some infos here first, so I can know who's adding me and why, since most people are adding me randomly, not saying a word, and then I am confused. Cheers lads, hope we meet in the game.

    edit: here's my profile


      morning bump


        lets make a try . i have no prob playing any role

        Bu yorum düzenlendi

          another morning bump


            bumping this *****