General Discussion

General DiscussionLook at my dotabuff, how to play better

Look at my dotabuff, how to play better in General Discussion
Bubble Butt

    This is my dotabuff link
    I always tried my best in the games, but still cannot win the games continuously.
    Always win several games then lose several games, only 60 percentage win rate.
    How to play better.
    BTW, this is my XPM record:
    Game id 276614499
    Victory 4 days ago
    Clinkz 1083XPM
    I think it is one of the hero that I know how to play well, this game is the example of how to snowball clinkz and play agressively.
    Any suggestion would be appreciated.



      Bubble Butt

        你好 Hola Hi Hello Bonjour Ani ha sei yo


          就是干 ! ! !


            Straight for blink and agha is a bad idea. Their team could easily kite you and by the looks of it that is what they did. There is a reason people get hood, blademail & vanguard on axe.

            Forcestaff is a fantastic item but on initiators never favour it over the blink as the range is not quite as long and it is slightly more expensive and there is a chance you could end up forcing yourself in the wrong direction. Try blink first then force to add to the escape/team help.

            Way too much farming on that hero with little gain. Without watching it I have no clue how you even lost with that line-up. Try going for smaller items first to ensure you are adequately helping your team in the early/mid while pushing as a preference to jungle/lane farming.

            Prolonging this game was potentially dangerous for you, also item progression on pudge was not very clever.

            Tanky heroes and high damage dealers. In this case Sheepstick > Dagon 5 and also cheaper and more helpful to the team play as it looks like your carries were getting the brunt of the attacks.

            All round some good plays and scores but I think you are too focused in some games on personal glory and KDA then the overall survival of the team and that puts the game at risk. that right there...going straight rapier is risky and the build on KotL as well.

            Don't risk a game with crazy carry builds and items. Focus more on the objective of the game which is to finish. Other than that keep up the good gaming as some of it looks very tidy.

            (This post is my opinion on your first page of games)

            Bu yorum düzenlendi

              look at my dota buff i cant even get fucking 50% becouse of leavers and retards



                Looking through your stats/records/trends it seems you mostly play heroes that aren't that ground-breakingly good at game turning. You don't play a very convincing carry player but do seem to know your way around a number of supports which is a valued but heavily under-appreciatted skill.

                In solo queue if you are mostly playing a support or initiator role you will find that you will lose a lot of you games not just because of "retards" but because of the lack of communication that a support or initiator requires to play effectively. In all your games I can pin out random builds with everyone just doing their own thing without any intellectual thought to team play.

                My suggestion is to find the numerous carry players out there and slowly build up a teambase of players for which you primarily support and you will find things will go a lot smoother for you. Also keep in mind that a lot of initiators e.g. Tide, Enigma, Earthshaker can't actually be played as effectively as a solo support or hard support and you will just end up as a weak, underfarmed, pick off for the enemy team

                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                  try to stay away from russians & south americans and you win trust me they are RETARDED


                  spectre shut down in lane naix was retarded as you can see on items. but guess what? OUR PROPHET WAS MEXICAN
                  i didnt even try to win when naix had 10 kills of prophet


                    You solo queued Captains Mode O_O

                    Bubble Butt

                      Havoc,you are good at analyzing..



                        Was it you mid? Or Clockwerk?


                          @Havoc Badger

                          Hey, can I get some ideas from you how to improve my games? I love to play Dota 2, but sometimes I just want to RQ, because of some retards that I get. But 50% of my games are fun. But still, no idea, if I can't get better because I sux @ something and doing wrong, or just getting retards.


                            @DARKLY | Discodude

                            none.sniper took mid. no missing calls & no ganks. me and sk were top against spectre and furion was jungle(or auto attacking clocks solo lane)
                            the furion was the worst. 74 Cs at 50 minutes with furion is terrible


                              This is yellow



                                ...I was trying to figure out why you had one carry and I hoped he didn't go mid.


                                  This is yellow, confirmed.



                           While you definitely outplayed your counterparts I strongly feel that going for a satanic is not worth it if you can't even get that hit in. Perhaps grabbing a BKB before finishing the satanic might have seen things go differently. Also troll is one of the fastest pushing heroes in the game so with the advantage you had I have no clue how this was lost.

                           You picked up some kills with clockwork here but then again clockwerk will always find kills here and there. Something I noticed was that given the sheer amount of right click power they had it surprises me you skipped the Vanguard stage and went/building for a Maelstrom instead.

                           Your build on Razor could use some work as he excels in survival fighting and provided you can survive an initial hit he will outlast other carries due to his skill set and tankiness. IMO I think Vanguard or a situational BKB is almost a must have.

                           Struggling for 30 mins for a Battlefury is not wise. If it isn't going well get utility "Drums, Basher, Vlads etc."

                           A mix of tank/DPS/disable doom which seems to have worked that game but I would avoid getting basher on Doom as while I can see it being quite viable in certain situations it is my opinion that there are better items to get. Also pro-tip from a Doom player. At level 5 get one level of level death that way at level 6 your skill will be just on the money for a big damage nuke.

                           This is a big mistake I feel on your part as going the agha's upgrade was a bad idea. Look at the right clicks on that luna. Don't you think getting a sheepstick first would have helped your team more? I also would venture to say that agha's is a waste of an item slot on Nature's as you ult will do enough damage if you don't "noob" spam it everytime it is off cooldown just to get farm. When a team fight breaks out then you do your ult and can maybe spam a couple to catch some farm & push if some of the heroes are down.

                           Too much farm with too much late game risk so I don't know why you did it. Chaos Knight is one of the most mental late game carries and I don't think Alch is a better late game in a man-off with CK. This turned into a farming game which ended up badly for you in the long run.

                                    In general you play a lot of right clicking heroes (not a bad thing) so the only things I can suggest are the following.

                                    - Think of your item progression and skill building
                                    - Think of your team and the games objective (to end the game)
                                    - Bloodseeker is too easy to shut down that is why you have a low winrate on him (sorry I just don't think he is good)
                                    - Going for massive right click items is not always the way and can leave you and your team weak in the early and mid game. Try going for some early game items Drums, Poor Mans, Casual Yasha. example this game went really shit early game so I grabbed a yasha, MoM and some drums just so I could help the team and in the end I was able to carry a little bit.

                                    Keep in mind I am not really a carry player as you seem to be so some of my suggestions may not be accurate and people are free to chime in but it is just my opinion on how you could improve your game as requested.

                                    Sneak up your winrate and KDA and your good to go. GLHF

                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                    TikTok Uncle

                                      bravo @Havoc Badger
                                      for your replies !

                                      Woof Woof

                                        Havoc Badger 2nd coming of Relentless


                                          ^lmao hahaha crackup


                                            Havoc Badger is a bot. Nobody is this mannered on the internet.


                                              Relentless teached him how to make big walls
                                              really big walls


                                                I would be really thankful if someone could give me similar insights to improving my games. I'm trying to learn all the time, but sometimes I just feel I'm getting stuck.



                                                  Most of your games are on Invoker and DP, both very situational heroes. Maybe you should try to play the more "standard" ones more?


                                                    @havoc badger can i have your opinion too? i'm really getting stuck at the point how to be better at dota.



                                                      Yeah, I'm already doing that, trying to learn more heroes and playing mostly SD and RD modes. :)


                                                        analyze me too :(

                                                        I suck at positioning and die alot i guess, My KDA are all < 2
                                                        How to improve?

                                                        COYOTE CÓSMICO

                                                          If you have time, me too, but I think I know what is my problem, I dont play with friends (my friends cant play dota 2 because of their pc) and I almost always get shitty teammates
                                                          When I play a carry my supports sucks.
                                                          When I play support my carries sucks.

                                                          dopamine hunter

                                                            @Havoc Badger and anyone really

                                                            I'm fairly new at this whole dota2 thing, but i've taken a shining for supports, now besides getting better at denies (i am honestly really bad at them because i seem to prefer supports with rather slow animations, but i hope the timing will get better) and warding (only very recently realized how helpful they are) do you have any other suggestions?


                                                              @Based Doge,
                                                              practice on last hitting with any slow animation hero (Tiny...for example) and from there, you can practice both last hitting and denying with just simple lane control! For me, this works well because you'll realize/anticipate when to deny.

                                                              Not many supports in pubs know good warding places, You'll usually see the obvious ones like the ward spot right by radiant ancients but you have to really just keep playing/reading guides and observe where wards are, you'll begin to pick up on common ward placings and soon realize factors that'll expose any potential risky situations. And If you're interested in scrims/nonpub matches, then reading on warding camps is very useful. 100% of the time in pubs, nobody dewards in the early/lane phase. The hardest thing to do is to anticipate where wards are!


                                                                It looks like you are doing well at the moment, but of course, there is always room for improvement. Since you don't have a whole lot of games, yet, it's a little hard to give specific advice

                                                                Warding comes to mind, there's a lot of resources out there to learn about that:


                                                                And tons of Youtube videos. At least learn the magic bush spot (you can see it in the first link, it is in the Radiant jungle)

                                                                You don't have to learn it all in a day, just familiarize yourself with it

                                                                In my opinion, Clinkz is a good hero to like at the moment, so play him more if you like him. Splitpushing is very popular right now due to TI3 and Clinkz can not only gank Furion, Tinker, etc. (carry a dust), but can push right back.

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