General Discussion

General DiscussionNo you don't get special treatment if you work in valve .

No you don't get special treatment if you work in valve . in General Discussion
Turtle Slayer

    Concerning this thread
    I'm so sorry dear 'the fallen' . You are 100 % at right here.
    Even if you knew that guy was an employee, even if you knew that guy was Gabe himself , you should still be able to say everything you said and even more , without getting a severe special punishment .

    This employee is not an admin . Dota 2 doesn't have those admins/mods like hon or tribunal like LOL.
    They have an automated report system , and a mute feature as well as a disconnect feature . These are the tools given to you to fight trolls. Yes it's a very shitty system , and it tends to punish the undeserving as much as it lets the deserving go unpunished . But it's the system we have . No one gets special treatment , ESPECIALLY a valve employee .
    It's your god damn system ffs! If you think , me greenmarinevalve that you are the first person to actually get harassed by such a person , then I must doubt your mental capabilities , and doubt the standards of valve's employees regarding dota 2 development . Wich would actually make sense , seing the entire MM system we have as a whole .
    Mr greenmarinevolvo , you are not entitled to special treatment . If you think this person should not be in your matchmaking pool/ and or behaving this way . Then you have nothing to blame but the system , your * system .
    You should blame yourself mr employee before ruining what could have been a 13 yo boy's summer .
    With an undeserved very biased mute ban and lpq.
    You are offended ?
    -Report him for whatever reason you think it was , and accept the fact that if he doesn't misbehave in other games , he will not get punished . And if he does get punished , he will get either a 12 hour lpq or 24 hour mute . It's the system you put . You are not above the law and you are not the first person to get
    -Mute him. I can not count how many racist remarks I have gotten towards my Lebanese Arabic Muslim heritage . And all I could do was mute these people and hope for the best.
    -Leave game . If the fire is too hot for you , leave the kitchen. No one is forcing you to play . No one is forcing you to have this apparently "unbearable " experience . Everyone knows how shitty MM is, and everyone accepts that shit when they join the game . You are no different . You are shit like the rest of us.

    What should have happened here from an employee after a game like this , is to see how flawed is your system and to shed some light on it , and force a change . Instead you acted like some RGC 12 yo admin with small penis issues.

    Gg, well played .


      fuck this new pussydota community. we should be able to flame noobs as it please us without any consequences, flaming the weaks is a part of dota.

      la the yeezy

        ^in the employee's perspective. fuck this new pussydoto community. we should be able to ban for months noob flaming retards for flaming valve employees such as myself.

        seriously though, if i were the valve employee or if we were given the chance, im pretty sure i would totally ban this guy

        la the yeezy

          and if you check the previous games OP played, he totally deserved it and had it coming
          "Insulting a cop will get a higher punishment than insulting a random pedestrian"

          Bu yorum düzenlendi

            Dude, im quite interested what exactly you told him. Because that must have been a buckload of flame. Personally i think you deserved to get the chat ban, especially since you said it yourself- you DO flame other players. And you ganged up with your mate? Damn... I know your type, you dont change no matter what.

            Autism is great

              spot on
              "Turtle you can leave the game anytime you want. With that said try reading the EULA once JUST ONCE. You will see they have every right to do w/e they want to do. They even can delete your entire steam account and theres nothing you can do about it. Once you idiots realize this the better off you will be. Learn to keep your mouth shut GG NO RE. "

              la the yeezy

                Guys, he isn't the fallen (the one who flamed the valve guy)

                Turtle Slayer

                  I have read terms and services , I can tell you this is against the policy valve has. Although they are legally permitted to do this .

                  Kanye Best

                    "fuck this new pussydota community. we should be able to flame noobs as it please us without any consequences, flaming the weaks is a part of dota."

                    FUCKING THIS SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!
                    What the fuck is this faggotry with 'abloo bloo muh feelings, pls stop flaming :'(" Fucking pussies seriously


                      crrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyy more faggot


                        i feel like this ban is not enought


                          GG valve, please fuck every rotten apple of the community, ban them, no, better, increase like hell they're latency, make them crazy !!


                            that valve employee sshould get fired immedietely!
                            he should also not get any recommendations further for another job
                            valve should fix its report and MM system

                            how can u people be so fucking braindead??
                            are all of you fucking retards/american?????


                              LOLOLOL U MAD CAUSE U DISRESPECT VALVE