General Discussion

General DiscussionStarting a new clan called FF [Part 2]

Starting a new clan called FF [Part 2] in General Discussion

    Made a thread 2 coz clan got a little too long. we got 3 member in the clan now we would like 3 more or so to have some1 on reserve :)

    original thread:

    Hello im starting a new clan and thus making me the leader of this new clan. If u wanna join, just type in the thread or addd me in steam and i will add u to the clan if u meet up to the requirements. FF stands for fast finish, we gonna aim to win games <25 mins

    here are the requirements to join:

    - No Intentional feeding - unless nessecary ofc = if we have lost and wanna lose fast and we cant just ggwp unless its tmm
    - No Multiclanning
    - No backstabbing
    - Flaming is allowed if your teammates are playing like fucking retards, but only flame opponents if they are being some bunch of arrogant stubborn bitches OR if they are some arrogant russians

    Looking fwd to see u!




        add me and send me a private message if u want :) we'll look at it

        King of Low Prio

          I joined best clan EU

          Ples Mercy

            Kid shut down your retarded clan

            You lost against me, you dont deserve it.

            Bu yorum düzenlendi

              Stay away


                BLUNT DONT HATE AT OTHERS SUCCESS! #yoloswagblazeit420X


                  im not succesful right now coz my team is shit all the time but im good enough to clan so. trust me i wont ever lose a game with a good 5 man stack

                  Ples Mercy

                    you lost alot and you suck, also you lost to me 1on1. Bow before your god.


                      I will close this clan down if u EVER beat me 1v1. Ok?

                      Ples Mercy

                        i did, so close it, ty


                          CAN WE GO TO T14?

                          Ples Mercy

                            EZ WITH HIS STATS YOU BEAT NAVI 2:0 EZEZEZEZEZEZ


                              Prove that u beat me :)?


                                where do you develop such an ego when you don't even queue into very high after 1600 games

                                from the looks of it OP is a pretty bad/new player but so are you so why does him making a clan concern you in the slightest

                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                  Exactly swift. So many ppl with big egos here on this site just trying to bash other players. Im just trying to gather a group of 5 players to have fun - nothing else :) Also, you are a very good player urself.


                                    So if u want to join, im not gonna hold u back, hehe!


                                      you and Blunt should team up so we dont have to see your love fighting here all the time




                                          great Swiftending showing mercy to gods


                                            oh lord Swift, i just checked ur KDAs woah. If u want me under ur wings just tell me...

                                            Ples Mercy

                                              NEVA! Get your swedish ass out of here D:

                                              Sux to be you. brackets != High MMR.


                                                switftending an naix duo ti11 runnerup


                                                  Killing :D

                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                    Glad Naix invited me to clan, cool bunch of guys


                                                      Good luck kidda. Ignore the haters.


                                                        Thanks Monkeh :) if u ever feel like playing - feel free to add me. :)

                                                          Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                                                            this thread is pure gold. so much stupidity gathered in one place.

                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                              msg me in steam if you want to join clan


                                                                I really don't understand why all you 'pro' players have to be such dicks. Lots of posts about hating mm. Just get a team, goes the response. A dude wants to get a team together and gets shot down.

                                                                Leave the kid alone, let him find some players and start playing in a stack and maybe, just maybe he'll get better.

                                                                Hypocrosy much?

                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                  if you think people troll him because he is bad then you are clueless


                                                                    why u troll me then? u think its nice to bash other people?

                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                      no just you


                                                                        ok =)))))

                                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                                          msg me for invites to clan


                                                                            Lol swifttending spoke up?
                                                                            He's basically professional level.
                                                                            FFNaix don't say he's just very good... Swiftending is a god amongst us pub ants


                                                                              hehe =)


                                                                                @Sampson: I think peole troll him because he's an easy target. My point is why is it so hard to offer a little encouragement and support?


                                                                                  how can someone have such inconsistency in playing, ending 50% games with 20+ kills and 50% with 20+ deaths. I don't fucking get it.


                                                                                    PRODOTO2011 T12 FF 3:0 NAVI GGWP


                                                                                      FFS look at the fucking teams i get matched with:

                                                                                      gg volvo barath int fed so we got raped i hate this.


                                                                                        YOU HAVE 2ND MOST DEATHS TRYING HARD IN THAT GAME WHY?


                                                                                          coz barath feed and rest team afk coz ofc i die if i go out of spawn....

                                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                                            N'aix was kicked from Fast Finish this morning for not maintaining the required avg 1:1 K/D ratio




                                                                                                add me anytime u want sampson


                                                                                                  im gonna go play tetris instead of this *hit if MATCHMAKING DOESNT WORK IN FAVOR OF ME SOON.


                                                                                                    Im bad but i get matched WITH NOOB FEEDERS INTENTIONAL all the time and flamers russians xxaxaxax all THE TIME. ITS ENOUGH


                                                                                                      dude u have 94 games played and 32% win rate what do u expect to get mm with very high skilled?ofc no