General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to tell what tier you're in

How to tell what tier you're in in General Discussion

    I just recently purchased Dotabuff Plus and now that i have the ability to filter which skill builds are used in which tier, I'd like to know if there's a way to find out which tier myself and others are in


      Since you have been in dota 2 since before January you do have a DBR score, but it has not updated since January, or been visible since then either.

      The number of players in dota 2 has doubled since then so half the people don't have a DBR and as more and more join the estimations are getting worse. But the people who were already in still give you some picture of what the best players tend to do with a hero or what nubs tend to do with a hero.

      Roughly Diamond is people who play the vast majority of their games in Very High. Platinum is people who play some in Very High and some in High. Gold is people who play some in High and some in Normal. Silver is the middle of Normal. And Bronze is the bottom of Normal.

      Or if you want to consider the tMMR, which is visible if you play 3 team rated games. My rough estimate....

      Diamond is about 4,000+, Platinum is 4000-3500. Gold is 3500-3000. Silver is 3000-2500. Bronze is below 2500. I could calculate more specific numbers from the team data, but it would take to much effort and doesn't really mean that much....these are close. The average player is typically just barely over 3k, it varies a little week to week.

      Your teams played against 8 teams who had tMMR ranging from 2300-2800. So if you want to compare your stats for farming, KDA, and such to players of a similar skill level you should be looking at the Bronze or Silver sections. About half of all dota players (3 million) are in those sections.

      I think its really helpful to get a breakdown that shows you what the typical dota player you will actually face in a game can do with a hero, rather than an overall average. The best players can farm a 10 min battlefury on Antimage, but you should never see that. That means you have more time to gank him. A Bronze AM takes more like 20 min to get battlefury. It changes the game play.

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