General Discussion

General DiscussionGod im pissed with this tournament already...

God im pissed with this tournament already... in General Discussion

    It's much better than TI2 :D


      Considering the game is less than a month out of beta and is handling a tremendous work load (600+ viewers in the opening prelims, not including the people who were just playing not viewing at the time) and the that all the casting in the prelims was done by armature studio's without a uniform back-end infrastructure, i am surprised there wasn't more teething issues.

      I'm more than happy with the tournament thus far, GO LGD.c WEW...


        600+ ?? NaVi and Alliance games were getting in excess of 100,000 spectators! Also, I reckon the casters are probably getting paid for their time, effort, knowledge and shouting-into-a-mic abilities, making them professional, not amateur.

        Apart from some minor lag issues I think so far it's been great.

        Alliance way too stronk! Dat fake-Roshan-showing-treants-then-sweep-round-behind-and-get-2-free-kills strat was so amazingly good...

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          99% of the people in this thread have no clue how computer networking is working apparently. I am pretty suprised it is working that smooth to be honest. It could have been a lot worse so I would rather say Valve is doing a great job network wise. Of course the dotanetwork is dying sometimes, but this issue will be fixed sometimes soon too. They were probably not prepared for that huge amount of viewers or estimated the load the new players caused wrongly.


            nigga what ? the main reason of keeping on beta was not enough servers

            so releasing games for public = having shit tons of servers stocked to hold up hundreds of billions players

            apearently volvo still fails even if it took them 2 years to prepare for this

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              Monkeh - is that clip on youtube? I'd like to see.


                Alliance did it again in TI3? If I remember properly they did it in DH Winter too against EG


                  Getting real tired of your shit, Volvo.


                    @[FF]N'aix: Yup:

                    Was hilarious and then they managed to ward every single radiant neutral camp straight after. What's her name was casting, Sheever is it, and she loudly exclaimed in the dota client: "HOLY FUCK!", which was very funny. Well worth a download.


                      Its not surprising that people who have never been a part of doing something great cannot appreciate it. As long as such people remain powerless they can gripe and whine all they want it won't have any real impact.

                      The only problem comes when ungrateful masses of children who believe they are owed luxuries for free gain the power to demand them by force. Then the slavery ensues.


                        and now the motherfucking sound. This is so pathetic. They seem so unprepared. And the tournament was delayed by 1 hour. Gg valve.

                        Plz all the volvo and doto worriors, show up in the thread, idgaf. I have all my rights to express my opinions. I pay for a product not working.


                          Can you shut the fuck up you little prick


                            Can you suck my dick u phagg0t


                              omg naviiiiiiiiiii
                              game 2 now


                                So Naix, got pro in the last 3 month? Or where do those nuts come from you recently show. Seems like you need to get raped again`?

                                Bu yorum düzenlendi




                                    la the yeezy

                                      Definitely one of the most annoying shitheads here.


                                        TI3 is fine .. LOL. If you don't have ass internet you can watch on 720p+ on twitch with no lag

                                        la the yeezy

                                          That naix guy is just a self centered faggot. Look at how he claims to not feed and have bad teammates at this thread

                                          god im pissed at this guy already


                                            xD 34% winrate guy verbally assaulting valvi company


                                              wtf is wrong with op's KDA ratios?


                                                No N'aix, you haven't 'pay for product' when it comes to the International. You've bought a compendium about the tournament. These are different things. I have no idea what you're complaining about and you have obviously never been to a LAN.

                                                Some games last 15 minutes. Some games last over an hour. Of course the schedule will get messed up. The coverage in game has been fine from this viewers perspective, like, no problems. Oh, sorry, one game the audio was bit out of sync but I re-joined and it was fine.

                                                If you don't like it then don't watch it. Simples.

                                                @maxlez: You leave us low KDA ratio peoples alone please, it's not our fault we're retarded :D



                                                  1. Yeah i have paid for a product. I supported them with my money. But it seems like the money had no impact. Regardless of whether they had 1000$ or 1.000.000$ we would get the same product which sucks that they cant do better with a bigger prizepool.
                                                  2. Lol, they havent even started the first game because it was delayed by 1 hour. Get ur facts straight.
                                                  3. So what if i havent been to a lan?
                                                  4. Lol, audio wasnt fixed for the first 2 games.
                                                  5. Yeah, i paid for this so they better give me what i paid for.




                                                      you paid for watching TI3 ?
                                                      bro u've been scammed !

                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                        Yeah last i checked ti3 was free

                                                        Pandamonium(You Died)

                                                          Those Valve, making you pay for free stuff again, how can they.

                                                          Ples Mercy

                                                            shut up, your god says you suck. I thank you.

                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                              and now - Alliance is down xD


                                                                I would love for all the kids hating on valve to be in valves shoes right now.


                                                                You might as well just kick yourself in the ass and go cry in a corner now. You don't seem to understand all the pressure valve is under. So what if the audio was shit for 2 games? They fixed it, right? So what if a game was delayed by 1 hour. It could have been 2, 3 or even 4, and yet you sit here and cry to everyone.

                                                                TI3 IS free to watch. Only things you paid for when you bought the compendiums are the items and support towards valves and DoTAs growth. Valve promised you nothing, and you shall get nothing that wasn't promised.

                                                                Now, stop acting like the world revolves around you and bring your cry baby attitude to another forum that actually cares.



                                                                  You can suck my big fat black penis. This is how business works.



                                                                    Your comment made me laugh so hard.

                                                                    What was really funny, is your probably only 13-15 years old in real life and you talk like this?

                                                                    Buddy, when you mature and your balls drop, try trolling me.

                                                                    Until then, bye bye.

                                                                    P.S. You bad get mad

                                                                    Pandamonium(You Died)

                                                                      My predictions about this thread:
                                                                      N'aix will point out 47% winrate on ADK
                                                                      ADK will counter troll


                                                                        I can counter troll right now.

                                                                        He has a 35.06%.....

                                                                        I win.


                                                                          God damn, dota is full of kids, who have nothing to say, so they keep on complaining. I enjoy the tournament and am aware how big of an event this is- and how much effort it had to take to assemble it. True, this is an event aimed at us, but still, its a fest organised for the pros- their opinion is essential. And i dont hear them bitching.


                                                                            Damn nature ... you scary .


                                                                              Well played, Silvers.

                                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                  And here we go again :D 8 minutes into the game and already big big problems running the game xD

                                                                                  Donald Duck

                                                                                    Plz. Ti games are awesome and everyone can watch them for FREE. If U have issues using the dota launcher try

                                                                                    Woof Woof

                                                                                      God please punish those swedish fags and crash their plane on way back from US PLEASE for fuck sake


                                                                                        xD ahahha

                                                                                        gogo [A]lliance TOO PROOOOOOOOOOO

                                                                                        Woof Woof

                                                                                          Please take those chinese rats out too

                                                                                          Woof Woof

                                                                                            first pick spectre son