General Discussion

General DiscussionTop Invoker and Pudge

Top Invoker and Pudge in General Discussion

    Hello guys. I have no clue how to check it and i see similar threads like this so could anyone post a screenshot with best pudges and invokers? I tried to search on forum, but i couldn't find clearly one. Thanks alot for futher help!


      Oh cool thanks! 2bad I can't afford it right now since my payment from job didnt arrive yet :(

      Pandamonium(You Died)

        poorfags are poor


          You're terrible :(

          Woof Woof

            its only 6$ you can try bum game and get it in 1hour in poland


              LOL bum game. You should teach us


                #1 invoker
                #3 invoker

                Although ferrari is around #7-#9, he is better than anyone else on that list.

                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                  this guy is legit, currently no.1 on list

                  ferrari now no.5
                  too bad iceiceice not on the list, he nv turn on dotabuff sharing


                    Grim should be first. 10 kda. lol


                      @_@ is not nearly as good as ferrari.
                      He is #1 cause he stacks to win games. Maybe he has very good team work, but in terms of invoker skill, not on the same level as ferrari.

                      Ferrari is the only one worth watching on top 50.

                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                        Never seen Ferrari play but considering Grimorum talking him up, he must be heaps good.



                          No one cares who truly is the best. It's all about stats and increasing your e-peen. Also OP, you need to be in VH which you obviously aren't. Not to mention your shitty WLRs. Why do you even bother asking?

                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                            im best invoker



                              Not everyone is like that; some people choose to hide their stats. Many people are trying to learn invoker by watching top 50's replays. Guess I'll do this community a service and review ferrari's recent replay then nominate one or two for viewing.

                              Bu yorum düzenlendi


                                To begin with, we all make mistakes and have much to improve still. I fast forwarded most of the game. I am pointing out some of his mistakes so that we can all learn from it. If ferrari reviewed my games, I am 100% sure he will point out many of my mistakes too.

                                0:00 I wouldn't start with quas right away. I'd check if opponent has stout + regen items, if so, i'll likely start with exort.
                                11:30 abandoned team in a 3v2 battle, pretty disappointing
                                16:44 he waited too long to invoke a spell to replace spirits, very upsetting
                                19:50 should have used sunstrike to farm a ranged creep, then invoke coldsnap
                                20:35 should have casted spirits, then invoke meteor
                                30:00 was good
                                31:39 apply alacrity on spirits to dmg tower

                                Overall very good, and a few excellent plays too. If he practiced prepping orbs more,
                                he'll be much better still.

                                2nd and 3rd game was not worth watching

                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                  I never played dota before playing dota 2 so I started off using invoker which my friends say is the hardest :/ played noob till I get the flow of the game then tried some builds out so yer Sucky stats haha


                                    holy shit ...



                                      Was sarcastic.


                                        @Grimorum when are you going to make a new video????? !!!!


                                          ? i have the best invoker here


                                            best invoker i've ever seen


                                                ^ Helical is my video producer; the gameplay is from me.

                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                  Some very nice plays Grimorum, interesting orb and skill choice. Must watch a couple of the latest game replays.

                                                  Penis Monkey

                                                    Just watch the game where I carried your ass



                                                      oh look, another person who thinks he's in the top 50 with his most played hero.

                                                      I like how in Grimorum's video he shows that his entire team is feeding.



                                                          u should watch some of this guy's longer refresher invoker replays if u really want to see some proper beginner stomping

                                                          quite a few ~hour long grimorum videos

                                                          and no its not my smurf

                                                          (forgot to mention all of my pudge replays are wodota material)

                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                            ^ whoa!
                                                            that is the first time I've seen someone come close to my win rate and KDA for invoker. However, he stacks quite often while I solo queue half the time.


                                                              ^^win ratio and kda r highly situational and dont really mean anything though ;P

                                                              one could even argue that having too high of a kda means u r playing too passively

                                                              if one plays optimally, having a high kda is always a result of playing with inferior players (even ferrari that u seem to like, has kda of less than 5)

                                                              actually it would be really easy to create an account with 100% wr and 30 kda on 1 hero if u made sure u stayed in some trash tier mm by losing on purpose with other heroes (if someone actually bothered to do something as silly as this)

                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi



                                                                Two different play styles but second one was a funny one XD a few fails by accident like meteor then tornado -_-


                                                                    ^How many more threads are you planning on necroposting with your "Hey everyone look at me!! look at me!!! i can play pudge! >:D" shit?

                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!