General Discussion

General DiscussionBest carry in DotA 2?

Best carry in DotA 2? in General Discussion

    Best usefull hard carry: Gyrocopter,Anti Mage,Alchemist

    Ples Mercy

      your russian, your argument is invalid


        In teamfights
        Luna Strong ult, near 3000 rightclick damage spread
        Profit ofc


          i think that even carries are situational.
          Thus i believe that the "best" carry should be judged more by his versatility rather than his dps/split pushing potential.

          thus i believe that AM is the most versatile carry in the game, he is able to fit almost any strat against almost any other strat. in each individual department i think he will be outclassed by some other heroes.
          for ex: he can be outfarmed by an alch, outcarried by a lifestealer he is outpushed by a PL, can't do as much aoe damage as a gyro, or luna.

          but what makes AM is that he is easily able to compensate in each department.


            This is the list of hardest carries, dispute me and ur a dum idiet and rong stfu plz and lern.

            1. Phantom lancer
            2. Spectre
            3. faceless void
            3. Anti mage
            Reason it's tied is because if void manages a chrono then its most likely a kill, if he cant ezrares ezlyfe
            4. Phantom assasin
            5. alchemist

            Special mention:

            Luna, my favourite character, IMO the strongest of all the carries early game and once you get a lead on her it's almost impossible to give up. move speed, damage boost, the must cum inducing ulti in the game. Honestly when you pop that ultimate and they are grouped with no creeps and you see ultra kills come up ahh man fuck that makes me hard.

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              ^No Morphling but Alchemist. No Medusa. No Gyro. Well played!


                cant remember last time i've seen a Medusa really hard carry.
                if you want you can look at dotabuff heroes and see that she has fewer kills than a lot of supports such as ds,naga,venge
                likewise in the pro scene she is barely played


                  Hardest Carry: Lone Druid (12 Slots)
                  Strongest Carry: Faceless Void (Chronosphere)
                  Fastest Farming Carry: Alchemist (Anti-Mage runner up)
                  Most Annoying Carry: Phantom Lancer
                  Best Early Carry: Luna is my favourite hero (believe it or not, that's not the reason my alias is Luna), and she has amazing early game potential, same with Gyrocopter a similar carry whom I also love. Sometimes I just farm safe-lane and get mid-game orientated items so I can participate in teamfights with a strong presence and get my bigger items through pure snowballing.

                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                  T BOY


                    If played well Magnus will win any team fight and is up there against AM void PL in a 1v1.
                    his powerful shockwave dominates early-game and sometimes mid-game. Skewer kicks ass all game long. If he is caught in a team fight his ult and cleave will pwn all! Magnus is one of the best carries

                    Dire Wolf

                      Relentless is right on, way to situational to call a best carry.

                      But I can easily say AM is NOT the best carry. He is one of the best afk farmers, which is why people assume he's a super strong carry. He is also really easy to afk farm with an escape from ganks, he's easy to play so it makes people assume he's super strong. Equal farm a lot of carries will crap all over him. Nature's prophet with an orchid destroys him, he can't go 1v1 vs naix or razor as quick examples. The thing is he is usually way ahead in farm and thus out carries the other team's carry because his blink makes it so quick to farm jungle on him.

                      I do want to throw a shout out to skeleton king though. I know a lot of people think he's weak but if the opposing team is too dumb to get mana drain heroes or diffusal daggers, get aegis and laugh as the enemy has to kill you three times (four if they don't do it quickly enough, the ult cd is really low).

                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                        meepo if no divine rapier builds
                        Heroes with multiple units almost always wins lategame.
                        lone druid can't carry as it has been proven time and time again the bear drops too fast at late game.

                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                          LD can certainly carry into late game, its use of the bear itself that makes a LD good. He isn't mean to be a destoryer of worlds, melting down the enemy team, he is suppose to be a presence, Radiance going on everyone, RNG Roots disabling players that it hits, tanking hits.

                          Dire Wolf

                            What about slardar? I don't even consider him a hard carry myself but with bash and that armor reduction I could see his potential dps being quite high.


                              people who think phantom lancer is the best carry are normal bracket scrubs who dont know how to buy dust

                              Dire Wolf

                                We're also talking about end game 6-slot scenarios and PL still wins most of those even with dust. The counter is to dust and shut him down early so he can't get 6-slotted.

                                d -

                                  I really like to play Outworld Devourer. You come online pretty fast(Level 12-13) you make shitloads of damage, very very strong langer, high killing potential and the potential to 1 shot the whole enemy team and win the game almost solo.

                                  And he doesnt need that much farm to be effective. OD mid lane is mostly a won lane.


                                    sven says hi to PL -__- .sven can kill pl in 2or 3 hits


                                      invoker because invoker

                                      Mac_Lilypad [NL]

                                        This tread is 7 months old ...