qop goes bot with silencer when silencer destroys pudge mid. then I'm the only non caster character on my team the guy last pick anti but why pick seus after the pudge pick, or qop bot and not have silencer take mid. team also had no communication. horrible players man, gg pudge super fed anti mage lvl 25 by 30 minutes.
if I go mid other lanes feed. if I go safe lane middle feeds and it snowballs from there.
Going to have to abuse that void to carry 1 vs 5 cause people don't know what is going on.
qop goes bot with silencer when silencer destroys pudge mid. then I'm the only non caster character on my team the guy last pick anti but why pick seus after the pudge pick, or qop bot and not have silencer take mid. team also had no communication. horrible players man, gg pudge super fed anti mage lvl 25 by 30 minutes.
if I go mid other lanes feed. if I go safe lane middle feeds and it snowballs from there.