General Discussion

General DiscussionSteam prob

Steam prob in General Discussion

    Steam keeps sending me new password at hotmail when i try to sign up here even though i am not changing pc.How can i fix this?


      bump! Anyone with an answer?


        bump thx to this shit i got kicked out of hotmail and i can't recover it...

        dookie daddy

          There could be two issues here, you have a dynamic IP.

          Go to run - type cmd - type ipconfig - right down number of your default gateway (usually

          Assign your computer an IP e.g. then save it, that way it won't change your IP everytime you switch off your PC.

          Also check your steam guard settings as there maybe something you have switched on/off that may be affecting this.


            Ok the first option is to disable Steam Guard: Steam-->Settings--->Manage Steam Guard Account Security
            -->Disable Thanks.

            Now, about the static ip thing it didnt seem to work ,( steam asked again about the new hotmail password).

            Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

              I don't recommend disabling Steam Guard.
              You could try to PM Steam Support.