General Discussion

General DiscussionLost? WTF

Lost? WTF in General Discussion

    I dont know is it bug or something but this game is marked lost for me when my team won with advantage of almost 30 kills.

    Can i do something to fix it?


      Most likely you abandoned the game.


        You deserved to lose anyway, 0/5/3 after 45 minutes, ehm


          That wasn't my fault noob team didn't pause game and they was moving my hero. That's not funny to have no items in 25min...

          Bu yorum düzenlendi
          つ ◕_◕ ༽つ 你只活一

            wen u abandon a game u loose it automatically...
            even i hav lost lot of matches in my stats due to gettin dcd out nd takin hrs to rejoin it later...


              it is your fault because you dced


                As they said, u dced for more than 5 minutes
                Case Closed !