General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking for carry players to play with!

Looking for carry players to play with! in General Discussion

    My League of Legends time has comed to an end. Unfortunately my other friends are still playing the game so I am looking for players (carries) to play with. I used to play a lot of support and I wanna do it here again but this time I want to start properly, to do everything right.
    Region is Russia and Europe East and West and if you can carry decently then let's step together and fight against this matchmaking!
    Thank you for reading this.


      hey, add me and we can hit some games :)


        Hey... ill just call you Leader! Leader u can add me but i play support too sooooo yeahh add Druginator1


          add me if you are playing in SEA.

          dookie daddy

            @Leaderxtcs you are welcome to add me.

            Penis Monkey

              As you are also welcome to add me, I'm willing to teach you if you are willing to listen. I know a lot of ex league players who I play with and I teach them.

              I also play carry, so we can try some lane combos.