General Discussion

General DiscussionSolo matchmaking queue!

Solo matchmaking queue! in General Discussion

    After ONLY 2 years they give us a separate MM queue for solo players.
    The update was applied today!


      Nice man! :D


        Do u have any official information?
        like any information
        and I love the "!!!1" :P

        Makise Kurisu

          now valve DELETE THE FUCKING MUTE SYSTEM, got 178 hours of mute yesterday, so anoying


            maybe you shouldnt be a shithead


              useless i can pwn teams like np. I just want ranking/rating system! Go VISIBLE MMR PLZ


                ok mr pro 1v5 player, calm down, I hope they will get a visible MMR, just to see how bad I am

                Sugar Show




                    I am looking forward to see what sort of differences this will bring to team matchmaking as well as the new solo matchmaking.

                    The solo que only option removes the problem of teams having an extremely wide range of MMR qued together. Maybe they will only put people with similar scores in the match. Its still possible that they would have a very wide range...but there is no way to avoid it with the 1,2,3,4,5 que option.

                    I wonder which one will have longer que times and how much of a difference there will be?

                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                      when is it going live ?


                        Anyways shittards wont add raitings.

                        Sōu ka

                          they haven't added a rating yet because they know their current system sucks

                          solo MM is the first step into making the rating public

                          Bot Tyrone

                            Fucking finally.

                            Just hope they can actually sort out the (hidden) rating system. You finally win x amount of matches and go up against people that you consider your level? Too bad, you get russianfag allies that don't ward or buy chick while the enemy 4 man ganks you twice in 10 minutes. special mention to Luna for maxing beam at level 12 and only taking the first point in ultimate at level 13.

                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                              small steps, but better than nothing
                              we might see rating.. next year maybe ?


                                i hope the solo que does take like 10-15 mins until you have really even players for good games.


                                  ^ Nah, it will take 20 min and then you will see that there is an am picker in your team.

                                  Autism is great

                                    meaningless feature
                                    just like language selection
                                    solo q wont fix shit

                                    invisible rating

                                    cant wait to see those 60%+winrate cocksuckers playing solo q


                                      Ofc this wont change almost anything. Retards cant just add visible mmr and creating some shit.

                                      Sōu ka

                                        people like you are actually part of the reason why they dont implement a visible rating

                                        you'd be one of the first to complain about a flawed system because you overrate yourself so much
                                        you pick sniper so much and complain about am pickers what the hell?

                                        + you and many others are way too abusive and it's not valves fault that people are dicks
                                        look how many people made new accounts, started 5 man stacks with not only CM-like picks but also with heroes that aren't even allowed in CM just because they wanted to get into the dotabuff top 50

                                        creating a decent rating system and a fair MM is actually almost impossible if you allow groups to queue together
                                        should be a whole lot easier with solo MM though


                                          Then how are they going to match a 4 man stack, if everyone who plays solo, would go for solo queue?

                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                            So does any know how this will play out? I mean, as a solo queue do I have an option to queue in either, meaning I could fill out a 4 man group spot.. or how are they going to handle 2 and 3 man groups? Fill them out with other 3 or 2 man groups? Is this going to be enforced, like if you're in a group you're not allow to solo queue or is it just an option and you can still just solo queue? Or is it just for a full 5 man stack?

                                            lol I see 6_din_49 beat me to the question...

                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                              People will choose which que they want. Solo que will be only games of 10 players who want all solos on both teams.

                                              But of course some people will still solo que into the regular 1,2,3,4,5 matches. How many choose to do that will depend on the wait times. If they do try to get really close MMR matches on the solo que the wait times will be significantly longer.

                                              But this depends on lot on your MMR. Since MMR is hidden I will use the old DBR brackets to illustrate as usual.

                                              Suppose at a given time you see that there are 100,000 people in dota 2. Maybe 1/5 match the server you want (20k). Usually only (1/10) are in que (2k). People who match your MMR if you are in Silver would be 33% or 660 people...if even 25% of those use the solo que (165 queing so finding 10 for a game is easy)

                                              But if you want a game with all Diamond that number drops to 1% so only 20 people in the que match and only 5 of them picked solo are going to have to wait a while. This is why the top players who solo que are always getting much lower rated players on their one else is available.

                                              But it would be nice to be able to have the option to wait longer for a better game. If 5 Diamonds are looking to solo que every 5 min...we just wait 10 min and there are enough for a game. We will see how people react. I remember waiting in the Throneit Tier2 que for an hour for enough top ranked players to show up. The dotacash Tier2 que sometimes also took 20-30 min to fill up for a game.

                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                I think, just think, valve should make another MMR (hidden too) for solo matches, like lets start from the beginning with 1200 rating or wutever is their base rating, and gets highers as u win, lower as u lose, blablablabla..


                                                  I was about to say I didn't really notice a difference in queue times between them but the solo seems to be taking longer and the team make up\willingness to work together seems lower.


                                                    If you are not in Very High, then the que would not be longer. There are plenty of players available at any time in all other categories.

                                                    -25mmr plz no reportorino

                                                      Is DOTABUFF not keeping track of solo queue?? My games arent showing up


                                                        err. i play solo queue and i am 60% i dont see anything wrong with it


                                                          I just went from 2-3 mins queues to maybe 4-5.. not significantly longer. I misspoke, I mean it's hardly a big deal. It's enjoyable. I'll take quality over quantity any day.


                                                            @pauly11 doesn't look like it, my last update was when I did normal matchmaking but my 2 solo are not counted.. even when I look at my viewed matches in Dota the team shows up, the 2 solo queue say nothing next to the Heros name where it normally says "public matchmaking".

                                                            Safe Base

                                                              nice addition i think.

                                                              Luke ;

                                                                I dont see my last 2 solo queue games on dotabuff stats.
                                                                Is this on propose or just a bug?


                                                                  dotabuff will probably fix it not counting in the next couple of days


                                                                    I did two solo que matches. They took 5:05 and 7:10 to find matches, typically it takes me 1-3 min solo queing in the regular que. We will see after more matches how much of a difference there is usually.

                                                                    My solo que games did eventually show up, but after about 2 hours instead of the usual 15 min.

                                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                      The only advatntage here is that you won't get stomped by a 5 stack whilst solo queing with randoms. I still bet we will see the regular "I know doto u dnt so stfu" cunt who ends up being completely detrimental to your team. These exist on all levels of play.

                                                                      Autism is great

                                                                        for me normal match maker takes around 6/7minutes for first game to pop up (english only eu west/east - ap) and if i count all declines and some game dodging it usually takes around 20/30minutes to start a game that wont become a no stat in first five minutes

                                                                        Autism is great

                                                                          and I would love to see solo only winrate separated from winrate acquired in that shit laughable normal mm where tmm vs solo was something normal

                                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                            My "experience" of solo mm:

                                                                            lie to me agen fagt: hi dude
                                                                            lie to me agen fagt: have u tried solo mm?
                                                                            anonymous: hi there
                                                                            anonymous: dont even talk about it
                                                                            anonymous: its horrid

                                                                            As I've expected, same shit.


                                                                              its even worse ..i got alot better games in normal queque then solo. In solo is like everyone is retarded. Or we get put 2gether with new sort of ratings.idk..experience was horrible

                                                                              Autism is great

                                                                                ^ maybe rating got compressed for solo q, did you try to win few in a row and then compare players skill

                                                                                Autism is great

                                                                                  i personally didnt play a single solo game but
                                                                                  it seems
                                                                                  like stacks werent main reason behind unbalanced matches in normal match maker afterall ( oh unexpected i am shocked )

                                                                                  my 1st match of solo matching
                                                                                  teammates list:
                                                                                  brew - 40 wins
                                                                                  riki - 800 wins
                                                                                  lion - 16 wins
                                                                                  me - 900 wins
                                                                                  furion - 40 wins
                                                                                  enemy all 500+

                                                                                  on plus side
                                                                                  match maker is getting more and more exposed thanks to solo q

                                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                    number of wins does not mean how good the player is. It adds experience but not necessarily skill.

                                                                                    Autism is great

                                                                                      i would say
                                                                                      skill is 30% experience - aka feeling the game plust knowing most/all aspects of it
                                                                                      and 70% is mental or maybe even 10/90%

                                                                                      average player with right mental attitude can become tier 1 pro in few months due to really low max-skill cap in game / 100%

                                                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                        Dota has an extremely high max skill fact it is so high that the top ten pros in the world are significantly more skilled than the rest of the top 50 and will outplay them over and over in head to head matchups.

                                                                                        There is a huge range of talent, skill from practice, experiential knowledge, and strategic decision making spread across the pool of players in pub dota.

                                                                                        The number of wins is a very poor way to try to guess someone's ability. Though if someone truly had only played a few dozen games of dota they would be very weak even if they were extremely talented and would later become a pro player down the road.

                                                                                        The "average player" has zero chance of becoming a tier 1 you think the "average" player of baseball, football, basketball...etc can ever hope to become a pro? No its impossible for all but the most talented no matter how much you practice and what you know.

                                                                                        Some people are bigger, stronger, can't "learn" to be 7ft tall for basketball and you can't "learn" to move a mouse and click on a precise location in 0.1 seconds. Pick out 10,000 dota players and 9,999 of them could never lasthit 80 cs in 10 min with total freefarm. Never. No amount of years of practice would allow them to do it.

                                                                                        Of course the most talented people still require a ton of practice to develop their skills. They will not really understand the game well until they have played over a thousand games. They will not be really good a particular hero, even after playing pro-dota for years, until they have practiced it for dozens of games. They will not truly perfect the hero until they have played it multiple times in big tournament games against the best in the world. Even for an experienced pro switching to a new role in the team is very difficult and requires weeks to months of practice to perfect the new position.

                                                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                        Autism is great

                                                                                          nice troll attempt

                                                                                          you almost got me

                                                                                          but this part

                                                                                          Some people are bigger, stronger, can't "learn" to be 7ft tall for basketball and you can't "learn" to move a mouse and click on a precise location in 0.1 seconds.

                                                                                          epic comparison

                                                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                            It may be that you and many people do not recognize how quickness and finger-eye coordination in dota are like the physical skills required from a professional musician or athlete. But the same physical side of the game exists and reaction speed and precise mouse control determine who can play at a pro level and who cannot just like certain physical attributes limit professional sports to a tiny handful of the most extremely talented people.

                                                                                            There is always lots of talk about farm and this is because it is the easiest thing to measure. Other aspects of the game are of course much harder to execute and lasthitting is practiced more than anything else...even so the vast majority of players cannot lasthit all the creeps despite a tremendous amount of practice.

                                                                                            Just like failing at free farming, basketball players stand at the free throw line and miss even at the professional level. Despite a thousand hours of practice pros still miss with no one stopping them. It is physically extremely difficult to consistently hit a precise target whether a basketball hoop, baseball, golf ball, or creep kill.

                                                                                            I can see watching your replays that you are a very talented player. You probably do not realize how rare your level of skill at lasthitting is and how few people can even reach your level in that respect much less the pro level.

                                                                                            You have about 0.25 sec reaction time. Its very good, better than maybe 99% of players, not quite as good at the weakest tier 3 pro players. But the <0.1 sec reaction time of tier 1 pros is completely beyond you. You would never be able to achieve it if you trained for your entire life. Your nerves connections to your fingers just are not good enough.

                                                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                              average w8ing time = 8:30 minutes (on Europe servers)


                                                                                                I got 98 wins, and I am better than most of u, Fuck off win counters

                                                                                                spell of the stone

                                                                                                  this relentless is full of shit. one thing goes to my mind: those pros taller than 6foot would be top tier goalkeepers in world??!! this asioans have better reflexes then others, and yet sux in sports? nonono, stop tier 4 philosophy, dont make us puke without p values. ty


                                                                                                    Well, after playing 5 games using solo queue, the only difference I see is that there are less people talking in their own language.


                                                                                                      Aparently the_unicorn_sell does not know what basketball is. What country are you from?

                                                                                                      Also Asians do not have faster reflexes. Do you also believe that Asians are all good a math? Lol.

                                                                                                      However, some individual people have much faster reflexes than other individual people. And you really can't change that any more than you can grow taller.

                                                                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                                        It's a nice we have Solo MM now :>