General Discussion

General DiscussionA fat naix = unstoppable?

A fat naix = unstoppable? in General Discussion
Ming (Zufälliger König)

    i stand by my point

    let the game judge itself


      is this fat?


        yeah i dont think you quite understand the meaning of "fat"

        Ming (Zufälliger König)

          are u 2 stupid or retarded?
          look at pa stats

          simpl calculs

            pls figs naix riot


              she has a lot of kills, but that means your team is mentally retarted...she has barely any items for such a long game..there is no lifesteal basher... nothing special...

              [Dota2VN] Ka-El

                Dire lost because PA coulndt do much when run out of bkb and opponents have 2x halberd.
                I just dont understand why PA didnt at least build dominator, with PA farm like 30k gold, i dont understand why he has so poor items :( PA could won the game if she could be able to have Satanic and Abyssal.

                I fought many times againts, ,fat" naix, you have to use even tactics and one of your teammates should have hex.

                Ming (Zufälliger König)

                  actually, we almost lost. i think they're being cocky or at least overconfident. our throne was at idk, 10% hp and then we decided to just push on. that is when they start coming in one by one and keep losing teamfights. before i had deso, pa's bkb changes everything because feast doesnt work on bkb. but after that, everything just turned


                  the halberds are meant for kunkka, because i can handle pa myself after i got my deso. oh and pa is a bit dumb albeit the kills, he (3 times) continues hitting the bs even when he has blade mail on. that made them lost too

                  u can check out the game. it's very nerf stretching haha. especially when ur throne is at 10% and they had like 2 towers left at mid. suddenly, the losing team won

                  Erkekliğin 10da 9u kaçmaktır

                    You won against Mortred because she spend her money so stupidly, and hero itself also kind of shitty. Naix in late game, at best is a mediocre carry can be outcarried by many, the worse thing can be kite so easily.
                    So your argument is invalid.

                    Ming (Zufälliger König)

                      nope, 99% of the game i play the enemy team carry cant even make it to late game LOL.
                      not even void

                      Woof Woof

                        mana drain/burn > fat naix

                        Bu yorum düzenlendi
                        Ming (Zufälliger König)

                          mana drain/burn < rage


                            4 sec rage? get a force stuff or two for the team and his rage is worthless

                            Woof Woof

                              u might use rage once but if u cant kill mana burning/draining hero that rage is first and last spell u are going to use ;c

                              Bu yorum düzenlendi
                              packet canceled

                                LMAO SO FAT!


                                  Antimage, PL and Bane counter.

                                  Bane's ult goes through immunity.

                                  You cannot lifesteal an illusion.

                                  The second your rage ends, they will mana burn your balls off, and then you are skill-less.

                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                    As strong as these counters are to niax, naga siren counters him even more.

                                    Song isolates him from team if he has raged or totally ruins his positioning if he has not.
                                    Net is a low cd long duration long range anti-naix spell, crushes naix no matter what he does (unless manta, and who gets that)
                                    Images with diffusal...same as PL or AM, nothing to lifesteal, kills you while raping mana, devastating to naix
                                    Armor reducing physical nuke, cast from images with zero risk, nothing to infest, nothing to lifesteal

                                    Naga Siren counters naix very hard with far less farm...and of course Naga also out farms naix easily even if she starts behind for some reason.

                                    And of course as already mentioned, naix is easily kited late game with ghost and fstaffs.

                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                    packet canceled

                                      anything can be unstoppable in the trench


                                        AA with his ulti counters naix really good too....

                                        Fyah Burn

                                          i tryed it with a friend max equip naix vs other carrys. naix has no chance vs sven actually


                                            way to promote yourself lol


                                              Butterfly's evasion doesn't stack with PA's passive right? =.=


                                                Just played a Naix.

                                                Absolutely WRECKED in a 1v1 or even 1v2 or 3 perhaps. Highest farm in game EVEN vs. a NP.......

                                                Still lost due to a push war and we couldn't win team fight because they would stun lock me. I'll send up the match ID when it comes up so you can watch replay if you want.

                                                Naix CAN be beaten, even if he gets huge.

                                                Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                                  honestly, this game would've been lost if pudge actually bit me instead of others.
                                                  @quick no it doesnt

                                                  talking about these counters, it depends on the situation really. naix shuts down carries early to mid game very efficiently, given the correct supports. such as a kotl, i can easily cripple the pl's farm during early game till mid game.

                                                  by the time late game comes, the pl has nothing while i have the items above.
                                                  unless i decide to drag the game and then pl gets fat, then it's a different story. no carries stand a chance against naix during the early/mid game phase



                                                    PL presses W. glhf.

                                                    OH, YOU SAY YOU GET DUST? Good luck affording dust AND dewarding (so he doesn't simply walk away) in the early game. Supports simply don't have enough money that soon.

                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                    Andrew Bait

                                                      no...... a fed naix does not = unstoppable... put that fed and farmed naix up against a fed and farmed pl. pl will make naix look like a bitch. put any hero up against pl 1v1 and he loses

                                                      Andrew Bait

                                                        he wins*


                                                          Not every hero lol.

                                                          Fed Medusa? PL gets shit on. Fed Sven? PL gets shit on. Lots of carries countered PL.

                                                          EVERY HERO HAS A COUNTER. IF HE DID NOT HE WOULD GET NERFED. The only reason PL is common for bans is because people dont comprehend how to stop his pushing. (see: wards)

                                                          Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                                            err why did u lose lol


                                                              Team fed. We kept losing team fights. Really disappointing really, at one point I grabbed a DD and dealt 90% damage to their carry in one hit >.>

                                                              My team just got smoked so fast I was always stuck in a 1v5 and got kited hard.


                                                                Not true, when you have teammates who don't know what they are doing and have absolutely no game sense, than naix is very beatable.. my game for example, centaur 2-16.. buys dagger and doesnt use it once to initiate. used his ult twice the entire game (serious) 2-9 weaver who was also trash. Also marlan you should have won that game man.. your teammates didn't feed, you don't know what feed is. lmao

                                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                  I know what feed is. Just because everyone didn't go 0-20 doesn't mean they weren't bad.

                                                                  We kept losing team fights we should have won. We had a major advantage all game, but late game we just kept losing. Nobody was buying TP scrolls or boots, just general bad.

                                                                  You'd have to watch the replay. Scores don't tell the entire story.

                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                    Butterfly n1 item on PA, 1020% chance to miss, APPROVED !!

                                                                    Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                                                      dat sarcasm

                                                                      In Memorium Mortui

                                                                        i would say that blink nai'x is pretty OP, providing you have mana providers on your team

                                                                        packet canceled

                                                                          i would say that naix is good but not OP.


                                                                            piss poor farm, piss poor items, noob carry player

                                                                            Compare to Opti-Free Repl...

                                                                              Yay for PA without any lifesteal going against a lifestealer!


                                                                                Just played a game. Naix got fed. Even a DR Weaver could barely scratch him. ;(

                                                                                Woof Woof

                                                                                  we should listen to 04 he may be a queer but his game sense/ experience is top notch

                                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                  packet canceled

                                                                                    someone's med

                                                                                    Woof Woof

                                                                                      i was srs u nigger

                                                                                      no offence

                                                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                        bloodseeker is pretty good counter to PL. I mean seriosly. I was playing 1vs5 match with PL, and after the tripple kill u just can't escape. You must be below half health really, after fighting them 5.
                                                                                        Nah I'm just kidding, my team was BAAD enough that, the BH was killed 1 times on each level, than he left (this means he was killed 11 times on lvl 11).
                                                                                        25/30 kills on my team. GOD WHY!?
                                                                                        And about this naix and PA (with buterfly!?!?!?) .... enough said

                                                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                          Dires' team gap on items, PA have farm but used it to buy garbage boot and didn't get lifesteal.
                                                                                          Game is late game which favor radiants pick.
                                                                                          I think void or PL is a unstoppable carry.
                                                                                          Naix can easily be killed by doom with carry items.


                                                                                            just saying but a team which even focus down a naix really cant do shit... cuz naix isnt so much a 'hard carry' since his skills work best against 1 on 1(mainly because of feast) i would say it just depends on the team.

                                                                                            Scrubbius Maximus

                                                                                              Naix is similar to Ursa in fights; both heroes need to get up close and personal as well as have some form of disable to prevent kiting. As to how unstoppable, i'd say it depends very situationally on both teams and how the fight goes. If naix has teammates like warlock's upheaval to slow the shit outta the entire enemy team, he could probably tear thru them 1 by 1 (similar to ursa tearing apart people). Ghost scepter does save your arse against pure dps but u'll be more exposed to nukes so once agn its a situational item

                                                                                              Generally i'd say force staff would really do wonders to a team in forcing naix to waste his rage. Although bkb does exists.... and if used as a final resort, it would mean 20secs of magic immunity (assuming bkb10 purchased when naix realises he needs it) which should be more than enuff for the entire fight. A fat naix IS* unstoppable only if the enemy team stands infront of him to be torn apart (due to disables/foolishness/bad initiation). It really is similar to Ursa in this point becuz both heroes have average ms, no ms boost, raw dps (when farmed). Just imagine going against an Ursa, n think about how u would beat it. Thats probably how u would beat a Naix as well.


                                                                                                play with noobs


                                                                                                  LOL they lost cause you got good support like WARLOCK which make your damage spread to other...


                                                                                                    dota is a team game, never think it was won by one single person


                                                                                                      52 Minutes, 186 Lasthits. This Naix is not close to be farmed or fat. Still enough to carry a Bronze SEA game. No Abyssal, No Mjollnir, AC > Desolator.