General Discussion

General DiscussionWorld record for fastest farm?

World record for fastest farm? in General Discussion

    no that proved that my dsl net on us servers gives me unplayble pings and that playing @ 4 am has a big difference than playing while fully rested

    Sōu ka

      i've seen your last aa game
      is that a bug or why does it say
      Europe West

      Sōu ka

        or was that a support AA?

        Sōu ka

          oh wait that was your friend again wasn't it?


            oh my god this vaikiss solomid/carry player lost mid cuz he had to lane qop which had tree armor since level 1 as aa against 5 man ganks since minute 3

            he so bad he should unistal this game cuz he lost pub

   and i lost again as riki against treant what a fucking noob

            Bu yorum düzenlendi
            Sōu ka

              you shouldn't use irony man it's hard enough already to tell what you're on about


                What is a solid amount of CS for the first 10 minutes in any given game as a carry? My farming is poor, & I can only get around 50ish but I am improving.


                  150 cs 20 min is solid depending on hero


                    as a carry, at least 60 creeps in 10 minutes (if u got gd lane/supports)

                    Woof Woof

                      hopefully relentless can come in and share his last hit charts so you can compare your score with srs data


                        A pro carry will usually get 60-70 creeps free farming by 10 min. A free farming carry in a Very High game will usually get 40-50.
                        In a High game 30-40...and in Normal usually there is not such a thing as a free farming autoattacking carry, who does it for 10 min might get 20-30 creeps on accident. When you watch a pub game, you will often see someone on a carry trying to lasthit, for most them they don't get more than if they autoattacked. But even if you barely outpace autoattacking farm, trying to lasthit and deny still gives you better lane control. Don't give up on it just because you miss a lot of them. Keeping the lane where you want it is how you stay safe from ganks and how you set up ganks on the enemy.

                        Once you get your first farming tool item (ie bfury on AM) the rules change. Its possible to get a ton more farm and also much easier to do it. If no one stops an AM that knows what he is doing he can farm over 700 gpm worth of creeps out of the jungle without much trouble.

                        So if a bad (or pressured) AM finally gets bfury at 25 min. And then is able, and knows how, to farm the jungle correctly he can get manta 7 min or so after he finished bfury no matter when he got it.

                        Of course games are often over by 30 min. And Antimage with just bfury and manta style is really not that powerful in a team fight. That is why it is important to get the last hits early (when its difficult) and get to those powerful items sooner. This is also why you need to win early when you play early game heroes. Every minute earlier you take each tower down...the easier it is to beat those farming carry heroes.

                        Bu yorum düzenlendi


                          Your numbers are fucking random, and completely wrong. Anyone that wants to maximise their farm (given that supports are stacking/pulling and hence no access to jungle) will easily get 70+CS by 10 minutes, and its the exact same thing in pro games.


                          3 kills which disrupts the last hitting quite a bit, still manage 61 CS in a match which is 9:59 (I was offlane), had I been focused solely on farming, thats easily ~70CS, and this is not uncommon for any decent player. Cheers MM for matching me with decent players against some shit tier scrubs.

                          If you think you need to be pro to get 60-70CS in 10 minutes, your standards are fucking low.

                          edit: you are aware that 40 CS is at 10 minutes is missing almost half the creeps right?

                          Bu yorum düzenlendi
                          Woof Woof

                            ^^ there we go ; d

                            Bu yorum düzenlendi
                            The Cage

                              Seems like all you niggas be plain out fucking retarded.

                              "Please link your game with the fastest farm with Medusa."
                              Where the fuck are my games???

                              Oh wait, seems like you guys are theorycrafting but why the fuck do you mention skill level? Go eat some chicken, you need it.

                              I can go out and win on lottery, right now. Right this moment I can go there and win that shit. What actually happens is not relevant. What CAN happen is all that matters.

                              Can you beat their farm? What strategy will let you beat their farm? If they can or cannot pull of their strategy perfectly is just not fucking interesting, at all. It's IF there's a better strategy that is interesting.

                              IS THERE A BETTER STRATEGY!? Why are all of you so much less intelligent than me? It's like you're not even trying, dispshits...

                              Also, I'm a proffesional carry.

                              Have a good day all, I love you. Peace and swag niggers. Amen.


                                I'm glad you did well and feel good about it Jerry. But you really don't seem to get the point. You got nowhere near 80...again. You know it was an unusually easy game...and in Australia...the weakest server in the the entire world.

                                If you think getting 70+ of the first 80 lasthits is easy or common you are naive. You don't do it. You can't do it. I already told you dotabuff stats show that almost no one in the entire world does this in any given week. I will be gone for over a week now so all of you will have plenty of time to tryhard and come up with a real example of you hitting the first 80 lasthits in a game.

                                When I return I fully expect to see plenty more fake attempts to claim it by stubborn people who refuse to admit they miss lasthits...refuse to see that everyone does...refuse to see that pros miss all the time...You are all just selling BULLSHIT. You can't do anything but whine about how you "could have" and "would have" if only...Yet you are so blind and blockheaded you STILL insist the thing you flat out CANNOT DO is easy.

                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                  Relentless, you are wrong. If you have a good team and a trilane, it's easy to have a completely free farm lane for the carry. So this is almost the same as a single player game. Now go for a single player game, go bot with any carry and last hit for 10 minutes. Man, if you do less than 70 you're bad. I'm far from being a great player, I'm just a regular very high matchmaking player, and I did 81/41 score on AM and 80/56 on Naix, last hitting only in the lane, ie, not going to the jungle. It's just not hard, man.
                                  And if you have a lane that's being contested by the other team, nobody can have perfect cs obviously. This is a dominated lane scenario.

                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                    @Relentless didn't you watch @Pancakes twitch vod? Sure, everyone misses last hits now and then but it is still not impossible to have a perfect cs score after 10 minutes.

                                    Also - your sample size is too small. Only 3000 games out of maybe 5 million?

                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                      Karake I saw his fake vod. I saw Vaikiss fake screenshot. I saw everyones weak attempts they have presented so far far away from the goal. I saw all the whiny excuses why people failed. I saw the stupid rationalizations. I am certain he and you have never done it in all your games and never will if you play dota your entire life. You guys are just not good enough to pull it off.

                                      IF you were even close to that level of farming skill you would not be having this stupid argument where you insist that its easy. Because if you were CLOSE, you would understand that it is hard. But instead you are just posers or trolls. Either you know you can't and just want to argue to have something to troll post...or you are so bad you don't even know that you are missing. IF you were actually good enough to get close you would notice the misses. But you don't because you are so bad, you think you got the cs when you missed.
                                      You look back in your inflated imaginary e-peen memory of what you have done and think you hit them. Watch your own replays.

                                      The sample was the top 80 scores on every carry hero. It was not too small. There is no reason to look at 5 million replays of people getting less than 40/80 hits. You think people in very high often get over 60 before missing? Bullshit. Even hitting the first 50 is uncommon.

                                      But having free farm control on the safelane is very common. A pub defensive tri-lane in Very High secures the opportunity for their carry to farm nearly every time they set up for it. Then their carry proceeds to miss. That is reality.

                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                        @Relentless you argument doesn't make sense, you say nobody in pubs has 80 cs in 10 minutes, OF COURSE, it's a freaking AP mode pub game, now go for a CM game where your team totally dominates the lane and make your carry free farm for 10 minutes, HE WILL LAST HIT AT LEAST 75 CREEPS.

                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                          You might think that someone who has taken a hundred thousand free throws in their life, who is paid millions of dollars to play basketball could stand at the line and hit a shot totally unopposed. But its rather common for them to miss.

                                          You might think that someone who has done a hundred thousand last hits before, who is in a pro game with bug money on the line, would get every lasthit. But watch them play...reality is they don't.

                                          You might think that someone in a protected tri-lane in a pub would at least get 7/8...but they don't. You need to reconsider your assumptions. Open your eyes to the game in front of you. Watch a replay of yourself doing it...and see that reality is you miss a lot more last hits than you think you do. Because it really is BEYOND HUMAN ABILITIES to focus on a detail task that precisely for a long period of time. You did not get all of them...because it is really to hard for you to do. In fact apparently for plenty of people, its to hard for them to even notice that they are missing.

                                          GAME IS TOO just played Kunka. You farmed safelane. You got a Qblade on Kunka...there is no way you "should" miss any lasthits with that huge attack dmg. Kunka is a hero you know. You average 417 gpm. This game was a high farming game for got 496 gpm, well above your average...but but but

                                          You had already missed 5 hits on the first 2 waves. You missed 4 more on the next 2 waves. You only got 26 of the first 40 creeps. Only 3 were just missed the other 11. You dove a tower and killed Mirrana. Well Played. Only two creeps died while you were unable to hit them during that time. Mirrana gave you some trouble in the next few min, but did not actually prevent you from lasthitting any of the creeps. You were there standing next to them all, swinging your sword when all of them died...and missed the timing on 15 more of the next 40...for a final score of 51/80...only 3 denied and 2 died when you were zoned out. You directly missed the timing on 26 of the first 80.

                                          The fact is that is really quite good as a stat. Very few players can do that...although its much less impressive on Kunka and with qblade. That's one of the easiest lasthitting setups possible in the game.

                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                            Change topic name to
                                            Relentless vs The World

                                            Sōu ka

                                              how is my vod fake again?
                                              i play like hard support or offlane all the time in pubs while solo queuing and i've played like 4 am games, the most recently being a year ago and still i can get your fucking perfect cs

                                              and no i'm not doing that in a real game (yes it would probably take ages) and no getting perfect cs is not easy and i didn't get it in the first run but you actually think there's a difference between singleplayer and public matchmaking but none between pubs and competitive games?

                                              ya you actually miss creeps sometimes everybody does, doesn't mean i can't get perfect cs one game without even playing carries



                                                prettysure with couple more tryes could make it 80/70+++

                                                did no jungling only starting items that is core 80% of the time for luna games

                                                can i be burning now ?


                                                  Loda just made perfect last hits with AM vs VP until 5 min in the game, and he didn't go on perfect just because they decided to push until t2
                                                  Illidan was perfect until breaking the tower too
                                                  I don't get your point


                                                    Yes, Loda, Black and Burning are the only 3 pros I have seen actually get a perfect 80 of the first 80 lasthits. Loda is one of the top ten most talented players in the entire world.

                                                    76 is very good Vaikiss. Maybe with more practice you could do it...but maybe you have already reached your skillcap. How many tries will it take to really know?

                                                    Do you want to know? Are you capped out at 90% of lasthits? Is that the best you can do...or could you actually improve? Maybe you really could be good enough to be pro and have not pushed yourself hard enough? You have to answer the question for yourself. But being honest with yourself about it not being easy for you is the first step.

                                                    That does not look fake Vaikiss...but its still not a real game. The pressure is different. You cannot devote your full mental focus in a real game, even if you do have total free farm.

                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                    Woof Woof

                                                      10:09 fake screenshot again nice try Vaikiss


                                                        @Relentless you're wrong one more time, lots of players get perfect last hits
                                               here Fear gets all the 71 first creeps, then he gets ganked


                                                          ah..yet another 71 is somehow 80 claim.

                                                          But Fear probably is good enough to get 80...even so I bet he almost never does.

                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                            Your point is ridiculous, if the gank was 30 seconds later he would have had 80 out of 80, so what? You don't get it? He could stay there forever making perfect cs if he wasn't ganked


                                                              4 creeps spawns every 30 seconds = 8 creeps per minute
                                                              1 catapult spawns every 3 minutes = 25 creeps per 3 minutes
                                                              9 minutes = 75 creeps
                                                              9 minutes 30 seconds = 79 creeps
                                                              i did 76 out of 79 cuz i didin't killed 10th minute wave since it wasnt there yet

                                                              i missed 3 last hits only which can be fixed by doing the same thing couple more times (practicing) so blow me son


                                                                You are wrong. Not even Fear could do that. The Human Brain cannot concentrate on a precise detailed task like this for much over 15 min. This is why air traffic controllers are forced to take many regular breaks. It is extremely draining to hit that level of perfection for a long period...even for those talented enough to do it at all.

                                                                Ever wonder about why Fear did not notice the gank in time? Normally he has some of the best map awareness of any pro player.

                                                                Vaikiss if you want to just be a poser, forum troll, thats your business. If you really think you can be better... then suck it up and practice and find out if you can.

                                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                Sōu ka

                                                                  friend you have a video of me getting perfect cs within minutes of your demands on not jungling and that other shit

                                                                  and here i beat fear in a direct confrontation back when gosugamers listed clockwerk as one of his signature heroes
                                                                  now tell me how good i am


                                                                    im perfectly fine with my lasthitting skills missing cs is normal 3 cs = 1 tp scroll which doesn't change much ingame

                                                                    on that vid fear had free cs only cuz pudge was 10% winrate scrub with 10 games in dota2 he didin't even try to deny creeps even when fear was in lower ground hitting units to upper hlil and pudge is melee with faster attack animation than qops projectile

                                                                    Sōu ka

                                                                      if you kill the creeps that spawn at 9:30 perfect is 82 not 79


                                                                        im not sure where do u find those 82

                                                                        Sōu ka

                                                                          20 creepwaves and 2 siege creeps?

                                                                          Sōu ka

                                                                            if you skip to the end theres 82
                                                                            i don't want to go into the details because you think that 300 cs in 75 minutes means 0.3 creeps/minute or hours you seem to have a problem using those words appropriately


                                                                              Dude @Relentless you are mentally retarded. Go see a doctor NOW.

                                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                No I don't have proof you can do it, Pancakes. I have another artificial situation setup to try to get around the real difficulty of csing...the fact that in a real game you cannot devote your full attention to nothing but getting the difficult timing right.

                                                                                You are not taking the challenge seriously because you think you don't miss many creeps. You think that "if you were trying" you would hit them. But that's not real.

                                                                                You had an even easier setup than Fear. You are solo safelane on Slark against a pudge who is helpless to do anything. You directly miss 4 of the first 8 creeps. You miss 4 of the 2nd 8. Pudge did nothing to stop you, you just missed.

                                                                                You were totally focused on hitting them. You were animation canceling like you had parkinsons...and while you only missed 8 of the first 20 you were so foused on the lane trying hard to do it that you didn't notice that storm was gone from mid for over 50 sec. Started walking bot in vision on your mini-map, got a DD rune and pudge baited you into getting ganked. And so pudge killed you first, although you were kicking his butt before the gank.

                                                                                While you were out of the lane only 1 creep died. You were zoned back for 1 more lost creep, but then you had total free farm again and directly missed 7 of 9. Now pudge was back, but again impotent and alone. He doesn't even dare get close to you because he knows you can solo kill him.

                                                                                You get up to 27 out of a possible 48 by the time Storm rotates again. This time you were paying more attention and evade the gank narrowly. You got zoned out of 4 creeps while storm was threatening bot. Then Pudge left and you had complete free farm again. You refocus and hit 13 of the next 18 before porting out to gank at 9 minutes. Overall that's 40 of the first 68 with no denys attempted against you, but zoning out of 6. You only missed 22 by directly failing your timing.

                                                                                Again, this is very good. You are one of the best players at lasthiting. Probably in the top 1%. But you still miss a lot of them in a real situation, even with free farm. Because its not easy. It is hard.

                                                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                  You were not talking about a real situation @Relentless. You claimed it is (almost) impossible to get a perfect cs score in 10 minutes. You have been proven wrong now on several occasions. In a real game it is extremely difficult to achieve perfect cs since you will almost always be contested (or you have to look out for gangs, et.c.). You said if you can manage 80+ cs in 10 minutes you are on BurNIng's level which is simply not true.

                                                                                  What separates a good carry from an extremely good carry is not only his ability to last hit. It is his awareness, knowing when he can freely take cs, when he should show up for fights and his decision making in fights that separates him from random pub players. Sure, he is an excellent farmer as well but just being able to last hit is not enough to play in a competitive team. I am pretty sure you could find a random person on the street and train him/her for a few weeks and he/she would be able to achieve 80+ last hits in a PRACTICE GAME.

                                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                    is that but theres only 19 of them in 10:00 mark



                                                                                      youre not counting the 00:00 one vaikiss, 3 waves at min 1 => 5 at 2 => 19 at 9 => 20th spawning at 9:30


                                                                                        oh yeah totally forgot 0:00 one

                                                                                        Sōu ka

                                                                                          yeah no shit i miss a fuckton of cs i play carry/semi carry once every 20 games maybe
                                                                                          this lane was not empty it was a 1v1 lane and i showed him quickly he can't hit creeps in the lane ( i know i'm highly favored in that matchup) and no shit i should have gotten a lot more cs there
                                                                                          i play maybe once or twice a week at most
                                                                                          i am very far away from being in good shape and i certainly can't play carry well in a competitive environment ( doesn't mean i can't play carry in those pubs), partially because i never fucking play it

                                                                                          i actually remember that game and i got frustrated a lot because i was missing so many easy cs and then my team was actually winning the trilane top quite convincingly which isn't really motivating


                                                                                            Karake, you deliberately failing to understand what I said does not change it.

                                                                                            And what you said is again far from reality. "a random person" could never hit the first 80 lasthits even in that fake practice game situation with a few weeks of dota. 75% of dota players could not do that if their life depended on it and they had a year to prepare. Surely you must know that is true. You do play public matching games right?


                                                                                              Well Pancakes you are a very talented player. If you focused on playing carry heroes you could do quite well csing. But you are not good enough to get near perfect farm in real games. If you practiced you would do better, but not as much as you might think. You would run into a skillcap. If you really put effort into it you would realize in time that you actually cannot farm like Beesa, like pro carries no matter how much you practice and no matter how hard you try.

                                                                                              It's like you are 6'4" and play as a forward in basketball. In highschool you are very good, but in college you are really too short and have zero chance to go pro. Ultra precise, hyperfast control of your fingers is the same way. Only a tiny handful of the best can really do it. Everyone can't, no matter how much they may wish they could or tell themselves they does not change reality.

                                                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                                @Relentless you said exactly what I wrote. Anyway, last hitting in a practice game only requires you know when to hit the creep and how to keep the lane static. That is something that can be trained up quite easily. If I told some guy I would give him $10000 if he learned how to last hit for 10 minutes in a game I am pretty sure he would manage to do it quite fast. If we are talking about a real game with lane contention then it is a whole different thing. If you mean that (that is not what you wrote however) then I fully agree with you.

                                                                                                Woof Woof

                                                                                                  congrats on raging fury 5 Grimorum


                                                                                                    Karake you still refuse to understand what I wrote...perhaps the trolls many repetitions of their distortions has confused you? Some of them have repeated lies in other threads too. Maybe you are just confused.

                                                                                                    I'm glad you can see that getting perfect cs in a real game is nearly impossible. This is why I went to the trouble to check and list the top cs record for real games for a ton of carry heroes. If you go back and reread the thread you will see I provided an excellent reference for what is an ultra high number of lasthits in a real game.


                                                                                                      it is hard for most heroes i think

                                                                                                      if u are viper or naix i think it is very doable

                                                                                                      if im on spectre or something i normally only get like 55-65 creeps in teh first 10 minutes

                                                                                                      and i generally miss a cs each wave im farming at my tower because my support pulled