General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do mexicans suck so bad at dota 2?

Why do mexicans suck so bad at dota 2? in General Discussion
❤ Ashley ❤

    Just had a bunch of games where i had a stupid mexiroach on my team and we lost every single time, how do you deal with these beaners? they suck soooooooooooooooooooo bad and just spam jajajajajjajajaj, should i just go afk if i get beans on my team?


      or just give them few tips how to be so "good" as you? your in pub and there will be a lot of bad players, just get over it

      Bu yorum düzenlendi
      Makise Kurisu

        lose all games, blames team for nationality or language.

        tipical "american" (continent not a fucking country) kid.

        Autism is great

          deal with them? simple ! find their location and go adam lanza on them

          348 here

            Read a book. That's the best way to deal with the problem.

            Maybe after reading enough you'll learn that it's not about their ethnicity, that racism isn't funny, and that ''Rape'' is not a good username.

            Bu yorum düzenlendi

              sickening ass trying to make mexicans the Russians/Pinoy of NA


                you're shit at dota shut up

                Kylo Graine

                  I'm with OP on this one. No communication, no love.

                  Kylo Graine

                    Also stop picking up Timbershit.


                      Excuse me....Tiber..what? I think you meant to say Timberawesome.


                        this kajak retard sounds like he slurps shit for a living

                        death to the fire nation

                          they are just not as smart as most ppl

                          don't run I just want to ...

                            you shoud Feel Good abut ( mexicans ) cuz u dont see RUSS player yet XD


                              U shed feel good any Russ Coz u don't see PINOYS yet XD


                                This is just my opinion:

                                I find it difficult to que with anyone who doesn't speak the same language as me.

                                Whether it be mexicans, brazilians or Russians.

                                And you can't honestly be ignorant enough to believe that we're smarter just because we're american?


                                  SILENCEO SENIORS!

                                  YO SOY UNA MEXICANO DE SPICO DE INFERIOR~!

                                  YO SOY UNA SPICK!

                                  SI SI?

                                  TACO TACO?

                                  BURRITO BURRITO?

                                  Kenny Blankenship

                                    ...taco flavoured keeses?

                                    ^Dude is awesome. Also, one account per hero for easy stat tracking? Or what?


                                      Exchanging Russians for Mexicans, murica pls swap them?

                                      Libe Jenkins

                                        You sure are racist. Im not mexican, I´m Spanish, but I´m sure its the same thing to you and to the rest of ignorant people out there.

                                        The only thing I have to say, after seeing your other posts is, if you want to do anything good for any videogame community, just dissapear for a while, learn some respect, grow a few years, and then come back when you can manage the responsiblity of being be one exemplar and correct player, and not annoy the hell out of this forum with your useless complains.

                                        Good day to everyone.


                                          immigrate here to europe or SE :P


                                            omg these stupid beaners always get offended when we say "america". why do you think people from the united states are called "americans". omfg dumbass beaners bad at logic and dota

                                            agree with op 100%

                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                              wut do u mean by beaners by the way, i thought it was some insult


                                                Lol this guy just trolling up the forums.


                                                  Love all these social justice fluffheads talking about IT'S NOT ETHNICITY BLUH BLUH.


                                                    Stop spamming "jajajajajajaja", stop spamming the map ping mechanism, and stop being shitty ignorant Dota players and you all might get a little more respect. Until then, I'm not giving a drop of respect. And a little bit of wisdom from Daniel Tosh: "It's not a stereotype if it's always true."

                                                    COYOTE CÓSMICO

                                                      Same we can say about you fat "americans" burguer eaters.
                                                      You know that the are more than 10 countries who speak spanish? Not just Mexico.

                                                      I'm really tired of people like you op who think they are the best race of the world just for being from usa.

                                                      You know what? I wish you wouldve died back in the 9/11. So fuck you.

                                                      Yanqui racista de mierda morite la concha de tu madre.

                                                      Vanity  ツ

                                                        The fact that most americans are bad at dota isn't a secret ^

                                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                          Stop reviving these dead threads. Especially when it's posted by Rape.

                                                          Retard Security Detail

                                                            On a side note, mexicians refers to nationality not a race. Stop spewing your pc prefab bullshit and think for once.


                                                              Shit Tyrone, get it together


                                                                I have to agree 100% with this thread. I have probably 99% of my games with Mexicans on my team. They need a filter for this


                                                                  Lol, U havent played with me :P

                                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                    Yeah they even lost to South Africa. Do people even play Dota in South Africa?

                                                                    Sassy for Life

                                                                      The beaner problem got so bad in HON that they locked them on their own server. And you know what? Problem was solved. This game is just as bad if not worse than pre-south american server lock hon. Either they make their own server, or rename US West to Mexico.


                                                                        Are Mexicans the American DOTA equivalent to Russians?


                                                                          I agree with this completely; and it's not just Mexicans. Also include 99.99% of South Americans. They are UTTER GARBAGE.


                                                                            how the fuck people find these


                                                                              lol why do you care, for pub games good players never need to talk win a game lol
                                                                              ONLY trash talks

                                                                              Calerpittar, The Insatiable

                                                                                I don't even care if you're mexican, or portuguese, or brazilian, or venezuelan, OR ANY OTHER NATIONALITY so long as you at least speak english, don't spam chat, don't spam pings, and actually have basic knowledge of the game. that is all.

                                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                                  пиздуй! пошёл нахуй


                                                                                    stop necroing, we are gonna die from heartstopper aura

                                                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                      As much as I hate to say it, I agree based on my experience. Most of my games (~90%) in which someone fed, the person was a Spanish-speaker. Perhaps not Mexican, but definitely spoke Spanish and no English.

                                                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                                                        ты дебил


                                                                                          No joke, I don't think its a coincidence. I think it mostly has to do with western culture and how we approach things with a selfish cut throat attitude. I don't think the common folk of other countries do that as much as others. Usually if I meet someone that is not a complete dunce from another part of the world he is usually culturally open and aware. Thats why some Russian players play horribly cause they are some broken ass, immature, casual attitude, close mind. This happens in America too, but we just call them dumbasses, because why would we point out the nationality of someone that lives where we do? But I do believe the morals and way different people from different places handle things are quite different so there is a observational commonality going on here.

                                                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                          Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                                                            Where your from doesn't factor your level.

                                                                                            #Average QQ thread.
                                                                                            #North america includes Mexico
                                                                                            #Cry is free

                                                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                            waku waku

                                                                                              op's avvy is super cute~

                                                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                                Me gusta este thread, es muy chingoso!

                                                                                                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!