General Discussion

General DiscussionIs there actually any kind of matchmaking?

Is there actually any kind of matchmaking? in General Discussion

    Sitting on 1900 dbr and 4-5 kda, keep getting 45% win guys, first game guys and other retards.

    Really, can someone explain how this trash is supposed to work?


      DBR doesn't work? The more games you played the more DBR you had? It means nothing, That is the skill bracket you are in, Get used to it or just get better.


        Thats normal, it forces us to have ~50% winrate :D


          Enemies pick pl lich and zeus in bd, our retards go for cent am and doom. How the hell can I win?

          Pandamonium(You Died)

            Obv, pick riki ;)

            )-( (_) ) (

              in answer to your question matchmaking seems to work on a hidden mmr/elo system similar in idea to the dbr system

              the system tries to match players not by relative skill level independently but by averages of weighted skill level across teams. This is important in understanding why win rates dont matter in a dbr based system or at least much less.

              if you do have teammates that are significantly worse than you are it would mean that the system has created a overall game of lower skill level. Because stat gains in dbr/mmr is a weighted relative of the game skill level verusus your own skill level you will not lose much mmr/dbr in thoes games. Although statistically you did record a loss. Conversely, in a game when you have good players on both teams and you manage to win, your dbr/mmr will be significantly improved which could cover multiple losses at lower skill levels.

              in fact i think im going to make a thread explaining this.


                if mmr created a overall of lower skill that mean that you are in the low skill? because they cant put you in a low bracket if you are not

                유료 배우

                  If you keep getting teammates that cant or dont care about picks checks counters and lane choices just start playing with a party its what i did even though it pulls me into a higher bracket when i party with more experienced players i don't mind because they are good games.

                  In the end you got to understand that its a game and it will attract people with a "its just a game" attitude

                  But I feel for you man

                  And would like to ask how a player is supposed to move up if you keep getting stuck in junky pubs with new players and feeders lol.


                    Again got team with 2 retards that cannot play carry even when I kill everyone as bh. Wtf is this shit?

                    Age of Looting

                      If you really are that much better than everyone else, those games should just be a playground for you.. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I highly suspect that your BH play mainly involves:
                      - solo sniping as many soft heros as you can find
                      - always roaming to find stragglers for solo kills instead of actively contributing to team ganks
                      - failing to contribute to team fights by backing too early so as to maintain your awesome noob kda


                        @Above Poster, What if you are on dire team? Does that mean you feed n purpose, I can totally play a few games if you live up to that name.

                        H E I N R I C H     I B S...

                          If you keep getting a bad team, you're probably bad yourself.

                          e: checked your stats, and you seem to get a good KD in quite a few games. Maybe you are good in a sense that you would win 1 v 1, maybe you're unwilling to cooperate with the team, I don't know.

                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                            The goal of the game is not to get a good KDA (sure it may be somewhat relevant), but rather to destroy the enemy ancient. Remember that. If you think your allies always suck, just pick someone like BM (Necro3), Leshrac or Lone Druid and win the game by yourself. Plenty of other heroes can do the job, but these are probably the best for it.

                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                              1st game, solo queue
                              played against someone with 450 wins. what even


                                @WIZARDCUNT I'm guessing you picked the "Experienced" option when starting up the client for the first time. You're 3 for 3 though, so clearly you're more than capable of handling them.


                                  i still think that's stupid, but w/e

                                  Age of Looting

                                    @cM^Trick|V2.0 I think you've found your answer first hand =p

                                    Gnome Chompski

                                      ahh another ''everyone is bad except me'' guy. funny.

                                      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                        I have the same thing happen. I'm in gold league roughly in the 1400 ratings. When I'm on a winning streak I get matched in platinum games, otherwise it's gold if i'm losing. Basically it's forcing many of us 'club' players to just make a new account so we can play 'very high' skill games. Considering so many new accounts (less than 500 games) are in platinum or better by just winning over 50% starting off in 'experience' settting.

                                        my old thread:

                                        Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                          One thing I noticed in platinum games vs. gold. 80% platinum games will ward pulls & buy sentries for invisible units or smoke ganks. They will also have tp scroll for counter ganking. Gold... you're lucky if they do. No sentries. Everybody plays carries etc...


                                            No, it's not doing any of those things Bond, its matching you against players who are roughly the same skill level as you, as measured by a weighted scoring system (based loosely around chess style ELO). New players who are platinum and _stay there_ are there because they are in the top 1% of players. This has no correlation with number of games played total after the sample size is large enough to give an accurate skill estimate. By resetting your stats with new accounts, you're not achieving anything but putting yourself out of your league for a few games before your sample normalises and you get booted back to the skill range you belong in. There's no conspiracy, no sneaky market or values manipulation, it's just a normal ELO based system where score fluctuates with in game performance. QQ more.


                                              @3.14 bond, mad cuz bad
                                              if you were in 1400 rating after more than 100 games, you must really suck. Stop blaming the system and get better. Sure you might be on a decent streak now, but you don't have to look back more than 1 page to see that 8 losses in a row.


                                                @dire team is noob FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! haha that was pure rape stupid enchant :( then I threw my last 9 or so games :(

                                                Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                  ez for u guys to say. When i was 300+ games I was hoping the game would normalize and I would find better players. I was in hi 52% win rate hoping. Sure enough 500+ games pass buy games gone worst. Then 1000+. Come back when u guys can put up 51% winrate at 1000+ games.

                                                  )-( (_) ) (

                                                    well...truly good players find other good players...the people who are on the top matchmaking pages for live games tend get there eventually and then stay there. And the top page is commonly filled with pros so theres little argument about the effectiveness of MM at the very top level at least.

                                                    if you arent there in terms of skill you just wont be there, i know i wont be but then again im not complaining about it.

                                                    ultimately the mm system is actually just as good as any others out there, its not really a matchmaking problem as far as im concerned.

                                                    People consider themselves better than they are and teammates worse than they are, this is called self positivity bias and it is a proven and commonly occuring psychological phenomenon.


                                                      1900 is not enough tbh. you have to reach 2200+ to play with decent players.

                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                        @pi bond, what u r saying isn't really wrong, these guys think they know everything after 100 games.
                                                        @steek the amount is different for every server. Not every server is equally skilled

                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!