General Discussion

General DiscussionFuture of DotaBuff? Assume worst-case

Future of DotaBuff? Assume worst-case in General Discussion

    So assuming that Valve keeps up its monopoly, what will DotaBuff do in the future?
    Since we can make our own data public, could we not setup a DBR relative to players who are public?


      No, that doesn't work unfortunately. We need a rating of all people to be able to have an accurate ranking system.

      Also, they're trying to remove our ability to download and parse replays, which would remove chat log, skill builds, item builds, and a lot more cool stuff.


        Sorry guys. I really feel for you. Hoping that someway you and valve might reach a compromise. If things don't work out just wanted to tell you guys that you did an awesome job with dotabuff.


          Sad times.
          Well played by Valve using the excuse of "privacy".

          Karl Hungus

            Hopefully this will get some public attention like from online-gaming-magazines and stuff, so you guys get the best forum there is in order to show valve that their course of following such a horrible agenda is not the way to go.

            qb MagicFingers

              yeh its sad, discovering dotabuff made the game alot more fun for my friends n I. esp after today when DBR came out all my mates wants to play more now n everyone teasign each other lots of fun.

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              Black Sails

                Well I don't accuse Valve, there are a lot of newbies and flamers and f*cktards out there that only care for ratings but they didn't even play good. With ratings all the players will pick carry because they don't simply understand the idea of how a rating is created. They are idiots.
                So Valve tried to dodge that, why in earth you need ratings? You can't see if you are good or not? It's pretty obvious, it's called self-esteem and those that aren't arrogant can see their true level.
                So far I am pleased with the privacy, I am a good player but I saw so much idiots in this game that only care for kills and stats, and I for example don't give a damn if I'm platinum gold or silver. I know that I play poorly when it comes to micro management like chen or meepo but in exchange I know I can do a lot better than 75% of players who pick Invoker. So that's my rating in big lines.
                If you really want ratings, go get a team play some pub matches and sign for a tournament, the competition will change.

                Karl Hungus

                  i think providing stats might encourage people to play only for their stats. but afaik most people tend to play carries anyways because they focus pretty hard on KDA only. At least thats the case in the matches i get ranked into. so many people shout at me because i play support with 2/15/23 because i dont kill as much as the carries do.
                  so since the majority of players is tending towards picking carries anyways, i dont think, the DBR would add up on this.

                  Adonis DS

                    Picking carrys is not a valid strategy to improving dbr.

                    Sacred Relics

                      DBR Killed Dotabuff, not Valve. Call Riot maybe they can fix this!
                      Your right was to monetize your hard work (or others work uhm?), but Valve protects new players, they don't want Hon2.0 or Lol2.0, it is DOTA2 and it is my RIGHT to keep MY RATING private OR public, I decide OK?


                        Actually you don't have a right to do either at the moment because ratings don't work anymore (since 25/01/2013).
                        However if the default settings for Dota 2 is public, then you can still have a right to make yourself private in which case no one can see your rating.
                        In the current format there is 'no rights' for all


                          Why are some people so afraid of showing their stats online? It's like people not daring to show their faces online, being able to keep yourself secret so you don't get beat up for being an asshole or worried of being flamed for being a total noob.
                          If you're good, you could care less, if you want to improve you'd like the stats, if you're a scared little boy afraid of being revealed to be a noob infront of friends. That's these people who don't want to share their stats ;)


                            truth is simple all lame avarange players are scared to show their score instead of feeling the spirit of rivalry and set some kind of milestone in their gaming progress.

                            Бразильский Орех

                              It's not about being afraid or anything. I will make a repost of my own thoughts from an adjustend thread:

                              The issue is not with Valve trying to protect personal data - that's what they have to do as a company.
                              And they have to enable an ability to never pass any of the data to 3rd party services.

                              Example - the time of the match is displayed, and thus a malicious criminal can know that a certain individual was at home near his computer at a certain time period - this can be considered "personal data" even by court. A sloppy example but you get the point - if Valve passes information to 3rd parties without letting the user know they are a potential subject to lawsuits.

                              The issue is with the "default" setting. No user will bother to change it. Ever.
                              And the only thing we can influence as a community is this "default" status.
                              A line in "terms of agreement" may help - but I don't really remember if Dota has a different set of agreements user has to agree with. If it's not the case and Dota falls into general steam agreements - again - sending personal data is restricted by law and thus Valve can't just simply wave it away.


                                they did already with win/lose ration and other match infos so whats the point now and it was writen before what was the time of your match even without dbr so....

                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                  5. THIRD PARTY CONTENT

                                  In regard to all Subscriptions, Software, and related content that are not authored by Valve, Valve acts merely as an intermediary service provider. Valve does not screen such third party content available on Steam or through other sources. Valve does not assume any responsibility or liability for such third party content. Some third party application Software is capable of being used by businesses for business purposes - however, you may only acquire such Software via Steam for private personal use.

                                  6. USER GENERATED INFORMATION

                                  "User Generated Information" means any information made available to other users through your use of multi-user features of Steam or to Valve or its affiliates through your use of the Software or otherwise. User Generated Information may include, but is not limited to, chat, forum posts, screen names, game selections, player performances, usage data, suggestions about Valve products or services, and error notifications. Subject to the Valve privacy policy referenced in Section 1 above, as applicable, and except as otherwise specifically addressed in any Subscription Terms or Rules of Use, you expressly grant Valve and its affiliates the non-exclusive, irrevocable right to use, reproduce, modify, create derivative works from, distribute, transmit, broadcast, and otherwise communicate, and publicly display and perform the User Generated Information and derivative works thereof in any form, anywhere, with or without attribution to you, and without any notice or compensation to you of any kind. For any content for which you take advantage of cloud storage provided by Valve, you grant us a license to store such information for you, and you represent and warrant to us that you have sufficient rights in such content to grant us this license. You acknowledge and agree that we may place limits on the amount of storage you may use.

                                  From this people should know what they are getting themselves into. You all have agreed to the terms and conditions so please no complaining about 'OH GOD MY DATA LEAK OUT PEOPLE GOING TO STALK ME'.
                                  @Frog Rapist, the example you have given is plausible but very unlikely. Knowing the time a person is online, he could be online on cybercafes, LAN or friend's home. Criminals or malicious people and etcs can't even do anything from this insignificant data. People all have 'agreed' or just accepted the agreement so Valve CAN wave the data around as they choose.

                                  SOOOO from this i conclude that people whom are afraid to expose their stats are either embarrassed about their rankings, or they are hyper paranoid retards.
                                  Don't be scared about being flamed ;)


                                    I for one support DotaBuff and the staff of DB. I feel that because of whinny wimps, DB's hard work are all for naught.


                                      @田구민 double U
                                      True i agree with you :)


                                        There is no personal data when your real name, location etc is not revealed.
                                        If you want to talk about personal data, look at Steam. They already by default show your location on your Steam profile. And your playing hours. Where's the privacy in that?

                                        Even then, your name etc is never exposed and is not personal. If you play a game with other people, is it illegal for those people in the game to tell everyone that "FROG PLAAYED AT THIS TIME ??:??"
                                        They don't even know who you are...


                                          Its anonymous in the sense that none of your private data is revealed except your gamer id


                                            I could even outline the parts from the terms and conditions for people who can't be arsed to read this.

                                            @IceEdge ;)
                                            I would not mind my stats being shown even if it was pretty bad.. How am i going to improve if i don't know how bad i am?

                                            People need a reality check.

                                            Бразильский Орех

                                              田구민 double U
                                              Thanks for your insight about USER GENERATED INFORMATION
                                              I decline my argument about personal data and currently default to "Valve is fucking dumb" argument.

                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                haha ^^ true :)

                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                  Valve needs to get their shit together..


                                                    GOGOGO HON everyone! (truly for stat lovers)

                                                    Sacred Relics

                                                      Switch to Hon or Lol then, so you can enjoy competitive (RANKED) random pub games. Valve made a LOT of things for Competitive Scene in Dota2 (such as tickets, calendar, items 4 directly support your favourite team), RANDOM PUB GAMES don't need ranking simply because it's f***** RANDOM PUB GAMES, and you simply cannot judge a player from a number, so....Hon or Lol fans.. have fun payin 6Dollar/Months so you can "IMPROVE" your skills whining at the starts of the game who deserves to go mid or play carry, this is your idea of "improving skill". Personally, I improve my skill watchin tournaments online, watchin youtube channels with guides and Dota2 tricks and watchin my game replays when I loose the game.


                                                        @scared, you scared? :)

                                                        Sacred Relics

                                                          ^^ I am not scared man! But I was scared 4 public stats, because I hated so much Hon for the 1st minute game raging from my teammates.. I really don't want Hon2.0


                                                            Whatever you do they will rage :) number of your wins your pick, your gaming style, in game decisions, bad english (like mine^^) country you are from etc who cares ?


                                                              so before the stats, did dota players not rage? WHOAH i had no idea where you came from dota players DON'T rage. Where can i find such players? ;)

                                                              Sacred Relics

                                                                I care, because atm if someone rage at me 4 wrong decisions in that particular game, I CAN REPLY (OMG you so bad and passive, stop playin middle! -> My reply -> Man I've got bottle but without vision my enemy took all the runes, help me warding or tell me if I need to ward) , but with DBR, I can't reply, that's the difference (OMG DONT PICK MID HERO YOU BAD MOTHER***** you RUIN OTHERS GAME DOING THIS)


                                                                  It's not even in-game how would it effect you picking a hero you want to use? Don't tell me you're one of those dues that last picks a carry and calls a lane. :O
                                                                  Now that is a BS move man. ;)

                                                                  ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

                                                                    I'd happily find something to shittalk you with because you're clearly an idiot with everything to hide. I could just look through your previous 5 matches ingame and find something to shittalk you with instead, just as easy. The only thing this has to do with is valve shutting down useful resources that can be used for beneficial purposes. If you can't wrap your feeble mind around that concept, maybe you shouldn't bother posting, because you're clearly missing an entire piece of the picture.

                                                                    Sacred Relics

                                                                      Yes, sometimes I criticize someone from minute one because BAD PICK (this is somethin related to that particulare game and related to that situation) BUT I don't want to stop someone to pick a carry hero because he has bad K/D, everyone deserves the time and the chance to improve tryin new heroes, and if you rage at them, this won't help


                                                                        since when dbr indicates your mid hard easy lane skill ? :P they can check your win rate with particular hero without dbr :P so that point was useless :) if you cant handle flame and criticism dont play online :) kids flamers troll will never dissapear with our without ratings and if you rly cant handle a kid that says "lol your dbr is lower then mine by 100 go play pacman noob" then i have no more further questions XD


                                                                          maybe instead of arguing over useless shit :P we should as a fellow players think of an idea how to improve this matter :)


                                                                            Well then, don't look at their DB profile. Easy as that you won't know until they perform their magic.
                                                                            If you're last pick and there's 3 carries out on the field. GO FOR A SUPPORT :D
                                                                            man couriers and wards are cheaper than they used to be.
                                                                            The stats consider also support players, bear in mind the dude with highest DBR is a person who ONLY plays WISP.. WISP.. WISP ffs.
                                                                            No excuses.

                                                                            ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

                                                                              he's essentially the reason the rest of us can't have nice things, same shit goes for anything else in the world- typical ultra-thin skin of the contemporary casual. These sorts of tools are benefial for contextual purposes, and valve's refusals to accept anything rating-related only serve to prove that dota2 is only ever going to be the equivalent of a tv show.


                                                                                what do you think about something like that: every info goes to DB of all players, doing dbr but every player in options on DB have a magical button show my stats to pubs or hide my stats to public same like on steam with certain info, that would make everyone happy wouldnt it ? :)

                                                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                Sacred Relics

                                                                                  Noone need DBR to improve, Dotabuff (without rating) + online guides + replays + youtube channels + forums is enought. Competitive is about tournments, it's not about random AP PUB games.

                                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                  ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

                                                                                    Except this update has essentially crippled dotabuff on the whole as well as killing any rating system. What part of that do you not understand?

                                                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                      @scared, you scared ? ;)
                                                                                      No need to say more cos at the end of the day you're just scared. ~

                                                                                      Sacred Relics

                                                                                        You don't understand my point, I love Dotabuff, EXCEPT DBR ok? I am sorry for this site, but DBR killed Dotabuff, not Valve.

                                                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                          No one can see your DBR Scared. Whats your point?


                                                                                            so having new features is killing something. Guess too much of a good thing is bad~ Like sugar and spice.

                                                                                            ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

                                                                                              'Competitive is about tournaments'

                                                                                              Not really, competitive is about leagues, ladders and tournaments together. What do leagues and ladders use? Rating systems. What do we not have for captains mode? Rating systems. What do we not have currently running? Private leagues and ladders to compensate. What would they use to mine their data to make information presentable? API. What is valve gimping with privacy settings and their modifications to replays? API. See where the problem's happening? Valve doesn't want to throw the amateur competitive scene a bone at any point- the scene which many people enjoy watching just as much as the big shot tournaments. Competitive dota is a TV show now, and will stay as such until Valve change their ways. It is that simple. I'd like to see someone explain the implications of this patch.

                                                                                              Also to push home the point which you still don't understand- valve's announced and already implemented changes to privacy setting and API ensure dotabuff's stats features, which to you and I is the cool shit we want that shows us useful and interesting things, will no longer work. Read up some.

                                                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                                Minimum exposure for us normal players who try to compete in Inhouse Leagues, ladders and etc.
                                                                                                Who knows in the future people can do stuff like what China did with Vici gaming. Take 5 of the best ladder pub players and slam them together and we have a brand new team.

                                                                                                Without the ratings and etc we have very limited ways of getting exposed other than joining tournaments, some countries don't have this luxury of lan competitions or even online competitions.

                                                                                                Sacred Relics

                                                                                                  As I said, Valve made a LOT of things to support Leagues, Tournament and Teams, just trust Valve and Icefrog, I am sure a ranking-related system will come out, but noone needs 3rd site Rating system to improve global competitive scene in Dota2 atm.

                                                                                                  ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

                                                                                                    Your faith in valve is pretty optimistic, shame none of us can share that optimism in light of the situation. (In case you're wondering, a possible repeat of tf2, a promising competitive game that fell from grace from series after series of updates that weren't healthy for the scene and extensive reliance on poorly-managed external leagues such as multiplay)

                                                                                                    nano.Luo Tianyi

                                                                                                      I kind of agree with DB (and partly with double U) here. Having ratings helps the competitive scene and players a lot. Especially those who seeks to improve their game and see the fruits of their practice.

                                                                                                      I understand the concern for flaming. I play both three main MOBA/ARTS/RPS games; LoL, HoN, and Dota 2. One thing I can really tell you is that nobody else really care about your own stats, the only time someone is going to bring up your stats to flame you is when you screw up really badly in game and they are mad. Hell, even the player with the best stats in team will get burned to crisp if they slip up like real bad and it cost a game.

                                                                                                      And please understand that people are annoyed by the fact that Valve has to cater to the "casuals", not real casuals, true casuals do not give a damn about stats. Period. Because the "casuals" are scared, afraid of something that is already happening in every MOBA/ARTS/RPS games.

                                                                                                      Valve do care yes, it is a good thing. But in this case. It is like a big kind adult spoiling the spoiled fat brat with a handful of chocolate in his hands and mouth when the fat kid look at another normal kid with a cotton candy and said he wanted that so the adult took the cotton candy from another kid and gave it to the fat kid. Sorry if the comparison does not fit, but it is really what it kind of feels like to me.

                                                                                                      Sacred Relics

                                                                                                        Icefrog is behind Valve's decisions, Valve wants to protect new players and have more affluence, I am talkin about REAL things that Valve made to improve competitive scene, and yes, I am optimistic about Icefrog + Valve.