General Discussion

General Discussionhahahahahahahah

hahahahahahahah in General Discussion
Cicida (5)

    - Added a privacy setting in the UI so that players can specify whether they want to allow external 3rd party websites to be able to access their match history (defaulted to private).





        my little bronzies


          I imagine only people who are already pretty high up in MMR will make it public in that case...

          I wonder, if someone turns their match info public temporarily to check his own MMR, will Dotabuff still note it as what it is at that time even if he switches it back to private after?




              RIP DBR


                Finally getting rid of this site, hated it the second i first discovered it


                  So... i'm guessing DBR is dead?
                  There is no way how it can work now, am i right?

                  This is fucking retard. It's a huge gap missing in the game and it's why i can't wait for dotalicious Dota2 league.
                  This game is getting more casual by the day. It is already hard enough for good individual players to get recognized.

                  Bu yorum düzenlendi



                      That was so obvious...

                      I bet they wouldnt have implemented that if Ratings would have been private


                        I'm going to make a new account with public stats and click the "new player" button. Then after I get 30 wins and close to 5 losses I'll make my stats private so I have a 85% win rate and can make fun of everyone forever :)


                          Valve just showed dotabuff who's the boss...


                            well I'm probably in the bottom 5%, but I was excited for ELO. Stats are fun! This ruins much more than elo, it basically ruins all statistics already present on this site. All Hero and Item stats will be inaccurate.

                            I'l be opting in, but I wonder if it even matters at this point.

                            This would be a fine a change if it didn't automatically make you private - it would allow big stats sites like this to exist, and let people with privacy concerns opt-out. As it stands, very few people will likely change the setting, simply because your average person really tends not to change default settings. The small few that opt-in to this and other sites will be "hardcore" gamers and stats nerds, which won't be a remotely representative or even interesting sample.


                              Valve 1 - Dotabuff 0.

                              Woof Woof

                                that is a great move to increase highly competitive nature of dota 2 @hahaha@
                                when are they going to remove amount of wins in dota 2 client?
                                dota 2 is now way more casual than lol fuck ME

                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                  ^ It's actually true and elitists will argue about gameplay.


                                    Valve is seriously starting to piss me off with how casual they are trying to make this game. Dota is much more competitive than casual. Looks like the noobs won this one.

                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                    Red Pekoe Tea

                                      Definitely stopped dotabuff making money from Valve's API without giving royalties.


                                        Valve is going casual with Dota because they don't want some 3rd party site deciding the overall direction of the Dota 2 community based on some ranking that may or may not be accurate?

                                        Some really fantastic leaps of logic in this thread.


                                          Too bad, I was looking forward DBR, and as stated I felt it was going to fill a huge gap of Dota 2. Is valve really Blizzarding so fast ? :x

                                          #Can't touch this

                                            Valve should make a competitve and a casual mode. You can chose on which account you play. On casual mode you wont even see your wins, on competitve you see full stats. All bad players can play with themselves then, for fun... They will notice that flaming is an issue of bad players and that they wont have fun, because all will play like trolls. But no Valve ruins it for all..


                                              If only it was set public, as default. Those who want it hidden would hide it, those who don't care would keep it as it is, not screwing with any damn stats.

                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                The problem is (imo) just that DB tried to rank players who were never asked. I agree with Valve here.

                                                Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                                                  Does it actually affect Dotabuff? It only makes the match history for each player private, not the match details itself. So I wonder...


                                                    GG dota 2 was starting to look good. The noobs/mentally retarded and russians won. cya wc4

                                                      Yorum silindi


                                                        Valve went well beyond that though, they've killed all stats on dotabuff and any other similar or innovative site now or in the future. Having a privacy option is a good and very wise decision, yes, but opting everyone into private mode will basically prevent interesting statistical sites from developing anything, even about general trends of item use, hero usage, win rates, etc.

                                                        It would have been much less extreme to simply allow people to become private, or even forcing EVERYONE to, say, make the CHOICE to be public or private when they next logged in, rather defaulting it to a menu option that Average-Joe will never even think about, even though Average-Joe's data is integral to websites such as this.

                                                        Frankly I don't see how the 3rd party ranking would have affected anything anyway (the assholes in dota games are assholes regardless of the information they have), but I don't think the effect on ELO is even important to the problems with this change.

                                                        EDIT: Unless compiled anonymous data is accessible, or will be made accessible, without identifying names intact. I'm operating under the assumption that it is not, but I guess I could be wrong. That would be more acceptable to me.

                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                          AFAIK, dotabuff doesn't access players' match histories in order to pull data. So I'm not sure this will affect them at all.


                                                            GG NO RE DOTABUFF

                                                            SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT

                                                              Just out of curiosity, where was this news posted? like, officially? I can't find it anywhere.


                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                  I kind of liked having accurate stats, 'tis a shame.


                                                                    Rip in peace unborn DBR.


                                                                      It's not DBR that died with this new patch, but all of Dotabuff statistics (minus your private stats if you decide to turn off privacy) will be rendered moot because Dotabuff relies on collecting data from all players in the community to put together unique statistics (e.g. item and hero matchups). Now, with most likely the majority of the community's stats set to private by default, Dotabuff will have no way to generate accurate statistics. They're data population was just cut severely and for that, I am really sad because Valve just destroyed a hard working, dedicated, and amazing community website. I understand if Valve wants to put an end to DBR, but to destroy the whole website is very harsh. What I would do is set this stat option as public by default and private as an option. This way, Dotabuff can continue providing stats from the majority of the DotA2 community, but the select few who want to privatize their data can do it without hurting the majority of people who enjoy Dotabuff as it is. I was so saddened by this news.

                                                                      WTF I hate free speech now

                                                                        get wreked


                                                                          Don't blame Valve, blame Dotabuff for flying too close to the sun with the DBR feature. They should have made the ranking private by default so it wouldn't have gotten Valve's attention like this.

                                                                          Their concern is not whether Dotabuff will be okay or not... it's to protect the integrity of their game. Something like a the DBR could have serious adverse effects on the community and it would be 100% out of Valve's control.

                                                                          I'm not sure why some of you aren't getting this.

                                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                            RIP dotabuff, this is a sad day. :'( im a whore for stats.

                                                                            I miss them already

                                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi


                                                                              Go Gaben. It was a dick move by DB to consider making it public. I can't imagine, that there wasn't any conversation between Valve and Dotabuff before they planned implementing a big feature like this. So DB had it coming, I guess.

                                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                              #Can't touch this

                                                                                I blame Valve for not doing anything for competitve players all the time. I know adding heros needs time etc. but was this whole greevil thing necessary? They had enough time for even add a simple feature. They dont even ask the community in polls like Dotabuff did.

                                                                                If you write in dev forum you never get an answer and you never have the feeling like the feedback you give is welcome. Hell, you dont even know if they bother reading.

                                                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                  Razoric, I don't mind the fact that Valve wants to end the DBR experiment. But seriously, do you have to punish Dotabuff by completely destroying all of its stat collection? By setting stats availability as private by default, the majority of the DotA2 stats will be closed to Dotabuff since many people won't know how or why to turn it on. On the other hand, if Valve had simply kept stat availability as public by default and ordered Dotabuff to shut down its DBR process, we would still the rest of our beloved Dotabuff.

                                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                  im so bad at artifact

                                                                                    I don't think this will affect dotabuff, since I would assume they just download data for every public match and don't use anyone's match history directly.

                                                                                    These are PUBLIC MATCHES. Anyone, ANYONE, can look at your match history in game, watch your replays, watch you play live. All DBR would do is calculate a fancy number using PUBLIC DATA. If you don't want things to be public, go tell valve to make an option so that you can't be spectated, people can't watch replays of any game you are in, and people can't look at your profile in game.


                                                                                      Dotabuff could easily have avoided this but they have apparently chosen not to. I guess Valve is taking extreme actions, because DB ignored Valves doubts about this public Rating.

                                                                                      Also there is a difference between looking at someones stats manually ingame and automatically extracting the data out of the game.

                                                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                      SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT

                                                                                        EVERYONE NEEDS TO CALM THE SHIT DOWN!!!

                                                                                        Match data is owned by multiple people. There are 10 people playing that match at once. I highly doubt 1 person having it set to private is going to block 3rd parties from getting the information. What I imagine this will mean is that if I have this set to private my account name will be redacted from the match statistics, leaving my information there, but removing any way of connecting it to my account. DOTABUFF lives, DBR dies. Life goes on.

                                                                                        Speculation but really, lets not throw ourselves into the fire without all the details here people.


                                                                                          "Don't blame Valve, blame Dotabuff for flying too close to the sun with the DBR feature. They should have made the ranking private by default so it wouldn't have gotten Valve's attention like this.

                                                                                          Their concern is not whether Dotabuff will be okay or not... it's to protect the integrity of their game. Something like a the DBR could have serious adverse effects on the community and it would be 100% out of Valve's control.

                                                                                          I'm not sure why some of you aren't getting this."

                                                                                          You think Valve can't shut down the possibility to look into matches with 3rd party, too, if they want?
                                                                                          The Changelogline was clearly pointed towards DB, there is no other site who could have been meant there.
                                                                                          If they just go over matches and this doesn't affect them, then they should now make DBR private and don't start a fight with Valve, otherwise they will lose this option soon, too!


                                                                                            Looks like for downloading replay(that is, .dem file) you need not only match id, but also cluster(server where it was played) and replay salt, which you can only find in match details , and this is exactly API that valve has blocked. So the only quetion is whether turning privacy on will hide all matches you played for everyone who played with you, or if it will still be possible to get your match details from other player in the same game who doesn't turn privacy on.

                                                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                              i miss DotAlicious like hell, every thing is specified, and everyone is known for his best hero, and who must carry, who must solo mid, and no one flamed there bcus of the so fucking amazing reporting there, report is much more reliable there, almost all the time acceptable (by me), not like this shit valve which i dont know how the hell its MMR works, or the skill lvl, or the report/ban system, or the drops after game system, its just so damn retarded, everything is hidden..
                                                                                              the game is public, its like u dont close the room b4 playing as if u r pissing in the bathroom..
                                                                                              in DotAlicious everything was public, and its the best platform to play on, so sad that u need like 10 days to play a dota 2 game there :/

                                                                                              Naughty Senpai 69

                                                                                                Most people don't fiddle with privacy settings, so might as well shut this website down. Fuck Valve...

                                                                                                Sigma Grindset 屌打哥




                                                                                                    If that were true, they could still make a DBR for you. Seeing as this was implemented two days before the release of DBR, I'm quite sure it was to block it. There will be no data whatsoever digitally available outside of the client, I'm quite sure. Not only your account name is redacted from the stats, but also KDA, GPM, XPM, items, etc.

                                                                                                    [OBJ = Cancer] Henry Tudo...

                                                                                                      Jesus, Valve just torpedoed DBR. YES! Thank you Valve! No more fears of a shitter flaming community