if you gave me meepo and my buddy morphling, unless we were playing against equal skill level we would rock their world, I'm with Sacred.
I would say that it is the player as well as the hero. But of course, the player clearly plays a bigger part.
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Actually, heroes define battles. The "Player" argument is only valid when you play against noobs. If you both know what you're doing in and in a lane you have, to say something, Magina and Bloodseeker against Lich and Undying, those Lich+Undying would have to be authentic Noobs to be outlaned.
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I mean to compare heroes combinations and their win rate togther.
for example RIZZARK+MEEPO+MORPHLING+AM+BROOD vs LICH+NECRO+JAKIRO+DROW+CENTAUR, then the seconds team will obviously win.