General Discussion

General DiscussionIs there way to get off this website?

Is there way to get off this website? in General Discussion

    I am no big fan of this stats tracking thing. Is there a way to remove myself from the website? Because there definately should be.


      This stats tracking is provided by Steam API, so even if you want to get off this website, you can't.
      People will still be able to view your stats anyway from your dota2 profile.


        So by definition, if I made my Steam profile private/friends only this would stop working as well?


          The only way to remove your stats from our website is by asking Valve to remove your stats ingame aswell. As long as they are publicly available ingame, they are available through the API, and they are picked up by us.


            You might want to consider taking some responsibility for that though. It would be kind of cool of you to provide an opt out one way or another..


              Yeah- while I don't usually have anything against the recording of stuff- I had had some dude look up stats about teammates in a match of mine and trying to flame them with it. This brought back a lot of bad memories so I was wondering if there is a way around this.

              I lean towards the opinion that showing too many public statistics will lead to a worse DOTA community (killsteals, unwillingness to do fun stuff because of "stats", etc). While I appreciate your work and all, I really don't feel all that comfortable with contributing towards that outcome.

              Bu yorum düzenlendi
              Naughty Senpai 69

                Question is why don't stats exist ingame for everyone to view but this site is tolerated? Fucking double standards by Valve. Should make up their minds about what they want to do with their game.


                  If you want to, you can view the exact same stats ingame, but you would have to invest some time for that ;) I can still look how a certain persons last games were and how the outcome was, so whats the big problem?

                  This site does nothing more than to filter all the information that is available anyway

                  Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

                    If dotabuff had an option to remove you from the index, they would lose to the other stat tracking websites.
                    Nobody would be helped with that.

                    Kẻ Buôn Hành

                      Stay with the truth of your stats and keep this thing going, i love seeing my stats and also my friends'.


                        @Outworldzilla: The people who care for their privacy, or who for any other reason don't want their stats tracked would be helped.. I don't expect a whole lot of people would opt out, and dotabuff is quite settled as the go to option anyway. I really think it's only decent to provide that option. The only drawback I see is that it takes a little effort. Well..

                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!