General Discussion

General DiscussionFrom Russian to EU community

From Russian to EU community in General Discussion



      I don't know too much about Russians, I rarely see them because I am brazilian and play in SA servers.

      But if they are like brazilians, I can understand your pain.

      * BRs are always ready to flame;
      * they are never ever wrong;
      * constructive criticism always sound like offense to them;
      * at the end of games, instead of "gg wp" expect to see "gg easy noobs";
      * you can't ask something that conflicts with the manner they desire or expect to play that match, they can't adapt;
      * etc. etc. etc.

      There are exceptions to that, ofc. But it should be the other way around... those jerks should be the exceptions.

      US East is much much better in that aspect... a lot of polite people. But the ping barrier won't let me play there =/

      WEeK AgO

        This is simple why ppl flame russians. Majority of players are russians, so eventually from a lot of players there are a lot of bad players. So basicly u have big chances to get bad russian player in your team.

        Buzz Lightyear

          As long as they speak english I don't care if they're russian or something else.


            Because i met a russian guy who have 18-159 win/lose


              "Y U Hate commies?"

              There are Russian servers for the dumbshits that refuse to learn english and they still come to EU servers, flame in Russian as if everyone knows it and then feed, ragequit or disrupt farm. Every stereotype i ever heard about russians, i always thought was Bullshit. Now, after Playing Dota with them, i know everything ever said about russians being dumbshit drunks is wholly true. Is it so hard to just only play on Russian servers if you haven't got the skills to speak English? What the fuck is you guys problems anyway? Stop pretending to be the victims here, you're fucking terrorizing the Dota Community with your bullshit. You've already got a server. USE IT. Start communicating.

              I am almost always enraged by russians on EU servers. It's always them who fuck up. I don't know if it's a national trait or the communication barrier. But really guys? massive troll nation much?


                It's because 99% of you Russians are pure shit:
                - you are all over the EU servers, if I queue alone I'll get 3-4 Russians
                - refusing to speak/write other language, this results in a lack of communication, synchronization and excessive feeding

                The rest of 1% are pure genius at this game.

                Papa Het

                  Even Russians don't wanna play with Russians, that's why they play on an european server. If I'm in a game with more than 2 russians I just prepare mentally to lose. Just lost another one because of russian ragequitters and feeders. So yeah. Fun time.

                  Care to join the tilt?

                    Listen to what this guy said though: ["Russian" (Stockholm, Sweden) server ping 140ms
                    EU server ping 90ms]. Players will always migrate to the servers with the lowest pings. We can only blame Valve for not incentivising Russians to play on their own server.


                      The tendency Russian players have to speak russian in chat or even worse in voice chat when they play on non russian server is in itself alone a reason to hate them.

                      I have been gaming for 20 years I cant remember a population from any other european country doing so. Almost everyone tries their best to speak english except a few idiots here and there.

                      Side note, i m french and live in Spain so english isnt my mother tongue either.

                      In case someone doesnt speak english, they can:
                      - play on their country server
                      - stop playing video games and get an education instead



                        You ask why we hate russians?!

                        They come to EU servers speaking their crap language that is as outdated as their country.

                        And with not being able to communicate at all, the game is more or less lost.

                        Plus the fact that russian players tend to play alone, which is farming woods all game, never join teamfights, push a line alone deep into the enemy territory and die.

                        Conclusion, there are maybe 10% russians that is actually good, the rest is shit. (from my own experience playing almost 500 games)

                        And how fun is it to play with russians that destroys game after game?

                        That's why we hate russians.


                          Can someone explain this situation to me: I enter EU west server, and out of 10 players, 9 are russian (there is russian server?). Aside from their origin, and skill, I cannot communicate with any of 9 players I play with. Where should I go? US East? And suffer lag because people who cant speak english wont play on their servers?


                            I not English well but learn good at school. i read forum in google translate, but say noob servers more fun. I eat noob team, so play EU, SEA, US WEST. Bad team not communicate but I still fun. Bad game when team leave or start shouting loud. Why you no fun?

                            I am captain bronze my team friends.

                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                              90% of the Russians are super dumb. They refuse, or actually, they DON'T know English, they chat-spam and voice-spam, with the most used word maybe in the Russian language 'hui'. And when someone writes to them in English, they automatically assume that you are AMERICAN. Which means that they suck at school and geography too.


                                Actually,I am Russian and I am ashamed of what 99% of my nation makes you feel bad in your games.
                                But we all are people,and sometimes not the Russians ruin perfect games.

                                don't run I just want to ...

                                  its not abut to be russ or not its abut to speak the god dam EN in game and stop spmaing the fakign chat wiht this shit
                                  u have a server call (Russ) why u dont play there i mean if eruo was full russ what we find in this russ server mor russ ??
                                  80 % of eruo player say to u ( Russ are not wlecom here ) where is ur Honor


                                    It has several reasons why I hate russians playing Dota2.

                                    First One: most of them arent able to speak english, event not able to use chatwheel to announce miss
                                    Second One: they go all on europe server, there are so much russians, why dont play on east europe or the russian server. For Reason One they destroy often games with that.
                                    Third Reason: I am a bad player and it's okay. Sometimes I have good games, sometimes not. All ok. But most time I have a good game, russian players are destroying it even we was in clear advantage, cause they werent able to play as a team. pinging and drawing arrows on map arent recognized by them.

                                    I don't have a problem when people speak in their language to other people of their country. I'm doing it too. But when the topic is important for the whole team, than I am speaking english. And thats what most russian even do not.
                                    There are also other people behaving that way. Greece, Italians, Americans, Africans and so on. But there are much more Russians than the other.

                                    So as compromiss, if they aren't able to speak english, stay on russian server. If they are, your welcome!


                                      For all the Russians who refuse to communicate in English, just please stay on the Russian servers and not EU West. I'm so fed up with Russians communicating with each other in Russian in the text chat or the in-game voice chat.

                                      The worst thing I've met so far was one game with me and a friend + 3 Russians. 2 of these Russians were speaking on the voice chat while the third one was communicating with text, I mean come on. If you are so keen on speaking get a mic for starters and go on some third party software.

                                      And I've even tried queueing for American servers, but there are Russians there as well.
                                      Seems like there's no escaping the plague unless they lock them out of the normal world.


                                        EU servers aren't English servers, and russian is european language. actually I saw english speaking players only in 20-30% of games, usually they speak german, dutch, swedish, turkey, italian and many over and it doesn't bother me at all. why you cry about russian and didn't about any other? even in english players usually talk some random phrases that hardly have connection to game.
                                        especially fun then some random noob yell "I loose because I have stupid russian team", while loosing to other russian team :)
                                        and I check all three EU servers because I don't want to wait long in queue. and I see no difference between them.


                                          My rusian friend .. dont pay atention about what some scumbag from EU say man .. they dont even know what "America" is they think is a contry ... look how stupid they are .. just check this out .
                                          We are the United Stats of america "thats how they claim to be called" but the funny thing is .. they think "america its a country didnt realise that america is a whole big contintent" so.. if someone start to talk shit while your playing , just mute & report and if u see some guy muted when you load a game just open console and type /disconnect then wait for 1:59 sec and the game will be canceled .. u will get no abbandone just a little 20 or 30 sec punish time that prevent you from press the queue key ...
                                          Now for all those gramar nazys over there . you can eat my balls

                                          @Pooki ... pooor babyy do you want a cokie? yaaa du u wunt a kukiiii? yaaa i bet u want it fat ass go play lol there is no voice chat

                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                            I don't hate russians in general. I just hate those russians who refuse to talk english, spam cyrillic and don't play with the team.

                                            I mean DotA is a team game. Communication and coordination are vital. If 2 out of 5 can't/won't talk to the rest you'll have a bad time.

                                            Even though I'm not a native english speaker myself, I will talk english and only english in chat and voicechat (unless there are like 4-5 german ppl on my team).

                                            "EU servers aren't English servers, and russian is european language. actually I saw english speaking players only in 20-30% of games, usually they speak german, dutch, swedish, turkey, italian and many over"

                                            This is not consistent with my experience. Also russia belongs to asia for the better part.

                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                              LoL JackFou, you were the damn fucking keeper of the light last game... (
                                              Well nice play, but back to topic

                                              So regarding to the topic, to correct my post.
                                              I don't hate russians, and I don't want to say, that there are more russians than other behave in such way (relative way). I already said, that there are other ones too. I want to make clear, there are much more russians playing than other countries. I think much more in europe are playing LoL, and less Dota2. Maybe because of the (pseudo)beta. We note that there are much more russians ruining the game, because they are obvious russians. cyrillic fonts, cyrillic names and so on. So we can't ignore that they russians and this will be recognized.


                                                the thing EU west: actually nobody's native language here is english (forget about UK for a moment), I could spam voice or chat in German, the French could do the same, The Italians, too. Everybody could speak their native language, yet nobody does, we all talk english on default. Because we know that we are playing with guys from different countries and that they most likely won't understand us. It's a thing of respect towards each other. Respect a certain group obviously doesn't have
                                                There might be Russians / EU East guys that do that, those aren't the problem, the problem are the ones that chat in their language on default, and in fact I almost never saw other languages than English or Russian (or Polish or whatever)in chat. For some reason everybody else speaks english on default whereas a huge number of Eastern Europe gamers don't.
                                                I'm totally fine if those guys don't learn english in school - then just don't queue on EU WEST - because the language on EU WEST is ENGLISH.


                                                  I think we 'hate' Russians because you're noticeable. Most of the bad people I've played with screams in Russian and calling the team cyka because we didn't engage 2v5, so I automaticly assume I am with another Russian until he communicates in English which none of you guys ever do, seriously guys don't they teach you English in school? Use it. Not everyone speaks Russian.


                                                    You can't even escape them on the Aus servers. We're on the complete opposite side of the world ffs. They're bad enough without a 350ping disadvantage.

                                                    Capt. Tobi

                                                      Because i dont have RU selected when i search for a game and i get matched with 4 russians in my team. Dont understand why it doesnt match with only people from selected regions, its not like its hard to check from where are you from based on your ip. Those from Russia who want to play with EU people should only get matched with those from EU who has RU ticked as well..

                                                      Its really lame and should be fixed. Its not good to match with all people who has EU ticked, so you can get 1 asian dude, 1 us dude, 1 russian etc.. Just give me all europeans if EU is ticked!!!!

                                                      Ś W I N I O B I C I E 🐷🪓

                                                        so we can just assume russian server doesn't maintain its function


                                                          Its simple - if russians play on EU server - DONT FUCKING SPEAK IN RUSSIAN - cos its soo retarded and annoying and thats why everybody "hates" russians.

                                                          Personally, I dont care where players I play with come from, just keep talking in english


                                                            @ Ikeahörnchen: thx, mate ;)

                                                            @ everybody else: So people are complaining about russians on other servers. There's this is this little "range of search" indicator. And while this may have changed over some versions, I'm pretty sure that when the range gets big enough the search will include games that don't exactly meet your search criteria. I was searching for sd and rd only for a few days and still ended up in some ap matches (back before ar and new hero mode were implemented). Or is there any way to see what server the current game is being hosted on?


                                                              The answer is quite simple : a lot of people are not good like in every videogames, Russians are a very large community. Let's assume that 80% of players are bad in general and that the community in Europe is 50% composed by Russians : the probability to have a bad russian in your team is higher than any other nationality. It is just maths.

                                                              After that, of course there are great Russian players.

                                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                  RUSSIANS EVERYWHEREEE!!1

                                                                    Yorum silindi
                                                                    Bill Shorten

                                                                      They have even invaded the Australian servers god help us all


                                                                        eu tards


                                                                          .:[KoS]:. Ikeahörnchen+1 agree!
                                                                          "I don't have a problem when people speak in their language to other people of their country. I'm doing it too. But when the topic is important for the whole team, than I am speaking english. And thats what most russian even do not.
                                                                          There are also other people behaving that way. Greece, Italians, Americans, Africans and so on. But there are much more Russians than the other."

                                                                          it is not often to see russians in us server before, but recently, there are many russians spams ,flaming, they pick bad hero ,especially carries when there are at least one carry in the team, and takes your lane. They refuse to chat in english and no communication with teammates who can not understand russian.


                                                                            Do you think it's problem only Russian dota community? Or you have same prblem in your country?


                                                                              Every country has the same amount of retards, just when the russian retards come we got someone to blame


                                                                                u can rly easily identify russians when they flame, as some weird letters appear and u immediately know that he is a russian noob, all countries have noobs, but they might flame in some weird language which u cant identify, as they r in english letters, also u can identify if he is russian even through their accent, whether talking russian or even english..


                                                                                  what's wrong with everyone playing on their own server? people can say some Russians are great and some say they're all bad which I know isn't true but I'd rather never play with that 1 good Russian but at least never play, they don't even have to change it so you're not allowed to search in regions that aren't near you, all they have to do is make it so you can only search one region at a time, I don't give a shit if my team is retarded it's if they can't speak English when I'm on EU west with English preference so make it so you can only choose one language at a time, make sure there is no cross language (instead of a preference give a mandatory option, I'd wait 10 minutes every game if it meant everyone was English and if you don't mind have your own search that takes less long but the game is often shitter) and only 1 region at a time, since a majority of cross server players that aren't trolls are ruining games simply because finding a game is faster when you choose more servers which is ruining the game for lots of people, there is no argument "oh some are good, and lots of eu players are shit" because I don't care who is worse or better I care about communication and even if your stats say that people who say people can't communicate who don't share a common language has less than a 50% winrate, for starters I don't so it's bollocks and even if it was true bad players don't deserve to have less fun because their team doesn't communicate. if you really think you can say people deserve to cross server give a reason please because so far no one has said why people should be able to just search every server at once to ruin games?


                                                                                    Now go into a corner and rethink your actions.


                                                                                      The problem is that when you set your language preferences to english and people speak other languages (this applies to russian, turkish, ...).


                                                                                        They aren't worse but you cant communicate with them so a bad Russian will be more annoying then a bad English speaker. That said I wouldn't be surprised if the Russian client doesn't have re spawn timers at the top because they always seem to ignore them completely and get wiped by the other team for pushing too long.


                                                                                          if the thread starter would like to tell me why people feel the need to cross server search? that'd be nice, if you like to play with friends in the uk for example fine, that still only require 1 server, there is no excuse, using multiple servers in search when you know half the servers you're looking through don't speak your language is selfish, I only use one server eu west 100% of the time, mb I could add Russia and cut my search time a little? should I care if it ruins a few people's games, if good or bad Russians want to play on our servers at least don't give them shorter que times for it, then that'd give them less reason to come, I really don't get why this is even an argument, much more Russians play on eu than eu play on Russian servers, that's the problem and everyone on dota will feed at one point, everyone will win the match at one point but permanently questing onto our servers is wrong and as far as I can see only pertains a selfish benefit, if you have a friend you can still play with them it just stops single que players and 4 stack roaming all the servers finding the fastest game they can and ruining it for the other players because there is no communication with the 5th guy, who may end up feeding because of it, he asks for a gank or says he is ganking the four stack ignore him and he ends up dying they report him, shit game for him because they couldn't be bothered to wait a minute to find a game on their own server, I'm never going to stoop to the level of searching all the servers I know lots of English speakers do it and I'm sure that might piss off the odd Russian so just ban multiple language and region searching and give the option to make language searching "reliable" in that only other people who have selected English or Russian will be in the game when you select English or Russian in preferences. if anyway knows a reason this is a racist thing to add to dota or offensive or ruin the game please tell me why because this treats all people on dota 2 the same doesn't punish Russians or EU players, but rather anyone searching across >1 servers which seems fair to everyone who just wants a good game whether you're a noob or not. I know this will never be implemented but I'd still like to know if anyway has a good reason why.


                                                                                            Fucking russians. Plague of dota.
                                                                                            "but 1 in 5733156 russians knows how interact with another human being properly!"
                                                                                            well guess what, I ain't gonna damage my mental health by playing with 14626732 average russians just for a chance to play with the extraordinary one that noone has ever played with.


                                                                                              This thread got necro'd so hard they can't buyback


                                                                                                Old thread, but... People from SA have infested NA servers.
                                                                                                They don't support with supports and are clueless when it comes to any strategy (including just paying attention to where your team members are pinging/walking to.
                                                                                                It used to be Russians (I barely see them in NA servers_, but now it is all the Peruvians...
                                                                                                I kind of prefer the Russians, they are slightly better.


                                                                                                  LMAO this necro. Really bro, come on?!

                                                                                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!