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15 adet yorum

    First lol


      Good advice for alot of the younger kids on here.


        wow! who are these guys!

        sick as fuck, somebody pick them up asap!

        Sir Gareth SouthGOAT

          Real talk.


            Awesome article - fascinating insight into the business world of semi-pro/professional esports.


              right hand guy <3


                Great article and something that more and more people will need to be wary of. As esports continues to blow up there will be more and more scumbags trying to take advantage of young, talented, and naive players. Every aspiring esport star should read this.


                  Yeah for all aspiring competitive players, having a good contract and a good organisation is very VERY important. We've seen past drama about teams such as Wings gaming and Team secret in terms of contract / organisation problems.

                  Dark Hunter

                    Great article! Now i'll know to look out when i finally reach 3k again and get invited for TI9!

                    Best hero

                      Tell those guys to smile


                        im sorry if i miss something, so theres no hurt on having sponsor that give you no value right? because the worst situation is you gain nothing? thank you


                          im sorry if i miss something, so theres no hurt on having sponsor that give you no value right? because the worst situation is you gain nothing? thank you

                          From your perspective as a team, you want your "sponsor" to give you something. Otherwise you're just promoting a brand for free. The point of the article is more so that teams need to understand better what their actual value is to a sponsor. In my team's case... we're not worth much. Sure we play at a high level, but we don't win qualifiers or go to live events. Therefore any partnership is unlikely to yield results for the sponsor, and that means that any sponsor approaching us is likely just trying to leverage our upward potential, and not our current value.

                          There's not exactly anything wrong with that, but for it to make sense, they'd have to offer us very little, and thus the exchange becomes weighted in their favor as we grow and gain more opportunities. So the question I have to ask, is "Is the minimal offerings they're presenting now, worth what we might become if we train hard and begin winning?" Usually that answer is no.

                          I'm not outright saying amateur contracts are ALWAYS bad. In come cases, big streamers have grown with the help of an org who invests in them early. The entire Tfue drama right now is largely centered around exactly that. But it's also important to recognize what you're being offered by the org and what their capacity is to assist in that growth. In the case of the person who approached me in the article, they had fake followers, fake sponsors, and a weak branding package. So my analysis was that they could not do much or anything to help my team grow.


                            well said sir


                              5 долбоёбов)


                                I believe HoTS had great potential But nothing can compete with DOTA...