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    Man I can't even hero spam correctly :(

    General MAKAO

      hmm but spamming an OP hero is kinda annoying and ppl will start to hate U when they play with or againts U, for example i even hate some of my own friends cause of spaming OD, that srsly pisses me off

      Lets Fly Fly Fly!

        There's a missing "p" in the first "Pubstar" of the article


          Fer me, spamming heroes regardless of winning or loosing is a good way to establish master to the hero and learning his position in gameplay...



            whoops thanks!


              Pudge spammer boys

              Competetive Pac-Man player

                sing was doing blink on kunkka before attacker's fame

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                  I find hero spamming boring as hell. I'd rather learn how to use a broad selection of heroes, so I can be versatile. F##k mmr.


                    K then, from now on ill spam spectre and reach 8k MMR. All hail spammer!


                      Best thing, if you spam heroes, is to have about 3-4 meta favorable heroes to spam. For me right now that OD, Spec, Enchantress, and then I play some Shaker and WR and CK and whatevs for best teams. It's all about best teams. But the meta heroes matter a lot IMHO.

                      Froggy - Killer of Fascists


                        I've been hero spamming but for the sole reason that it becomes much easier to find exploitative strategies but I've never considered "pubs" to be comparable to 5 stacks. Part of the pub matches seems to be _betting_ that your enemies and your own teammates are not coordinating with each other. Hell when you play support, you talk mad crap to get your enemies fighting with each other ;)

                        There's also the advantage that chain spamming one hero gets you VERY familiar with the heroes swing time, move speed, turn speed, etc.

                        Like I've been spamming prophet a lot lately (outside of working on quests) and I've been finding getting 6 mangos in the start lets him pseudo tank in the line while your treants are on the easier camp.

                        It also makes it much easier to know when I'm falling behind if I know that I average a maelstrom at the 8 minute mark and I'm not near it - I'm probably gonna lose the game :)

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                        The Laughing Man

                          really just use dotabuff to figure out what is meta, play unranked until you are good at at least 1 meta hero for every lane, because often people will steal your lane or fp it out of spite.

                          As of a now a few heroes you should consider learning are;
                          Spectre (safelane carry)
                          Sven (safelane carry)
                          Lich (offlane OR safelane if carry has a stun)
                          Undying (offlane or somtimes used as safelane support)
                          Enchantress (offlane)
                          Vengful Spirit (safe lane support)
                          Zeus (middle lane)
                          OD (middle lane)
                          Invoker (middle lane)

                          And there are always the healer heroes, who rarely leave the meta. Most primarily Omni, Abbadon and Necro


                            I m in a winning streak with mirana (10 ranked games), i didn t think that was possible, but it works. Often everybody wants to carry etc... so i have a bad sup, (i like spectre a lot). Taking first pick mirana, saying i m semi sup', the vibes is already better.

                            First Earl of Southampton

                              I know it's good to use your favorite hero once in a while but spamming it,is a total cliche' (depends on the situation),why won't you give another hero to try? So you can be versatile in terms of countering your opponents.


                                I think Hero spamer is not bad for up ur mmr, bcz its about ur mood in game. I actually always use same hero also for up mmr

                                Нюрнбергский, Противозача...

                                  Теперь в кратце, что проиходит?


                                    I've spammed Chaos Knight a bit until I had 500 more MMR and then kinda stopped doing it.
                                    You really start getting the hang of it like how hard he hits on first few levels, how fast he turns, runs and most importantly if I can win or lose based on the farm i got first few minutes.
                                    If I'm lvl 10 and I still have no armlet drums and treads, then that game is hard to win. But if I do have that item around that lvl I can win in <30 min. It really sticks to you on how to play him correctly


                                      This game is about the picking. Sure playing a single hero in each of your games gets you good with that one hero, but when you got 3 hard counters already on the opposing side, it is time to pick something else. I have played a few heros more than the others and the main lesson Ive learned is to when to NOT pick the spam hero of the week. There are no uncounterable heroes in the game, so you have to know your picks... You should have about half a dozen different types of heroes you are good with so you are not throwing the game before a single tick is made on the game clock.

                                      I have eyes but failed to...

                                        Solo MMR reflecting pretty much your skill in dota, whether you are spamming hero or randomize hero, this is the hard cold truth that many people tried to deny. To be able to constantly climb mmr you can't just slightly better than everyone in your mmr, but you have to be much better player than everyone in your bracket. If you think Badman reach 8k and become numba 1 in the mmr leaderboard only because he pick spectre, then why he is the only famous spectre spammer? should there be another if it really is an EZ win. I am not his fanboy or anything, i am just saying this because many people denying his talent hard work.


                                          Cool article - potato


                                            "Complain about hero spammers, spam extremely only heroes considered OP in this patch by your own"
                                            ~W33 trashman
                                            100 ranked matchmaking games

                                            66 injokers
                                            22 outworld destroyer
                                            12 windrunner
                                            good game, well played


                                              I often spam Sky Wrath Mage and What I have found is that utilizing taunts and heroes out of the meta can really confuse and make your enemy woozy. Especially if he thinks he is naturally your counter, for example AM and Sky. Since am naturally melts mana and his ultimate takes advantage of you spending mana he would think that as soon as an enemy picks sky it would be an ez win. However I have accepted that with my -0.6 armor gain I am basicly countered by everyone and just decide to fuck everyone before they get close to me hence silencing and veil ulting that AM.


                                                "Similarly, Bulldog’s Null Talisman build on Nature’s Prophet"

                                                That's a pub creation and bone7 was the first pro to use it in an official match.


                                                  The pro scene sounds inflexible. Being jacks of all trades and masters of none seems to have made them resistant to comprehending, or even incapable of fathoming, strategies that someone who exclusively masters one hero is able to identify.

                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                  Yuuki Asuna

                                                    Badman's spectre build isn't his. Loda has used that before him in pro's.


                                                      VG.CTY not EHOME. C'mon DB, this was confirmed before your article was published...

                                                      Galip Ersoz

                                                        Spamming riki here.


                                                          I need to play diff heroes in order to not get bored, i have 2-3 heroes which i can prob spam hard but that's it.


                                                            'Hard' transition. It was hard in 2012, now it's impossible.



                                                              NARKO POLO

                                                                @Turkuaz nice sb


                                                                  check this guy dotabuff: @bragspring . From 3900 he went 4500 and has only 4 lost games in his past 25+ games. So not anything becomes like hero spammer. Everything depends on luck, to calm yourself not to rage and play the meta heroes only. And to try to play less gaes and tryhard. And look only to be +1 game to achieve 5k. And he's not a 6 or 7k booster. Just a normal 4k pub like you.

                                                                  Divine Wrath

                                                                    I am a spammer myself, disregarding if I play solo or witha team. My heroes are Zeus (over 1k games) and just started Venomancer cause I find some similarities between the 2 heroes. And ofc mid lane :). What I enjoy most is making my own builds and learning how to counter different oposing heroes. While is better and much forgiving do hero counter picks, I value much more adapting, ignoring stupid locked builds (like Agh+ Refresher vs high HP and magic resist/invisible teams). If anyone thinks that you can get to know a hero after 100 are so wrong. You only start to know a hero when you can predict actions and situations and actually make your own luck (so damn true in case of Zeus, no Dota feeling compares with the right Thunder Bolt on a running invisible hero who also embraced treelines)

                                                                    mmr assasin

                                                                      from pubtrash to money paid trash = %90 of pro players


                                                                        I remember spamming the hell out of faceless void even if he wasn't even in the meta back then,I benefited alot in farming skills from that,other than that,I learnt from playing other heroes and discussing with irl friends


                                                                          actually I watched sing's stream when he try out blink kunkka for the first time. it was long time a go.

                                                                          also Mirana kinda great to spam (IMO), I am having a 8 win streak using it. XD

                                                                          I also doing Mirana offlane and oftenly shut down safelane spec. Although I know I am in 3K's MMR so that thing could happened :D

                                                                          Juan Bot

                                                                            Badman's very existence confirms that MMR does not, in fact, matter at all. It's time for Volvo to implement annual mmr nullification system.

                                                                            EJ Corpuz

                                                                              Before they got to pro scene they came from pubs.. Pubs are like the breeding ground the place where you can find real skill.
                                                                              Spammers are the players that wanna master the said hero. In real life example when a kungfu guy masters a certain style are they spammers?

                                                                              l33t b4n4n4

                                                                                IMO, there ain't nothing wrong with spamming if it wins you most of the games. AA spamming got me 3rd place on dotabuff haha.

                                                                                Gold Experience Requiem

                                                                                  Not boasting tho but I could easily reach 3k if I spam Juggernaut in ranked match. It's just that I don't and I am still learning new heroes by trying them. I hate it when someone on my team or in my opponents pick Invoker, OD or Spectre and they just feed. I give them automatic report if they do, ally or not.


                                                                                    I'm trying to keep my versatility at a minimum of 0.60, or 0.50 at worst. I just don't get the feel to spam heroes at ranked (Maybe I'm just paranoid of getting countered hard, so I usually pick last and counter the enemy as best as I can, even though sometimes it's a bad idea) :p


                                                                                      Just enjoy the game!
                                                                                      I never enjoy the game where I know that I will always win.
                                                                                      Anything that is redundant will become boring in a long run . .

                                                                                      lost in the sauce

                                                                                        9kmmr is my ticket to the pro scene