General Discussion

General DiscussionIs climbing in 4k is possible?

Is climbing in 4k is possible? in General Discussion
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    Just asking. I'm 3,400 right now, I don't think I can climb in 4k, because of first pick mid/carry 😕


      Behavior Score 4What


        it's not


          Ez u first pick mid/carry every game, im currently calibrating and have a good win rate.

          Retnuh Flim

            Yes I would also like to know this. Can anyone evaluate if I'll be able to reach 4k if I grind solo mmr. 3.3k right now just calibrated Archon 5 :(


              Yes u can just git gud


                Of course, climbing out of 4k is possible, but it requires sometimes things like talent (I've seen lots of people who have 6,000+ matches and float around low 5k, talented players are 6k+ by then for example), self-reflection, and lots of time. I've been to the 5K mark before but I couldn't keep it and that was 3 years ago, I would say everyone's different so no one can speak for you. I've lost 1,600 MMR now. Can I get 5K? I believe I can, but I don't think I will be able to do that anymore with all of my schoolwork, tedious shit to do like STEM Club, honors meetings, and work... how? Maybe I will find a way but I find it hard to maintain skill without playing multiple hours daily! Sometimes I have matches that I played exceptionally well in where people say I'm a smurf, the 5k finds himself in me and I play like a monster relative to the players in my game... but that's inconsistent as hell. Without consistency, I'm nothing. Can't just play like a good player, gotta be.

                Cant Win

                  Pick pl always. Low mmr players dont know how to counter


                    How to release my inner 5k Monster mr trippy?


                      I keep fluctuating from 3k-4.5k & as far as I can tell, you need to play atleast 3-4 heroes at a level which gives your team a clear advantage. It could be support, mid or carry. For example, people usually dont pick support in 3k-4k bracket & even if they do, they do not play it to full potential. Just buying wards & couriers doesn't mean you are supporting well. You NEED to make sure you are zoning out the offlane and denying him exp, tp supporting mid or offlane when needed and smoke ganking early on to help lanes as needed. Also, making sure you are stacking some camps while doing all the above.

                      These are all pretty small gameplay changes but have a huge impact on the end result. I was personally able to gain mmr by practising and iplementing these tricks.

                      Let me know if those worked for you. I'm also learning :D

                      Cheers!!! and GL!!

                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!