General Discussion

General DiscussionThe differences between 2ks, 3ks and 4ks are more glaring than I thought

The differences between 2ks, 3ks and 4ks are more glaring than I thought in General Discussion

    I have 3 accounts and currently experiencing 4 different tiers of gameplay.

    1. New account ~10 games in
    2. 3.5k account playing party w/ Archons
    3. 3.5k account playing solo
    4. 4.5k account

    Yes I was able to get out of the 3k trench couple of times. But that was pure hard work. Looking at it now, I can clearly see the main differences in all aspects of gameplay (ie. Drafting, Micro, Attitude, decision making etc)

    Probably one good measure is if I can easily bring back my 3.5k account to 4.5k but I'm kind of using it as a no-pressure account when I just feel like playing but not playing serious enough.

    Your thoughts on how different these tiers are? 5ks 6ks and 7ks must be feeling the same for us 4.5ks


      You sure have a lot of time to spare and energy to utilise in making so many accounts lol

      Bobby Knuckles

        You sure have a lot of time to spare and energy to utilise in making so many accounts lol

        Pepper & Salt

          You sure have a lot of time to spare and energy to utilise in making so many accounts lol


            You sure have a lot of time to spare and energy to utilise in making so many accounts lol


              ^whatever he said.

              quest to questing

                i've known you from my old account on dbuff for several years

                with your playstyle you won't be able to climb rapidly from that 3.5k account to your 4.5k. it'll be a slow grind at a 60~% winrate which is a lot of games

                since long ago you've spent too much time thinking over pointless things and doing pointless things without realizing the flaws in your gameplay


                  i have 3 accounts and my 'no-pressure' smurfs have a higher mmr than my main :thinking:


                    If only i could get rid of acc buyers got an sf feeding to fucking mk last game


                      How in the world you can have a lot of time to spare and energy to utilise in making so many accounts ???


                        You sure have a lot of time to spare and energy to utilise in making so many accounts lol


                          Time management kids.

                          - 50% day job
                          - 10% family
                          - 10% fitness or family
                          - 30% consulting work/startup/self-study

                          - 30% fitness or Dota 2
                          - 30% consulting work/startup/self-study
                          - 30% family
                          - 10% Dota 2

                          Per weekend, that's about 3.5hrs - 15hrs of Dota 2 depends if I feel like dominating the basketball court or beating archons, legends and ancients.

                          It was raining cats and dogs the past 2 weekends so it was bed weather most of the time.

                          At max, 15 hrs over the weekend is roughly 15-20 matches. On average though, its about 4-8 hrs or 6-10 games usually Saturday night battle cup time onwards.

                          Depending on my mood, I mix using different accounts. Since Im currently calibrating, 2 of 10 as of the moment, i'm taking it easy and been using the smurf accounts mostly.

                          Once our startup goes alpha release, it might cut a lot of my dota time. But no worries since what we're building is esports related - something that the gaming community will benefit a lot from.


                            Sadly you won't start to see high quality games until after 4.5k. I go from 4.5 to 5k in mmr and when you spend a lot of time in lower mmr trying to adapt and be a team player you forget how to actually play after so many games. As you can see from my profile I have wasted ALOT of hours and had loss sprees etc. The best way to get to high mmr is either spam and master cores that you like or pick brawler initiator type heroes that will allow you to set the pace and give your team confidence and coordination. If you are more experienced than the people you are playing with then picking hard support or filling is not going to get you a high win rate even if you play perfectly, hense all the infamous elitest trash 4k spam.


                              ^ actually that was a major concern for me. After playing few games in 3.5k tier, I was very conscious of the adjustments I had to make both technically and mentally to adapt. One cannot just simply bring a 4.5k mindset into a 3k game. They are way different.

                              Good thing I played high 4k level battlecup til the Grand Finals last weekend, I was able to play couple of calibration games after that.

                              Story Time

                                honestly, if you are a busy adult, turbo mode is much better than ranked games: faster, chance to try funny builds and less flaming from your teammates


                                  I stay up late after work & play 2-3 games everyday... dropped from 4.5k to 3.5k last caliberation & finally to 3k after the new caliberation. The games upto 3.3k are really hard , since it is more about the team's mentality & draft . After that it's more about you adjusting to the win condition since you start getting decent team mates. I feel I can reach 5k with little devotion but I end up playing cancerous hours like zombie anyways :V Probably should start a smurf account for mmr

                                  Potato Marshal

                                    I work 9 hours a day, and take 2 hours to commute to work and back, and I can still comfortably play 5 games if I feel like it.


                                      wat a strong person


                                        That's 13 hours accounted for. Let's assume that out of the remaining 11 hours, you spend 6-7 hours sleeping. 5 games would be 2.5hrs minimum and 5 hours max assuming they're 50minute games(can't fit that in your schedule). When do you take a shower shit and eat? 0.o unless you sleep like 4 hours a night

                                        Potato Marshal

                                          That's 11 hours hours accounted for, not 13. Not to mention how unlikely it is to have 5 1 hour long games in a row


                                            Dirty neet pretending to be working


                                              gib me a portion of your stamina

                                              chicken spook,,,,

                                                honestly, if you are a busy adult, turbo mode is much better than ranked games: faster, chance to try funny builds and less flaming from your teammates

                                                meanwhile i cant understand what the hell is going on in turbo


                                                  So what is the difference ?


                                                    people play better than others

                                                    water is wet

                                                    it's sad that it takes people so much convincing that people amass lots of skill and play at a higher level

                                                    time brings skill


                                                      2ks - they draft carries in all lanes
                                                      3ks - they farm all game
                                                      4ks - we dont know how to utilize team strengths


                                                        2k-they dont know how to lane
                                                        3k- they dont know how to lane
                                                        4k- they dont know how to lane
                                                        5k- they dont know how to lane???????!??!?!
                                                        7k-very pro roam supports and laning

                                                        top tier team- see virtus pro
                                                        literally you tp to behind your own t2 10s before enemy starts a push

                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                          100k: they are just like in matrix movie Woooooooo


                                                            Feachairu you missed 6K,, do they know how to lane?


                                                              Lol 5ks know how to lane thats why the laning phase is similar to a toin coss, any side can win


                                                                ^ so what do you see are problems in 5ks?

                                                                My gut feel is that it gets more and more specific to game concepts such as

                                                                1. Power Spikes
                                                                2. Farm Priority
                                                                3. Who is strongest/weakest in the map


                                                                  Its all about the picks, just one bad core pick and you will most likely lose the game unless the supports make some crucial rotations or the enemy overextend and get punished instead.
                                                                  And maybe a bit about itemizations

                                                                  Maybe in immortal rank, it would become much more specific like what you have just said


                                                                    THE PROBLEM IN HIGH 5k IS DIVINE 3s PICKING CORE WHEN EVERYONE IS D5/RANKED STOP DOING THAT THANKS

                                                                    If you are on the enemy team though DO do that so I can get free mmr.


                                                                      idk,any 7k mid player can beat a 5k mid,i'm sure they dont really know how to do lanes that well

                                                                      or 6k offlane can beat 4k trilane easily,cant realy say about 7 and 5 on offlane though but probably also same result

                                                                      edit: or a 7k support player can roam lanes better,like by using trees and predicting enemy move then ensare(happened to me)
                                                                      and,know when to eat jungle creeps/stack + see time everytime so not miss bounty/stacks,also land stun betters

                                                                      @etd not 6k yet so no comment lol,but i ever saw 7ks playing against me on turbo or 5v5(little games though and i watched the replay since irriated)

                                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                      13 y.o (ghoul) (dead inside)

                                                                        2k = Very bad mechanical skills, very bad decision making
                                                                        3k = Average Mechanical skills, bad decision making
                                                                        4k = Good mechanical skills, some questionable decision makings
                                                                        5k = Perfect mechanical skills, good decision makings, bad advanced mechanics
                                                                        6k = Perfect mechanical skills, perfect decision makings, good advanced mechanics
                                                                        7k = Perfect mechanical skills, perfect decision makings, perfect advanced mechanics





                                                                            2k = worse
                                                                            3k = terrible
                                                                            4k = bad
                                                                            5k = bad but maybe aware of it
                                                                            6k = bad but aware of it
                                                                            ~rank 500 = bad but angry at everyone about it
                                                                            ~rank 100 = maybe good


                                                                              sometimes we in 3k don't know who's the real prioritize for farm so we just do our best, keep farming everything we can (unless you x pinged by everybody)


                                                                                any Ks tier can be beaten easily when there net have a problem ^^ that's the plagues


                                                                                  Like people saying that dendi is a bad player, i doubt that any 6k and below player can beat him 1v1


                                                                                    wat is perfect


                                                                                      wait so people at 5k who bad but doesnt aware about it is 4k?


                                                                                        i think 5ks are not good at team power spikes and team strategy

                                                                                        Cant Win

                                                                                          5k players will throw if they cant get mid or carry ez


                                                                                            You sure have a lot of time to spare and energy to utilise in making so many accounts lol


                                                                                              God damn I hate people like you. "Let's make a smurf and ruin other's people's games, that they CARE about, while I chill and do whatever the fuck I want because this isn't my main and I don't give a fuck". Legit end yourself.

                                                                                              Potato Marshal

                                                                                                What MMR do need to be to stop getting retards in your match trying to gank the enemy at their shrine with no vision?


                                                                                                  fighting to enemy shrine while activated is a bad idea seriosuly why people doing this you not some guy with 6 taras


                                                                                                    I think 4k and low 5k is the most sad bracket coz most players who buy account calibrate 2 4k and earlier 5k.


                                                                                                      And besides I had players in my team who r immortal still suck at dota coz they only know 3 heroes in dota.

                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!