General Discussion

General DiscussionSunday Doto

Sunday Doto in General Discussion

    Can someone analyze my two solo Ranked games of today?

    I mean, Every sunday when I play i just want to climb a bit, but I just lose and lose, and not necessary because I played bad or was Afk farming.

    I think there are more retards on sundays than monday to Friday.

    Dark Hunter

      Protip: play late at night or during the week
      weekends are ez -25


        Playing weekend, or evening from 4-11pm is kid time, your team will be full retards. Play 11pm-5am, best hours for avoiding kids imo


          I always lose on Sundays and that bugs me. If I’m always losing then someone else knows how to win on Sunday.

          Maybe you have to queue in Russian?

          SASA POPOVIC

            Weekends are bait, play party or unranked, i always lose MMR on weekends no matter what i do, its perfect irony, if you wanna pump that number working days from 2pm up to 10pm, later at night some weird shit is going on.


              never play at saturday and sunday

              Story Time

                yep, 3 games lost yesterday, it was like "what did i even expect!" but i really wanted to see the result of the calibration finally


                  same, wanted to speed up my calibration since i have not much time on weekdays, big mistake.
                  on weekdays calibration games i was 1loss 4 wins, now i lost 2 in a row

                  team of 4 russians diving towers all game and people picking MK roaming or oracle, feeding 2-15 and having no impact lul.

                  In past i never played on weekends because its just a giant clownshow, too many angry kids


                    i just won 4/4 games today, what a difference xD

                    SASA POPOVIC

                      Told you, weekends, bait!


                        Still, someone is winning those games...who is it? are Russian kiddies better than EU kiddies?

                        SASA POPOVIC

                          No idea, but me and most of the people i know got only losing streaks on weekends, someone is getting those fatty winning streaks for sure, but i dont know them, they are not in my friends list, we just "party MMR and chill on weekends" solo queue is a no-no!

                          Story Time

                            ^ smurfs of highger-mmr guys who are afraid of playing rank on their main because of the "weekend curse"?


                              idk these days, even weekdays are hell, lost a spectre and medusa game, serious chain feeding from team.

                              SASA POPOVIC

                                ^In both of those games you were heavily countered while you countered none, you need to draft better and wait for their hard carry so you counterpick since you are clearly best one in the team.

                                Mode : TOPSON

                                  try to play different playstyle of u play in your unusual time with losing streak, im always playing at morning-afternoon weekend so playing at night always give me guarantee

                                  hope that dotta or dotabuff make winrate hero based on time played


                                    Smurfs should stop ruining the quality of weekend games


                                      Well technically if weekend Dota is so bad and you guys are losing, also means it's great for those that beat your sorry asses.

                                      Or do you guys not realise that with every losing team there are 5 other winners?


                                        thats true sunday is sacred day, if ur unlucky enough u will meet my teammates like my game b4 after long win streak lose streak will happen "dota

                                          Yorum silindi

                                            Saturday saturdayyyyy night's alright

                                            chicken spook,,,,

                                              just dont play dota at all 4head

                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                              Story Time

                                                Well technically if weekend Dota is so bad and you guys are losing, also means it's great for those that beat your sorry asses.

                                                Or do you guys not realise that with every losing team there are 5 other winners?

                                                as we established above, those 5 guys who won are smurfs of higher-mmr players who are afraid of the weekend-dota in their bracket (they dont eeven enjoy the accumulation of the mmr on their smurf as they become in need of new low mmr accounts)


                                                  On average there are more shit weekend players on the enemy team than on yours. You should learn how to exploit those players.
                                                  Though, I don't see much evidence separating you from their kind.


                                                      How does one match disprove what I said. Do you not know what average means?

                                                      Bitch I have 57% win rate on Sundays over 500 games I know what I'm talking about.


                                                        You are in a different skill bracket. In my bracket not everyone takes this serious.

                                                        chicken spook,,,,

                                                          not this "ur not in my bracket" argument again

                                                          SASA POPOVIC

                                                            "On average", but not here

                                                            This doesnt mean that players in your team are bad and on the other team they are TI winners, it just looks like that because you are in fucking normal skill. Normal skill players suck dicks when they are playing from behind. Team that snowballs first wins the game there, always with no exception! Losing team tilts calls GG immediately and afks.

                                                            Story Time

                                                              biased perception is quite a thing in almost everything these days, critical thinking is rare


                                                                "not this "ur not in my bracket" argument again"

                                                                You cant compare NS with VHS. It is obvious that people in NS donst take 1 lost match so serious like a VHS player. And it was just a example, i can show you a lot of Sunday Matches where this happened.

                                                                Im working hard to get out of NS. But i need at least 300 more mmr to reach HS.